







  第一部分 听力技能(共两节,满分20分)




  1. What does the girl like? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

  A. Tigers. B. Elephants. C. Pandas.

  2. What’s Robert’s favorite sport? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

  A. Tennis. B. Basketball. C. Soccer.

  3. What can Lily play? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

  A. The guitar. B. The piano. C. The violin.

  4. What time does Frank usually get to school? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

  A At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.

  5. Where is the supermarket? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

  A. Next to the bank. B. In a school. C. Near the hospital.




  6. Whom did Lucy visit last week?

  A. Her aunt. B. Her sister. C. Her uncle.

  7. What did Lucy do in the countryside?

  A. Climbed the mountain.

  B. Fed the chickens.

  C. Went fishing.


  8. Where is Mike’s cousin from?

  A. Guangzhou. B. Hangzhou. C. Changsha.

  9. When will they go to the movies?

  A. On Monday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.


  10. What does Amy’s father love?

  A. Talk shows. B. Sports shows. C. News.

  11. How does Jack feel about talk shows?

  A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Just so so.

  12. What does Jack want to be one day?

  A. A star. B. A reporter. C. A player.


  13. What is Peter doing?

  A. Doing homework. B. Playing games. C. Reading books.

  14. What is Peter good at?

  A. Writing. B. Dancing. C. Running.

  15. Why does Linda want to be a doctor?

  A. To make money. B. To help people. C. To have fun.

  16. Where does Linda want to live?

  A. In Beijing. B. In Shenzhen. C. In Shanghai.


  17. How old is Li Hua?

  A. 16. B. 15. C. 14.

  18. When does Li Hua want to get a job?

  A. In summer vacation. B. On school days. C. On weekends.

  19. Where does Li Hua’s mom work?

  A. In a hospital. B. At a restaurant. C. In a school.

  20. How do many students get their pocket money now?

  A. By asking parents for it.

  B. By getting good grades.

  C. By making it by themselves.

  第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分20分)

  第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  21. The C919 is ______ large plane made by China.

  A. a B. an C. the

  22. My mother’s birthday is coming. I will buy a gift for ______ .

  A. she B. hers C. her

  23. The earthquake in Turkey(土耳其) happened ______ February 6, 2023.

  A. on B. in C. at

  24. People plant ______ trees on Tree- Planting Day every year.

  A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundreds

  25. Xu Mengtao is one of the ________ players in China.

  A. famous B. more famous C. most famous

  26. —______ I join the volunteer program on weekends?

  —Of course you can.

  A. Can B. Must C. Should

  27. Look! Our Chinese teacher ______ a talk in the meeting room.

  A. gave B. is giving C. gives

  28. Many people enjoy ______ zongzi by themselves on the Dragon Boat Festival.

  A. making B. made C. to make

  29 The cake ______ by the hungry students quickly yesterday.

  A. eats B. is eaten C. was eaten

  30. —Jenny, do you know ______ ?

  —She is from Canada.

  A. where is the woman in red from

  B. where the woman in red is from

  C. what the woman in red likes

  第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  It was Friday afternoon. After getting off the school bus, Susan ran into the ___31___ happily.

  “How was school, Susan?” asked her mom.

  “ It was ___32___, mom. Labor Day(劳动节) is coming. I am excited that I will have no ___33___ next Monday!”

  Susan woke up early on Labor Day morning. Mom told her that they ___34___ to do something meaningful. Susan couldn’t believe it. She thought Labor Day was a holiday.

  “ Susan, your ___35___ is ready. We have many things to do today. Let’s be quick,” said Mom.

  Susan didn’t like the idea, ___36___ she had to follow her parents. After she had breakfast ___37___ , she began the work unhappily.

  But things began to ___38___ while she was doing the housework. She found it was so interesting when she brushed the dog. She also ___39___ to clean the house. When she finished her work, she felt happy to see the house much ___40___ than before.

  Holidays are not just for fun or rest. We can feel happy by doing something meaningful.

