听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(29)(录音+原文+答案)

  原标题:听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(29)(录音+原文+答案)



  听下面5 段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

  1.What is the correct title of this book?

  A.The New African Art.

  B.African’s New Heart.

  C.New African Hearts.

  2.What do you think the man will do at last?

  A.Help the woman push her car.

  B.Let the woman push her own car.

  C.Ask someone to push the car for the woman.

  3.Why won’t the woman eat any more?

  A.She’s had enough.

  B.She’s not feeling well.

  C.She’s losing weight.

  4.What does the man want to have?

  A.Ice cream. B.Tea. C.Coffee.

  5.Where does this conversation take place?

  A.At an airport.

  B.In a factory.

  C.In a classroom.




  6.Who is the man going to meet tomorrow?

  A.Tommy. B.Tony. C.Timmy.

  7.What is the relationship between the man and the woman?

  A.Husband and wife.

  B.Close friends. C.New Friends.

  8.Where are the speakers going to have dinner?

  A.In a restaurant.

  B.In a shopping center.

  C.At home.


  9.What does the woman come here for?

  A.To exchange the coffee maker.

  B.To buy a coffee maker.

  C.To have her money back from the shop for the coffee maker.

  10.What’s wrong with the coffee maker?

  A.Coffee can not come out of the coffee maker.

  B.It doesn’t work at all.

  C.The coffee maker has been used too many times.

  11.What do you think of the man’s attitude?

  A.Impatient. B.Terrible. C.Good.


  12.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A.In a fast food restaurant.

  B.In a shopping mall.

  C.In a hotel.

  13.What does the man want to buy?

  A.Two hamburgers and French fries.

  B.Two cokes and some ketchup(番茄酱).

  C.Two hamburgers,two cokes and French fries.

  14.How much does the man have to pay?

  A.50 cents. B.8.5 dollars.

  C.8 dollars.


  15.What’s wrong with the woman?

  A.She feels lonely though having many friends.

  B.She spends most of her time studying.

  C.She doesn’t have a good friend.

  16.Which kind of classmates may the woman learn to talk to?

  A.Those who have characters similar to the woman.

  B.Those who are interested in the woman’s life.

  C.Those who are ready to help the woman.

  17.How can the woman solve her problem?

  A.By believing in others.

  B.By talking more with her classmates.

  C.By helping friends.


  18.Where do most students learn the law in the USA?

  A.At top law schools.

  B.At less well-known universities.

  C.At very famous universities such as Harvard and Yale.

  19.How long do law students generally have lectures?

  A.For 9 months.

  B.For about 4 years.

  C.For 27 months.

  20.What’s the greatest change of the law schools?

  A.The number of women students had gone up to 49%.

  B.The number of men students has been cut to 60%.

  C.The number of law students in their 30s and 40s is becoming smaller and smaller.



  Text 1

  W:I ask at the bookstore about that book you mentioned,The New African Art,but I can’t find it.

  M:Oh,but the title is African’s New Heart.We have just been talking about African’s New Paints,so it is not sur- prising that you got the wrong title.

  Text 2

  W:Excuse me,but I can’t start my car.Do you think you could just help me give it a push?

  M:Well,I would,it’s just that I’m supposed to be at the doctor’s in five minutes,and I’m late as it is.

  W:But it’ll only take a moment.

  M:Oh,well,OK,if it is really going to take a very short time.Where is it?

  Text 3

  M:Another piece of meat pie?

  W:No,thanks,really.I’m on a diet.

  M:Please do.You hardly ate anything.

  W:It’s delicious,but I don’t think I ought to.

  Text 4

  W:Would you like some hot coffee or tea?

  M:I do like them both,but I’d rather have something cold.

  Text 5

  W:…And don’t forget to study for the test on Thursday.

  M:Excuse me,Mrs. Simon,but you said yesterday the test would be on Monday.

  W:Oh,yes.You’re right.Thank you for correcting me.

  Text 6

  W:So what’s your schedule for tomorrow,Dave?

  M:Well,first I have to do the accounts on the new computers.Then I’m meeting Tony.

  W:I thought you had already finished that.

  M:Yeah,but we have to check the final reports.

  W:So you won’t have any time left?

  M:Not until in the evening,I am afraid.Do you have anything particular tomorrow evening?

  W:Not really.I think I have a lot of time to kill.

  M:Well,then.Won’t you come over to my place to have dinner with me?

  W:With pleasure.

  M:Let me do the cooking this time.

  W:In that case,I will do some shopping tomorrow.

  Text 7

  W:Excuse me!

  M:Yes,what can I do for you?

  W:I have a problem with this coffee maker.

  M:Oh,what seems to be the problem?

  W:The problem is that it doesn’t work!I’ve only used it three times.

  M:I’d be happy to exchange it for you.

  W:No,thank you,but I just want my money back,please.I invited my friend to my place for dinner last night.After dinner,I put in the coffee and water.I switched the coffee maker on,but nothing happened!I want my money back.I don’t want it.

  M:Of course.Here’s your money.And I’m really sorry about all this.

  W:That’s OK.And thank you for your help.

  Text 8

  W:Yes,sir.What will it be for you?

  M:Two hamburgers and French fries.

  W:Is there anything else?

  M:Give me two cokes also,please.

  W:Is this to go or to eat here?

  M:We’ll eat here.

  W:Here you are.That’s eight fifty.

  M:And can I have some ketchup,please?

  W:It’s on the service counter over there.

  Text 9

  W:Can I have a talk with you,now,Mr. Smith?

  M:Sure,what is it?

  W:Well,I feel so lonely.How I wish I had a good friend!Could you give me some advice?

  M:Sit here,please.Take it easy.

  W:I spend most of my time studying.I hardly talk to my classmates.

  M:I see.Your problem is a common one among middle school students.First of all,believe in yourself.You just lack self-confidence.The first thing you must do is to smile at your classmates.Your smile will show that you are friendly to them.

  W:But I do want to talk.I just don’t know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation.

  M:You may try talking with a student who is as shy as yourself or who shares the same interests as you.You can ask a classmate about your studies,and you can also talk about the hobbies you have in common with him or her.

  If a classmate is in trouble in life or study,you should be ready to help.Once you have more confidence,you can make as many friends as you like.

  W:I’m feeling much better now.Thank you very much,Mr. Smith.

  Text 10

  More than 100,000 law students graduate from law schools in the United States each year.A small number of men and women study at top law schools such as famous universities as Harvard,Yale and Stanford.Most students, however,study law at less well-known universities all around the country.

  Law students in America generally attend law schools 9 months each year,for 3 years.But some attend law schools at night after work.Completing law studies at night takes about 4 years.

  Although most law students are in their twenties,a growing number of older people are studying law.There are many law students in their thirties and forties.Some enter law schools even later in life.

  One of the biggest changes in law schools in recent years has been the growing number of women students. About 40% of law students today are women.In 1970,only about 9% were women.



  11~15 CACBC 16~20ABBCB




  ● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(27)(录音+原文+答案)

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  ● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(23)(录音+原文+答案)







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