
  南来北往 不辜负生活 不迷失方向.

  Come from south to north, live up to life and don't lose your way

  千万不要放弃 因为只有在最后一刻,最好的东西才会压轴出场。

  Never give up, because the best things come out at the last minute.


  诗和远方都要去看看 总会有意想不到的收获.

  Poetry and distance should be seen, and there will always be unexpected gains

  越是一无所有 越要奋力一搏.

  The more you have nothing, the more you have to fight


  读书不是为了拿文凭或发财 而是成为一个有温度 有情趣 会思考的人.

  Reading is not to get a diploma or get rich, but to become a warm, interesting and thinking person


  You must not stop to be what you want to be


  要学会接受这世界 当你做什么都无力的时候 唯一能做的就是努力让自己过得好一点。

  Learn to accept the world. When you can't do anything, the only thing you can do is try to make yourself better.


  Like the sun, there are ups and downs, but it does not lose its luster.


  我的光应该灿烂而热烈 而不是因世俗的烟尘而黯淡.

  My light should be bright and warm, not dimmed by secular dust


  Wait and see, I will be a qualified opponent.


  我们最终都要远行 最终都要与稚嫩的自己告别 面对告别 最好的态度就是 好好的告别.

  We all have to travel far and say goodbye to our young self. The best attitude to say goodbye is to say goodbye

  少年有梦,不应止于心动,更要付诸行动 总要学着长大吧!

  Teenagers have dreams. They should not stop at heart, but should take action. They should always learn to grow up!


  因为心中有梦 所以暗里有光 遥遥无期那又怎样 踮起脚尖就更接近光芒

  Because there is a dream in my heart, there is light in the dark. How can I stand on tiptoe to get closer to the light


  Choose someone who is in line with your pace. If not, go alone.