  31. A. school B. house C. library

  32. A. great B. terrible C. boring

  33. A. classes B. friends C. gifts

  34. A. hated B. wanted C. refused

  35. A. supper B. lunch C. breakfast

  36. A. and B. but C. or

  37. A. kindly B. happily C. quickly

  38. A. change B. stop C. close

  39. A. forgot B. helped C. failed

  40. A. dirtier B. smaller C. cleaner

  第三部分 阅读技能(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 阅读选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  Here are some interesting after-school services in our school. Come and join us!






  Music Room



  AI Robot

  Art Room

  Miss Yang











  School Hall

  Miss Tang


  41. When can students enjoy music?

  A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.

  42. Linda is interested in science, so she can go to the ______.

  A. music room B. art room C. lab

  43. Who can teach Tom about AI robot?

  A. Miss Yang. B. Mr. Zhou. C. Miss Tang.



  Antarctica (南极洲) is one of the coldest places in the world. There is a penguin called Henry. The only thing he does all day is to swim in the cold water. He doesn’t like his life because it is boring for him. He wants to go out and see the world outside Antarctica. He tells it to his mother. However, his mother doesn’t allow him to go out.

  But Henry leaves Antarctica. At first, he is so happy because the water is still cold and everything outside of Antaretica is different and beautiful. But he doesn’t know his mother is following him. As he swims far away, he finds that the water is warmer and warmer. And he feels exhausted, so he has to stop his trip. He is afraid and doesn’t know what to do.

  At that time, he sees his mother, “I should listen to you, Mom.” His mother says, “It’s OK. I am sure you won’t leave Antarctica any more.”

  At last, Henry swims back to Antarctica with his mother.

  44. Where does Henry live?

  A. In Africa. B. In Asia. C. In Antarctica.

  45. What does Henry do all day?

  A. He talks with his mom.

  B. He swims in the cold water.

  C. He sings in the water.

  46. What does the underlined word “exhausted” mean?

  A. 疲劳的 B. 兴奋的 C. 羞愧的

  47. Where is this passage probably from?

  A. A newspaper. B. A storybook. C. A report.


  In China, there are 24 solar terms (节气) in a year. And there are six solar terms in winter. They are beginning of winter, light snow, heavy snow, winter solstice (冬至), lesser cold (小寒) and greater cold.

  Beginning of winter usually falls on November 7th or 8th. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to have a rest and spend time with the family. The northern China celebrates beginning of winter as the “Small Spring Festival”. People usually have dumplings and mutton soup on that day.

  Light snow usually falls on November 22nd or 23rd and heavy snow usually falls on December 7th or 8th. When winter solstice comes, it brings the shortest days of the year and the longest nights. Many places around the country can expect the coldest weather.

  Greater cold comes after lesser cold. The field is covered with snow. And all Chinese are ready to welcome the Spring Festival after it. Of course, a new round of solar terms will start.

  48. How many solar terms are there in winter?

  A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.

  49. What do people in the northern China usually have on beginning of winter?

  A. Dumplings and mutton soup.

  B. Noodles and fish.

  C. Rice and chicken.

  50. When does heavy snow usually fall?

  A. On November 22nd or 23rd.

  B. On December 1st or 2nd.

  C. On December 7th or 8th.

  51. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. Beginning of winter.

  B. The solar terms in winter.

  C. Greater cold.


  ChatGPT is a smart AI chatbot(聊天机器人) tool. It is developed by US company OpenAI. It is very popular all over the world. It is reported that over 89 percent of students have used ChatGPT to help with their homework. You can ask it to write stories and emails, translate languages, and answer all kinds of questions.

  Some schools in the US, Australia and France don’t use ChatGPT. They are afraid that ChatGPT could make it easier for students to cheat (作弊) on homework. Some people also worry that ChatGPT could be used to give wrong information.

  However, not all schools say “no” to ChatGPT. Some Canadian schools are making decisions on its use for both students and teachers. They will not stop the use of ChatGPT. Bhaskar Vira, a teacher at the school in Cambridge, said that not using ChatGPT is not clever. “We have to know that people will get used to an AI tool in our learning, teaching and examinations,” he told a school newspaper.

