



  *Unit 1(25个单词)



  ·science英 [sans] / n.科学Science has greatly improved human life.(科学已经极大的改善了人类的生活。)·museum英 [mjuzi:m] / n.博物馆The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity.(博物馆藏有中国古代的遗物。)·post office英 [pust fis] / n.邮局I need to go to the post office to send this letter to my pen pal.(我要去邮局把这封信寄给我的笔友。)·bookstore英 [''bkst:(r)] / n.书店I ordered some new books from the bookstore.(我从书店订购了一些新书。)·cinema英 [snm] / n.电影院The cinema is always filled to capacity.(电影院经常客满。)·hospital英 [hsptl] / n.医院I''m going to the hospital.(我要去医院。)·crossing英 [krs] / n.十字路口There are traffic lights at each crossing.(每个十字路口都有红绿灯。)·turn英 [t:n] / vt.& vi.转弯The sign is telling us to turn right.(这个标志表示车辆在路口可以右转。)·left英 [left] / n.左In Britain cars drive on the left.(在英国,汽车靠左行驶。)·straight英 [stret] / adj.笔直的That road is very straight.(这条路很直。)·right英 [rat] / adv.右You can use green marks under right answers.(你可以在正确答案下面用绿色标记。)·ask英 [ɑ:sk] / vt.& vi.问I have got a few questions to ask.(我有一些问题要问。)·sir英 [s:(r)] / n.(对男子的礼貌称呼)先生Good afternoon to you, sir.(下午好,先生。)·interesting英 [ntrst] / adj.有趣的The show is interesting.We all laugh.(这个节目很有趣,我们都笑了。)·Italian英 [''tln] / adj.意大利的The Italian economic miracle has always been a mystery.(意大利的经济奇迹一直是个谜。)·restaurant英 [restrnt] / n.餐馆This restaurant is famous for being built on the sea.(这家餐厅因建在海上而闻名。)·pizza英 [pi:ts] / n.比萨饼Do you like eating pizza?(你爱吃比萨饼吗?)·street英 [stri:t] / n.大街,街道There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)·get英 [get] / vt.& vi.到达What grade are you hoping to get?(你希望得到什么样的成绩?)·GPS英 [di: pi: es] / 全球(卫星)定位系统The Internet and the GPS unit have covered the whole world.(因特网和全球定位系统已经覆盖了全世界。)·gave英 [gev] / v.提供;交给The audience gave him a warm applause.(观众给予了他热烈的掌声。)·feature英 [fi:t(r)] / n.特点The most noteworthy feature of the list is that there are no women on it.(这份名单最显著的特点是上面没有女性。)·follow英 [fl] / vt.& vi.跟着We followed him up the steps into a large hall.(我们跟着他上楼来到一个很大的大厅。)·far英 [fɑ:(r)] / adv.较远地Volunteers came from far and wide.(志愿者来自四面八方。)·tell英 [tel] / vt.告诉Would you like to tell me what happened?(能告诉我发生了什么事吗?)

  *Unit 2(29个单词)



