



  锂硫电池因其高能量密度(2600 Wh kg-1)、低成本等优点被认为是极具潜力的下一代储能电池。但是可溶性中间产物多硫化锂(LiPSs)的穿梭效应、硫物种缓慢的转化动力学、锂枝晶的不可控生长等问题导致循环过程中容量迅速下降,阻碍了锂硫电池的商业化。


  为提高锂硫电池的循环稳定性,研究人员基于对多硫化锂的吸附-催化策略开发出了很多种硫宿主材料。以往报道的宿主材料主要起到保护硫正极的作用,在此,郑州大学张建民与河南农大董玉涛合作开发了一种可以同时保护硫正极和锂负极的宿主材料,相关成果以“Two-birds with one stone: Improving both cathode and anode electrochemical performances via two-dimensional Te-CoTe2/rGO ultrathin nanosheets as sulfur hosts in lithium-sulfur batteries” 为题在Journal of Colloid and Interface Science(DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2023.06.037)上发表。


  (1) 通过简单的一步水热法制备了超薄Te-CoTe2/rGO二维复合材料。

  (2) 吸附实验,Li2S沉积实验,对称电池等验证了材料对多硫化锂的吸附-催化作用。Li‖Cu半电池、Li‖Li对称电池等验证了材料对锂负极的保护作用。

  (3) 通过in-situ XRD和in-situ Raman测试探究了Li-S电池中硫物种的转化机理。





  Fig. 1.(a) Schematic diagram of the sample synthesis process. (b) The XRD pattern of Te-CoTe2/rGO, (c) nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm and the pore size distribution (inset) of Te-CoTe2/rGO, (d) TGA curves of Te-CoTe2/rGO and CoTe2/rGO in air. SEM images of (e) Te-CoTe2/rGO, (f) CoTe2/rGO and (g) Te-CoTe2. (h, i) HRTEM images of Te-CoTe2/rGO. (j) Mapping of Te-CoTe2/rGO.(来源:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)

  图1为材料的制备过程示意图以及材料的表征,SEM和TEM验证了Te-CoTe 2 /rGO复合材料的超薄二维结构。


  Fig. 2.(a) UV?vis spectra and photo (inside) of rGO, CoTe2/rGO (CTG), and Te-CoTe2/rGO (TCTG) after adsorption of Li2S6 solutions. XPS survey spectrum of Te-CoTe2/rGO (b) and elemental high-resolution XPS spectra of Co 2p before (c) and after (d) absorbing Li2S6 and Te 3d before (e) and after (f) absorbing Li2S6.(来源:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)



  Fig. 3.(a) CV curves of S@Te-CoTe2/rGO, S@CoTe2/rGO and S@rGO cathodes at 0.1 mV s-1. The corresponding Tafel plots of (b) peak B in the reduction direction and (c) peak C in the oxidization direction. (d) CV curves of the S@Te-CoTe2/rGO cathode at different scan rates. (e, f) The corresponding linear fitting curves of the peak currents from 0.1 mV s-1 to 0.5 mV s-1. (g) CV curves of symmetric cells using Te-CoTe2/rGO, CoTe2/rGO and rGO electrodes with or without Li2S6 at a scan rate of 1 mV s-1. Potentiostatic nucleation curves of Li2S with the (h) Te-CoTe2/rGO electrode and (i) Te-CoTe2/rGO, CoTe2/rGO and rGO electrodes in the Li2S8 catholyte.(来源:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)



  Fig. 4.(a) Comparison between Li2S6 solution and [Li2S6 + Te] solution. (b) UV?vis spectra of Li2S6 and [Li2S6 + Te]. (c) Raman spectra of Li2S6 and [Li2S6 + Te]. XPS spectra: (d) Te 3d of commercial Te, (e) Te 3d of [Li2S6 + Te], (f) S 2p of [Li2S6 + Te].(来源:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)

