
  1. accuse/charge

  2. accuse / blame

  They_____ Jim of murder.

  They _____Jim with murder.

  He _____me of telling a lie.

  He _____me for telling a lie.

  3. rob/steal/cheat

  He _____her of her money.

  He _____money from her.

  He _____her out of her money.

  4. replace / substitute

  She ____ sugar with honey.

  She ____ honey for sugar.

  5. consult / look up

  If you don’t know this word, consult it in your dictionary.

  6. collide / crash

  The motorcyclist couldn’t stop and ____ with the truck.

  The motorcyclist couldn’t stop and ____ into the truck.

  7. spend / invest

  Businessmen invest vast amounts on these industries. (invest heavily


  8. charge / cost/spend /take

  How much did it charge you to have your watch repaired?

  9. inform (of)/ communicate (to, with)

  He ____ the news to us.

  He ____ me of the news.

  10. prohibit / forbid (to)

  I was ______ to smoke

  I was _______ from smoking.

  11. restrain / refrain

  Doesn’t your wife ___ you from smoking ?

  I _____ from smoking ever since our marriage.

  12. teach / instruct

  She instructs us English. In

  13. constitute / consist of / comprise

  A year _____ twelve months.

  Twelve months ___ a year.
