


高三英语作文 篇1

Dear John,

  I’m sorry to here that you’re suffering from WeChat addiction. I really understand how you feel and I’d like to offer you some useful advice that I think will benefit you.

  First of all, I suggest that you should start some other hobbies,such as reading, listening to music,or playing chess,etc,which will take your mind off WeChat. Secondly, you’d better make more friends through face-to-face communication.They’ll assist you when you can’t resist the temptation of WeChat. Thirdly, it’s better for you to do some sports instead of using WeChat a lot because sports can not only keep you healthy but also enrich your life and help you forget WeChat.

  I hope these ideas can help you get rid of your addiction as soon as possible. Best wishes!

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

高三英语作文 篇2

  People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg.

  The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.

  To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it right now.




高三英语作文 篇3


  Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent computer.To shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and practices.Ideas expressed in soft wares, chips, communication systems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage worldwide.Beyond emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum activities.Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.

  在全球范围内,我们已经从一个文化中心为网络电视,有线电视,AM和FM收音机,电话的社会进入到以大众媒体,信息流,智能计算机的数字社会。转变 成数字经济,最明显体现在互联网的爆增,它正在改变日常产品和实践。思想体现在软件,芯片,通信系统,金融机构和大众媒体拥有巨大的全球影响力上。除了电 子邮件和网上购物,互联网还承诺大改光谱活动。它的好处可以在以下几个方面说明。

  In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our lives.Secondly, with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single keystroke.No matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human life.Furthermore, computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.

  首先,它有助于我们摆脱费力的工作,节省时间,方便了我们的生活。其次,计算机的广泛延伸到世界的每个角落,只需一个单一的`按键就可以透视人类生 活。不管我们在哪里,在学校,企业车间,手术室,实验室,银行政府大厅,因特网似乎都可以反映人类生活。此外,电脑不仅提供放松和娱乐还有利润。

  But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people, and make our lives more complicated.Some people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of socks.Yet in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries.Whether computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on different circumstance and the way you use it.<


  As a new millennium appoach, we look forward to constructing a new fantasy land by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide.


高三英语作文 篇4

  Don't drop than wood sent to mountain, changping bacc the exhaust and the sea. Life is easy to fight old heart not old, is the so-called: never too old to learn, learn seventy also too few. Brief is life, but should not be in a hurry traveler, and it should be: June struggle of passion, such as fire, forward steps if the river waves, in the mountain mountain, the water cut of water! When we failure on the way of life, see more Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, shi tiesheng, Helen Keller... They are art and literature have these, but unfortunately in life. They bowed their heads? The fall? Complain about? Give up?

  "Ups and downs of life," "I see the road, I will search up and down", "spring breeze willow ten thousand, millions of shenzhou ShunYao" poets are all in the pursuit of exploration. Life, have their own value. If a person can't make my life brilliant, but also have no reason to make it dull; Life can be ordinary, but not vulgar, vice; Life doesn't care about how much tear, and the process of lies in the pursuit of perfection and excellence!

  Life is more precious than time. Life, the most dazzling is career. Life, the most happy is struggle.

  Everyone has a tomorrow, everyone has a next year. A foothold today, look forward to tomorrow, based on this year, next year.

  I believe that no matter how bumpy the road in the future, as long as you seize today, sooner or later, will taste the sweetness of life in the struggle. Seize the moment in your life, rather than waste a year in January!

  The pursuit of positive, one percent of the hope may also become a reality; Passive waiting, ninety-nine percent sure will be ruined!







高三英语作文 篇5

  The wind gently murmured,puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along the livelong night.The cat was curling up quiet in her bed.The mouse was sleeping carefree in his gallery.The dog was lying swwet on the sofa.Even the earth itself was sleeping in tranquility,exept that some house door faintly creaked upon its hinge,telling us a remote inward warmth.Nature was at her midnight work with feathery flakes whirling down in the wind,as if she was showering her silvery seeds over the fields.

  Finally I woke up.The floor creaked under my feet as I moved towards the window.The snow as warm as cotton was lying calmly upon the window sill and the stillness of the morning was extremely impressive.

  The roofs were standing under their snow caps,while the eaves were wearing their glittering ornaments.The trees raised white arms to the sky on every side,and where there was a wall,there were some fantastic forms of snow stretching exhilarated in the dim landscape,as if Nature had carved her fresh desighs by night as models for man's art.

  Silently,I opened the door and stepped outside to face the cutting air.The moon had already lost some of its glow and the land was bathed in a dull mist.A lurid light in the east proclaimed the approach of day while the weatern landscape was bleak with some spooky stillness like a wizard kingdom.What you could only hear was the creepy sounds,seemingly out of the hell----the barking of dogs,the hammering of blacksmith,the lowing of cows and the crying of pigs under the butcher's knife.

  Gradually,the lurid light darkened and spread across the west.Every flower,every tree and every weed were bathed in the sunshine.Suddenly,it turned out that all the sounds were not for any melancholy they suggested,but for their twilight bustle which was too solemn and mysterious for me.

  I moved on,treading briskly along the road,the dry and crisped snow crunching under my feet.


800字 英语 英语 人生 干旱 全球 生活 计算机 一年 大众 奋斗 改变