  ·on foot英 [n fut] / 步行I usually go to school on foot.(我通常步行上学。)·by英 [ba] / prep.(表示方式)乘We went to school by bus.(我们坐公交车上学。)·bus英 [bs] / n.公共汽车They waited at a bus stop.(他们在一个公共汽车站等车。)·plane英 [plen] / n.飞机Can I have a plane?(我可以要你的飞机吗?)·taxi英 [tksi] / n.出租汽车I hurried away to hail a taxi.(我赶紧去叫出租车。)·ship英 [p] / n.(大)船The ship has docked.(船已经靠码头了。)·subway英 [sbwe] / n.地铁I have to go home by subway.(我得乘地铁回家。)·train英 [tren] / n.火车The train pulled into a station.(列车驶入了一个车站。)·slow英 [sl] / adj.(使)放慢速度;慢的The traffic is heavy and slow.(交通拥挤,车流缓慢。)·down英 [dan] / adv.减少;降低I followed her down the stair.(我跟着她下了楼梯。)·slow down英 [slu daun] / 慢下来The road is slippery; you''d better slow down.(路很滑,你最好减速。)·stop英 [stp] / vi.停下The road worker held up his hand to stop the car.(修路工人举手让车停下来。)·Mrs英 [''msz] / n.夫人Mrs Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.(卡文迪什夫人是我的一位亲密朋友。)·early英 [:li] / adj.早到的It is far too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)·helmet英 [helmt] / n.头盔A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike.(一位戴头盔的男子正跨上摩托车。)·must英 [mst] / aux.必须I have to go, I really must, at once.(我得走了,我真的必须马上就走。)·wear英 [we(r)] / vt.戴Mum,what should I wear today?(妈妈,今天我该穿什么?)·attention英 [tenn] / n.注意In doing our work, we must pay attention to ways and means.(做工作应注意方式方法。)·pay attention to英 [pei tenn tu:] / 注意Pay attention to your spelling.(请注意拼写。)·traffic英 [trfk] / n.交通Road traffic has reached saturation point.(公路交通已达到饱和点。)·traffic lights英 [trfik laits] / n.交通信号灯There are traffic lights at each crossing.(每个十字路口都有红绿灯。)·Munich英 [''mju:nk] / n.慕尼黑(德国城市)My training was geared towards winning gold in Munich.(我为了在慕尼黑夺取金牌而进行训练。)·Germany英 [''d:mn] / 德国Germany is located in the middle of Europe.(德国位于欧洲中部。)·Alaska英 [lsk] / n.美国阿拉斯加州Alaska and Hawaii were dependencies of the United States.(阿拉斯加和夏威夷过去是美国的属地。)·sled英 [sled] / n.雪橇Sled dogs that are notable for their stamina.(雪撬狗以它们的忍耐力而著称。)·fast英 [fɑ:st] / adj.快的The car was driving too fast!(这车开的太快了!)·ferry英 [feri] / n.轮渡The ferry cut merrily through the water.(渡船轻快地划过水面。)·Papa Westray英/ 帕帕韦斯特雷岛Papa Westray has a population of just 70 and no secondary school.(帕帕韦斯特雷岛人口只有70,岛上没有中学。)·Scotland英 [''sktlnd] / n.苏格兰Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is Britain''s highest mountain.(苏格兰境内的本尼维斯山是英国最高的山。)

  *Unit 3(27个单词)



  ·visit英 [vzt] / vt.拜访The three paid a visit to the wise man''s house.(刘关张三人拜访了诸葛亮。)·film英 [flm] / n.电影I must go and see this film.(我一定要去看这部电影。)·see a film英 [si: film] / 看电影I went to see a film in the cinema this evening.(今天晚上我去电影院看了电影。)·trip英 [trp] / vi.旅行How did you like the trip?(这趟旅行感觉如何?)·take a trip英/ 去旅行Are you going to take a trip?(你打算去旅行吗?)·supermarket英 [su:pmɑ:kt] / n.超市We''re going to the supermarket!(我们要去超市!)·evening英 [i:vn] / n.晚上;傍晚In the evening we watched the sunset by the beach.(傍晚我们在沙滩边上看挡日落。)·tonight英 [tnat] / adv.在今晚I''m going out tonight.(我今晚要出去玩。)·tomorrow英 [tmr] / n.明天I''ll go and see him tomorrow.(我明天去看他。)·next week英 [nekst wi:k] / adv.下周I reckon we''ll go next week.(我想我们将在下星期去。)·dictionary英 [dknri] / n.词典He''s bought a Chinese-English dictionary.(他买到了一本汉英词典。)·comic英 [kmk] / adj.滑稽的His comic actions often make us laugh.(他滑稽的动作经常使我们大笑。)·comic book英 [kmik buk] / n.(儿童的)连环漫画册I am going to buy a comic book.(我准备买一本漫画书。)·word英 [w:d] / n.单词The words stood out clearly on the page.(那些字赫然写在纸上。)·word book英/ 单词书This is my word book.(这是我的单词本。)·postcard英 [pstkɑ:d] / n.明信片Send your answers on the back of a postcard.(将答案写在明信片背面寄出。)·lesson英 [lesn] / n.课The teacher taught us an interesting lesson.(老师给我们上了一堂有趣的课。)·space英 [spes] / n.太空A Chinese space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.(一个中国太空舱目前正在绕地球轨道飞行。)·travel英 [trvl] / n.(尤指长途)旅行I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)·half英 [hɑ:f] / adv.一半I love melons.I can just cut them in half and eat them.(我喜欢香瓜,我可以把它们切成两半然后吃掉。)·price英 [pras] / n.价格They waged a price war.(他们打起了价格战。)·Mid-Autumn Festival英/ n.中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.(中秋节就要到了。)·together英 [tge(r)] / adv.一起We went on long bicycle rides together.(我们一起骑自行车长途旅行。)·get together英 [ɡet tɡe] / 聚会We always get together on festive days.(节日时际我们一般都在一起聚会。)·mooncake英 [''mu:nkek] / n.月饼We celebrate the Moon Festival by eating mooncake.(我们吃月饼来庆祝中秋节。)·poem英 [pm] / n.诗This poem is written by Du Fu.(这首诗是杜甫写的。)·moon英 [mu:n / n.月亮The moon was low in the sky.(月亮低悬在天空。)

