中考英语90%的高频单词、短语和句型都在这160句话里 2


  3. Sometimes, the tired scientist wants to give up the plan for he has failed in the experiment some times, but he still spends some time on it every day because he believes he will be successful sometime.


  sometimes: 有时,时而。 频率副词:always > usually > often > sometimes > seldom > never

  sometimes 位置比较灵活句首、句中、句尾都可以。其他的频率副词一般位于助动词系动词之后,实义动词之前。

  some times: time可数名词,表示次数,几次

  some time: time不可数名词,表示时间,一段时间

  sometime: 副词,表示一个不太确切的时间,可以指将来也可以指过去。

  tired [tad] adj. 疲倦的; 疲劳的; 困倦的;

  scientist [santst] n. 科学家

  give up 放弃; 认输;

  fail [fel] v. 失败; fail in sth 未能(做到) fail to do sth

  experiment [kspermnt] n. 实验;试验;

  spend [spend] v. 花费; 花(钱或时间); somebody spends ....... on sth/ /(in )doing sth

  4. You can try borrowing some money from this rich woman, but I am afraid she won't lend even one dollar to you.

  你可以试着从那个富有的女人那里借钱, 但我恐怕她连一元也不会借给你。

  borrow [br] 表示向某人借,是借进,常与from连用

  lend [lend] 表示借给某人,是借出,常与to连用

  try [tra] v. 尝试;努力

  try to do sth 设法做某事,侧重努力,为了达到目的而努力。

  try doing sth 试图做某事,只是一种尝试,不带明显的目的性。

  5. To our surprise, though the result of the exam is surprising , the teacher was not surprised at it.


  surprise [spraz] n. 惊喜; 惊讶; vt. 使惊奇; 使诧异; 使感到意外

  surprising [spraz] adj.令人惊讶的 类似用法:exciting interesting

  surprised [sprazd] adj. 感到惊讶的 类似用法:excited interested

  be surprised at sth /sb 对....感到惊讶

  the result of ....的结果,表达的是“某件事或行为造成的结果”介词of后面是造成这个结果的原因;

  6. The support from his whole family gave him confidence to solve the difficult problem and finally he not only discovered a new disease but also invented new medicine against it.

  来自他全家的支持给了他解决难题的信心, 最终他不仅发现了新的疾病而且发明了新药抵制这种疾病。

  support [spt] vt. / n. 支持; 拥护;

  confidence [knfdns] n. 信心; 信任;

  solve [slv] vt. 解决; 处理;

  discover [dskv(r)] v. (第一个)发现; (出乎意料地)找到. 表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误。

  invent [nvent] v. 发明; 创造 to produce or design sth that has not existed before, you are the first person to think of it or make it.

  medicine [medsn] n. 医学; 药; (尤指)药水 medicine against 治疗....的药

  against [ɡenst] prep. 反对,与...相反,靠着




  正:He leaned against the tree.

  误:He against the tree.