  52. ChatGPT is a ______ AI chatbot tool.

  A. strange B. useless C. smart

  53. What can ChatGPT do?

  A. Fly kites. B. Cook food. C. Write stories.

  54. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. ChatGPT was developed by Canada.

  B. ChatGPT can help with homework.

  C. All schools in France use ChatGPT.

  55. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. ChatGPT B. A Useless Tool C. The History of AI

  第二节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  The first forest library in Shanghai recently opened to the public. Readers can relax and read books in the forest library. The forest library was built by Pudong New Area and Shanghai Library. It is known as Read & Joy Forest. The forest library is near Shanghai Library East. It covers an area of 20,546 square meters.


  Readers can relax themselves in the quiet and comfortable environment. There are many different kinds of trees in the library. The green spaces are connected by wooden walkways.

  The library is in the open air. There are many things such as chairs and an information desk. Most of the visitors to the forest library are young people and parents with their children.

  Having a library in the forest is such a wonderful idea. People enjoy themselves reading in the forest. “I love the fresh air and trees here,” said Wang Tao, a reader of the library, “The library makes it possible to enjoy reading in the natural environment. I feel very relaxed here. I will come back for sure.”

  56. What can readers do in the forest library?


  57. Where is the forest library?


  58. Are there many different kinds of trees in the library?


  59. Who are most of the visitors to the forest library?


  60. What does Wang Tao love there?


  第四部分 写作技能(共四节,满分40分)

  第一节 综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  Many people often leave their hometowns to work in the cities. Zhang Bin, ___61___ 46-year- old man from Huaihua, is one such person. He ___62___ (work) in a shoe factory in Wenzhou. He ___63___ (real) misses his hometown.

  More and more hometowns are developing ___64___ (fast) than before. Large hospitals and new schools are built. There are many new roads and ___65___ (bridge). This has made traveling between villages ___66___ cities much easier. Thanks to the new roads around his village, Zhang Bin will now be able ___67___ (open) an online shop that sells delicious food from his hometown.

  Zhang Bin thinks the changes ___68___ (be) great in his hometown. He is very happy about the new school in his village. ___69___, he believes that one thing will never change — the lovely old tree. The hometown is the place that holds ___70___ (he) best memories.

  第二节 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


  A: How was your last vacation?

  B: It was great.

  A: ___71___ 

  B: I went to Zibo in Shandong.

  A: ___72___ 

  B: Because Zibo barbecue(烧烤) was delicious.

  A: Really? ___73___ 

  B: Yes there were. I met some interesting people. How about your vacation?

  A: ___74___ I just stayed at home, and I had nothing to do.

  B: Hmm... Maybe you can go to Zibo and have a try.

  A: ___75___

  A. Why did you go there?

  B. It was interesting.

  C. Where did you go?

  D. Sounds terrible.

  E. Were there many people in Zibo?

  F. Good idea.

  G It was boring.

  第三节 英汉互译(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Do you know Wang Jiyue? She is an eleven-year-old student from Qingdao. Her family is very poor and her parents are blind. 1.每天早上,她起床很早。She makes food for her family, and after breakfast she sends them to work. 2.Then she walks to her school. Jiyue has so many things to do in the morning, but she is never late for school.

  Jiyue is a very good student at school. 3.并且她经常帮助她的同学。She usually finishes her homework fast at school. 4.So she can look after her parents. After school, she takes her parents home and makes dinner for them. At night, she washes clothes and cleans their home. Wang Jiyue is such a great child. 5.We should learn from her.

  76. ________________________________________

  77. ________________________________________

  78. ________________________________________

  79. ________________________________________

  80. ________________________________________

  第四节 作文(满分15分)

  81. 健康对每个人都很重要,我们应该学会如何保持健康。请以“How to keep healthy?”为题,写一篇英语短文,向学校校刊投稿。





  should (√)

  shouldn’t (x)

  do sports every day

  refuse to exercise

  keep a balanced diet

  have junk food

  eat fruit and vegetables

  stay up too late

  have enough sleep

  play computer games a lot

  keep happy

  sit for a long time



  How to keep healthy?

  Nowadays, people pay much more attention to health. It is necessary for everyone to learn some ways to keep healthy.


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