

  con-:together,with 和...一起;共同;联合

  centric—concentric 同一中心的,同轴的

  federation—confederation 结盟,同盟,联邦


  contra-:opposite 反对;相反

  diction-contradiction 矛盾,否定,反驳

  natural—contranatural 违背自然的

  cor-:( used before r ) together, with


  relate-correlate 有相关性

  respond-correspond 相符合,相一致;通信

  counter-:opposite 逆:反对:相反:对立

  act—counteract 对抗,扺消

  attack—counterattack 反攻,反击

  cross-:across; going between the stated things and joining them 横过;两事物间的运动


  breed—crossbreed 杂种,使杂交


  de-:showing an opposite; to remove;to reduce ...的反义;除掉;去掉

  code—decode 译码,解码

  value—devalue 贬信,贬低

  dis-:not;the opposite of 不;非;相反;相对

  advantage—disadvantage 不利,劣势,矩处

  agree—disagree 不同意,不一致,不适合

  honest—dishonest 不诚实,不老实

  em-:( used before b,m.p ) to cause: to become (在b,m,p前)使,使成为

  body—embody 表现,象征;包括,包含

  power—empower 授权,准许

  en-:to cause to become; to make 使,使成为

  danger—endanger 危及,使遭受危险

  large—enlarge 扩大,放大


  ex-:former ( and still living)前任

  minister—ex-minister 前部长

  wife—ex-wife 前委

  extra-:outside;beyond 在?之外;超出

  curricular—extracurricular 学校课程以外的

  ordinary—extraordinary 奇怪;特别;额外,临时

  fore-:in advance, before; in or at the front 先于;预先

  arm—forearm 前臂,预先武装

  warn—forewarn 预先警告;事先告知