  *Unit 4(14个单词)



  ·studies英 [''stdz] / v.学习,研究( study的第三人称单数形式)学习These studies have already thrown up some interesting results.(这些研究已经得出一些有趣的结果了。)·puzzle英 [pzl] / vt.迷I have in mind some doubts which really puzzle me.(我心中有一个疑团,百思不得其解。)·hiking英 [hak] / n.远足I like jogging and hikin.(我喜欢慢跑和徒步旅行。)·pen pal英 [pen pl] / n.笔友I heard from pen pal yesterday.(我昨天收到了笔友的来信。)·hobby英 [hbi] / n.业余爱好Fishing is my hobby,so I often go to the lake on weekends.(钓鱼是我的爱好,所以我经常周末去湖边。)·jasmine英 [dzmn] / n.茉莉Jasmine flowers give off a beautiful fragrance.(茉莉花散发出迷人的芳香。)·idea英 [ad] / n.主意,想法Whose idea is it?(这是谁的主意?)·Canberra英 [''knbr] / n.堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)Canberra is the political center of Australia.(堪培拉是澳大利亚的政治中心。)·amazing英 [mez] / vt.令人惊奇的The Northern Lights are so amazing!(北极光真是太神奇了!)·shall英 [l] / v.表示征求意见Shall we dance together?(我们一起跳个舞吧?)·goal英 [gl] / n.射门He kicked the ball into the goal.(他一脚把球踢进了球门。)·join英 [dn] / vt.& vi.加入I motioned him to join us.(我示意他加入到我们的队伍中来。)·club英 [klb] / n.俱乐部These are the most famous football clubs in the world.(这些是世界上最著名的足球俱乐部。)·share英 [e(r)] / vi.分享She had a sudden burst of recollection and had to share it with me.(她突然记起了很多事情,要与我分享。)

  *Unit 5(21个单词)



  ·factory英 [fktri] / n.工厂This factory manufactures shoes.(这家工厂制造鞋子。)·worker英 [w:k(r)] / n.工人The worker was ready to work.(工人准备好工作了。)·postman英 [pstmn] / n.邮递员The postman asked me to sign for the parcel.(邮递员叫我签收包裹。)·businessman英 [bznsmn] / n.商人I want to empower the businessman.(我想给那个商人授权。)·police officer英 [pli:s fis] / n.警察I want to be a police officer.(我想当一名警官。)·fisherman英 [fmn] / n.渔民His father is a fisherman.(他的父亲是渔民。)·scientist英 [santst] / n.科学家He is a scientist of high prestige.(他是一位有声望的科学家。)·pilot英 [palt] / n.飞行员He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot.(他最终实现了成为一名飞行员的梦想。)·coach英 [kt] / n.教练He is a football coach.(他是一位足球教练。)·country英 [kntri] / n.国家You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)·head teacher英 [hed ti:t] / n.校长Head teacher is more involve in administration than in teaching.(校长的行政工作比教学工作多。)·sea英 [si:] / n.大海The sea calmed down.(海上风浪平息了。)·stay英 [ste] / vi.保持Nothing stays the same for long.(任何事情都不会长期保持不变。)·university英 [ju:nv:sti] / n.大学Many Chinese students dream of studying in Peking University .(许多中国学生梦想能在北京大学学习。)·gym英 [dm] / n.体育馆We played basketball in the gym.(我们在体育馆里打篮球。)·if英 [f] / conj.如果I should look out if I were you!(如果我是你,我会小心的。)·reporter英 [rp:t(r)] / n.记者A reporter interviewed the combat hero.(记者访问了这位战斗英雄。)·use英 [ju:s] / n.使用I use a pencil to draw a picture.(我用一支铅笔来画画。)·type英 [tap] / vt.& vi.打字Ican type and take shorthand very well.(我打字和速记相当好。)·quickly英 [kwkli] / adv.迅速地I run very quickly.(我跑步很快。)·secretary英 [sekrtri] / n.秘书I employ a secretary to screen my calls.(我雇用了一名秘书转接打给我的电话。)

