














  When I was a child

  When I was that high(当我那么高的时候,用这个词的适当用手比划出一个高度,body language 也是很有趣的呀~)

  as a child

  when I was younger

  as I grow/ got older

  when I was older



  the elders,

  close relatives,

  siblings 兄弟姐妹


  I often helped my grandparents with small cooking preparation tasks such as peeling and mixing when I was younger.

  Well, I quite liked pizza when I was a child, but I've become more adventurous in my food choices as I grew older.

  When I was a child, the elders around me influenced me on being polite by demonstrating it through the way they interacted with people.



  Well, for most of the time,..., whereas once in a blue moon(表示偶尔,很少),....


  In most cases, yes, it's crucial to make plans id you want to do something successfully.

  However, sometimes, there's also an element of luck, so I would say luck plays and important role in it too!


  I think there are more than one reasons.

  ... not simply becuase...

  but also because ... since ...


  Do you like music?


  Definitely, I fancy it quite much and right now my favorite type is electronic dance music.

  In the past, when I was that high I thought it was pretty noisy and I can't focus on what I am doing, however as my growing up the rythm and beats of it can cheer me up when I'm in blue.


  Absolutely, I am fond of electronic dance music.

  For most of the time, I am keen on tropical house, the typical 4/4 kick drum pattern creates the melodic rhythm which can ease my mind helping me continue my work and study.

  Whereas once in a blue moon, I prefer to immerse myself in trap, brostep or dubstep so I can loosen up and recharge the inner power.


  Please compare the family activities you do now with the activities you do when you were a child.

  Well ,the differences are quite obvious.

  In the past, people didn't have many options.

  Playing Mahjong, preparing meals or just chatting, nothing really interesting in my eyes.

  But nowadays, people never worry about what to do when gather up.

  You know, at least we've got a big vatiety of games and parties.




  quite a few people

  the majority of people

  most/many/lots of people

  almost everyone

  a handful of people


  Because of the rapid development of technology, the mass production(批量生产) that would need thousands of workers in the past only requires a handful of people now.


  Is it necessary to take a nap during the day?


  No, I don't think it's necessary to take for all people to take a nap at noon(替换题干).

  It's certainly not convenient for the majority of people to nap at that time.

  A few people, especially(细化) the older people or the very young, may need a nap duting the day and sometimes during hot weather(细化), but generally speaking, naps are not essential(同意替换).


  At what age do people usually retire from work?


  Most people retire from work at the age of 65, though that retirement age is increasing all the time.

  There are lots of people who would like to continue to work after retirement age but equally there are lots of jobs that aren't so easy as you get older


  elderly/ old/ older people

  the elderly

  senior citizens

  the older generation

  the young/ youth

  younger/ young people

  young adults



  the younger generation



  年轻人:doing quite exciting and energetic things

  老人: quiet activities such as reading and watching TV

  Compared to the elderly, the young are more keen on challenging their own physical limits and participate in extreme sports like parkour.

  The elderly normally engage in less physically demanding activities like power walking instead of highly competitive sports such as basketball.

  The elderly enjoy getting together in public squares for line dancing as a social activity rather than going to clubs like young adults.

  The older generation loves to relax their mind and body in the open air. By contrast, the younger generation likes to work out at the gym. Actually, age influences the activities that people choose to do.


  Teenagers are generally (on the whole) active on various social media like wechat, weibo and QQ.

  Compared to the youth,senior citizens are more likely to be socially inactive.


  How do young people and old people use mobile phones differently?

  Basically, young people use mobile phonesfor almost every aspect of their lives - for personal reasons, for work, for shopping, for directions, as an alarm or watch substitute to book tickets etc.

  Nevertheless, older people tend not to use as much of the smart functions.

  Having said that, both younger people and elderly people treat it as a phone - to ring and call people


  年轻人:modern music at concerts or bars

  老人: traditional music at home or public squares

  Young people, on the whole, mainly like listening to pop music, whereas the older generation tends to prefer listening to more traditional music, like folk music, Chinese opera, and even Red Songs.


  What's the difference between young

  people's preference and old people's preference for art?

  Well, older people may be said to favour more traditional art forms and more recognisable art works.

  By contrast, younger people have

  been exposed to all the different art genres and movements and so have a greater understanding of art today.

  Having said that, both the young and the elderly enjoy appreciating the masterpieces by some of the world-famous artists like Van Gogh.


  Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as young people?

  Not really, most older people prefer traditional dancing, kind of like line-dancing! It's a real social actiivity as they get to exercise and meet and talk with friends and neighbors.

  However, the younger generation enjoys modern dancing more such as hip-hop moves.


  Do you think there's some difference between the old and the young in their favorite type of music?

  Apparently, differences are significant.

  Personally, during one's adolescence and early childhhod, those intense music styles are preferred, including punk, metal or rap which are seen as aggressice and lousy.

  On the other hand/ on the contrast,

  the elderly/ senior citizens are in favor of the peaceful and lyrical music types such as classic, jazz and opera and so on which have sentiments of family, love and loss.


  There are more gender neutral(中性的) toys such as LEGO that boys and girls can play with in the same way.

  There is also a big increase in women joining gyms, so I think both men and women have similar attitudes towards keeping fit.

  I think both men and women see colors alike. For example, they consider pink a feminine color.

  Men don’tponder a lot over colors when choosing clothes,whereas women tend to do so.

  Men’s color taste is quite different from women’s as most men’s wear are more basic-colored instead of varying vastly from monotone to color-mixed.

  Most of the time, both men and women share their opinions about purchasing an apartment. Likewise, buying furniture needs to be a joint decision also.

  I think buying funitture needs to be decided by both men and women, especially for beds and sofas as both people will equally use them.


  Who smiles more, men or women?

  Maybe there's a perception that women tend to be more emotional and therefore smile more.

  Having said that, the frequency of how often one smiles actually depends on dispositon rather than gender, that is, if they are happy or not.


  To me, music is a necessary article in my daily life, just like cellphone, WIFI and freshair. I cannot imagine my life without it, no matter when I am down or high, it can always stand my side.













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