  图4 通过紫外-可见光谱、拉曼光谱和XPS验证了Te-CoTe 2 /rGO中的单质Te与多硫化锂反应生成Li 2 Te x S y 。


  Fig. 5.(a) CE of the Li‖Cu half cells with and without (w/o) Li2TexSy (LTS). (b, c) The corresponding selected voltage profiles. (d, e) Cycling stability of the Li‖Li symmetric cells with and without Li2TexSy. (f) Rate performances of the Li‖Li symmetric cells with Li2TexSy at different current densities. Surface morphology characterizations of (g) Li sheet before cycling, (h) Li sheet with Li2TexSy and (i) Li sheet without Li2TexSy after 100 cycles at 1 mA cm-2 for 1 mA h cm-2.(来源:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)

  图5表明Li 2 Te x S y 可以明显提高锂沉积/剥离的可逆性,从而起到保护锂负极的作用。


  Fig. 6.(a) Rate performances and (b) the corresponding charge?discharge profiles of S@Te-CoTe2/rGO, S@CoTe2/rGO and S@rGO cathodes at 0.2 C. (c) Charge?discharge profiles of the S@Te-CoTe2/rGO cathode with different current densities. EIS spectra (d) before and (e) after 100 cycles. (f) Cycling performances of S@Te-CoTe2/rGO cathode at 0.5 C, 1 C and 2 C. (g) Cycling performance of the S@Te-CoTe2/rGO cathode under high sulfur loading. (h) Long cycling performances of S@Te-CoTe2/rGO and CoTe2/rGO cathodes.(来源:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)



  Fig. 7.(a, b) In situ XRD patterns and (c, d) in situ Raman curves of the S@Te-CoTe2/rGO cathode.(来源:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)

  图7通过in-situ XRD和in-situ Raman测试探究了Li-S电池中硫物种的转化机理,在放电和充电过程中硫的转化过程为:α-S8 → Li2S8 → Li2S6 → Li2S4 → Li2S → Li2S4 → Li2S6 → β-S8。


  综上所述,本工作主要探究了具有双重保护作用的Te-CoTe2/rGO宿主材料在Li-S电池中的应用,通过一步水热法制备了具有双重保护作用的超薄Te-CoTe2/rGO材料,Te-CoTe2/rGO硫宿主对多硫化锂的吸附-催化作用有效保护了硫正极,同时Te-CoTe2/rGO中的单质Te与多硫化锂反应生成的Li2TexSy亦可以提高锂沉积/剥离的可逆性、保护锂负极。得益于其对锂硫电池的双重保护作用,S@Te-CoTe2/rGO电极在1 C时的初始放电容量为970.0 mA h g?1,在1000个循环后保留了56.23%的容量(545.5 mA h g?1),平均每个循环的容量衰减率仅为0.043%,明显低于S@CoTe2/rGO电极的0.056%。更重要的是这种双重保护作用的宿主材料的开发与实践,为提升Li-S电池的整体性能提供了一种新策略。


  张建民,理学博士,郑州大学教授,博士生导师。主要从事能源电化学、材料电化学、电催化、新型功能材料的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金、河南省自然科学基金、河南省科技攻关重点项目等10余项。《大学化学》编委,河南省化学会常务理事。在Chem. Sci.、J. Energy Chem.、J. Mater. Chem. A、Chem. Eur. J. 等主流学术期刊发表SCI 论文80余篇。

  董玉涛,理学博士,河南农业大学校聘教授,硕士生导师。主要致力于动力电池相关储能材料的研究,重点开展了新型锂/钠离子电池电极材料、锂硫电池关键材料与器件功能导向设计、可控构筑和构效关系等方面的研究工作。主持河南省科技攻关、河南农业大学拔尖人才启动基金等项目。近五年以第一作者或通讯作者在Chem. Sci.、J. Energy Chem.、Nano Res.、J. Colloid Interface Sci.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等国际知名期刊发表SCI 论文20余篇。


  Z. Cheng, M. Wang, Y. Dong, Y. Han, X. Yan, L. Xie, X. Zheng, L. Han, J. Zhang, Two-birds with one stone: Improving both cathode and anode electrochemical performances via two-dimensional Te-CoTe2/rGO ultrathin nanosheets as sulfur hosts in lithium-sulfur batteries, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2023),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2023.06.037