  *Unit 6(31个单词)



  ·angry英 [gri] / adj.生气的If you do that again, I''ll get angry.(你再那么着,我就火了。)·afraid英 [fred] / adj.害怕The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder.(这小女孩非常害怕打雷。)·sad英 [sd] / adj.难过的You look sad in this picture.(这张照片你看起来很难过。)·worried英 [wrid] / adj.担心的;发愁的Her worried about he heavy drinking.(她为他的酗酒感到担忧。)·happy英 [hpi] / adj.高兴的She is always happy to see her friend.(见到自己的朋友,她总是很开心。)·see a doctor英 [si: dkt] / v.看病You need to see a doctor.(你需要去看医生。)·wear英 [we(r)] / vt.穿Mum,what should I wear today?(妈妈,今天我该穿什么?)·more英 [m:(r)] / adj.更多的It''s obvious that you need more time to think.(显然你需要更多时间来思考。)·deep英 [di:p] / adj.深的There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him.(在他头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。)·breath英 [breθ] / n.呼吸Take a deep breath and blow.(深呼吸,吐气。)·take a deep breath英 [teik di:p breθ] / 深深吸一口气Take a deep breath in to invigorate you.(深吸一口气来提提神。)·count英 [kant] / n.数数The children are learning how to count.(孩子们在学数数儿。)·count to ten英/ 数到十Count up to ten before you open you eyes.(你数到十再睁开眼睛。)·chase英 [tes] / vi.追赶The man ran away and the policeman gave chase.(那个小偷跑开了,警察随后追了上去。)·mice英 [mas] / n.老鼠The mice have nibbled away part of the cheese.(老鼠把一部分干酪啃吃了。)·bad英 [bd] / adj.坏的;邪恶的Smoking is bad for your health.(吸烟有害健康。)·hurt英 [h:t] / vt.(使)受伤My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)·ill英 [l] / adj.有病;不舒服She is ill and is taken care of by the doctor.(她生病了,医生在照看她。)·wrong英 [r] / adj.有毛病Something is wrong with my bike.(我的自行车有毛病了。)·should英 [d] / 应该When you are working,you should sit up straight.(工作时,你应该挺身坐直。)·feel英 [fi:l] / vt.& vi.觉得;感到I am feeling very depressed.(我觉得非常沮丧。)·well英 [wel] / adj.健康;身体好She is not a well woman.(她不是一个健康的女人。)·sit英 [st] / vt.& vi.坐This seat is more comfortable to sit on.(坐这张椅子更舒服。)·grass英 [grɑ:s] / n.草坪Look!There are flowers in the grass.(看!草地上有花。)·hear英 [h(r)] / vt.& vi.听见I hear the alarm.(我听到闹钟响了。)·ant英 [nt] / n.蚂蚁The ant is a social insect.(蚂蚁是一种群居昆虫。)·worry英 [wri] / n.担心;担忧Don''t worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself.(你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。)·stuck英 [stk] / adj.陷住;无法移动Their lorry got stuck in the mud.(他们的货车陷到泥里了。)·mud英 [md] / n.泥Her shoes were caked with mud.(她的鞋上全是泥。)·pull英 [pl] / vt.& vi.拉;拽Pull as hard as you can.(尽可能地用力拉。)·everyone英 [evriwn] / pron.每人Everyone in the world should care about the planet.(地球上的每个人都应该关心这颗星球。)

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