外刊精读 | 超级高铁是什么样子呢?






  RAHEL SOLOMON, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Whether through the air, along the track or on the road, modern-day transportation has transformed the way we travel on a global scale, allowing mobility like never before. But as growing populations and densely packed cities stress these systems, innovators around the world are imaginating faster more sustainable ways to get from A to B.


  From supersonic planes to hyperloop pods, what may seem like a pipe dream today could be the future of transit as early as three decades from now. To envision the future of travel, you should first look to the past. To a city that heralded modern-day transportation, innovation.


  ALISYN MALEK, MANAGING DIRECTOR, NEWLAB DETROIT: Detroit is the Motor City it's known the world over. We put the world on wheels. It was here that Henry Ford pioneered the production lines that allowed us to more quickly produce vehicles in a way that improved quality and allowed more people to be able to afford cars.


  I'm Alisyn Malek and I'm the managing director of Newlab Detroit. I'm working to help bring a better, more prosperous vision of mobility for everyone around the world. When I think about urban mobility, some of the key pillars that are really critical for that to be successful are accessibility, how easy are the mobility solutions to get to, how frequent are the services running, what areas are covered.


  As we look towards 2050, we're going to be getting up close to 9 billion people. From a transportation perspective, it's really about options and making sure that everybody has at least two if not more of how they can get around. A lot of the systems that we're using were great. They are still great, but we actually need to think about what other solutions can we put out that are useful and also create a great user experience.


  SOLOMON: One solution that's certainly gotten a lot of hype over the last decade is the hyperloop. The proposed train in a tube is looking to upend the way we travel, with speeds up to a thousand kilometers per hour it could zoom across an entire continent and just a few hours. Netherlands-based Hardt Hyperloop is aiming to bring this high-speed technology to life.


  MARS GEUZE, CO-FOUNDER, HARDT HYPERLOOP: Our vision is to create a world where distance doesn't matter, where it's possible for you to be much more free in where you live, work and how you travel, to really shrink the world for people to live in. To me, the next frontier is to realize sustainable, high-speed and convenient transport of passengers and goods.


  SOLOMON: This future-forward concept is actually built on the backbone of a 19th-century idea where compressed air propelled rail cars through a network of pipes. Today, hyperloop technology is based on two key mechanisms, removing aerodynamic drag through vacuum-like tubes and removing friction through magnetic levitation or maglev, which makes the pods float and move forward. Together, these systems allow hyperloop to achieve ultra-fast speeds.


  GEUZE: Now, we're in the first integrated test track that we've built. We've tested a 4,000 kilo or 8,000 pounds vehicle to really show the normal loads that you would have on a tube and that you can still have your levitation system carry that weight.



  Transportation 交通运输

  Mobility 移动性

  Global scale 全球规模

  Growing populations 不断增长的人口

  Densely packed cities 拥挤的城市

  Innovators 创新者

  Supersonic planes 超音速飞机

  Hyperloop pods 超级高速列车

  Pipe dream 空想

  Transit 运输

  Envision 预见

  Urban mobility 城市移动

  Accessibility 可访问性

  Frequent services 频繁服务

  Transportation options 交通工具选择

  User experience 用户体验

  Hyperloop technology 超级高速传输技术

  Vacuum-like tubes 类似真空的管道

  Magnetic levitation 磁悬浮技术

  Reading Questions:

  1. What is the hyperloop and how does it work?

  2. What are some critical pillars needed for successful urban mobility?

  3. What is the vision of Hardt Hyperloop?

  4. 跟读+模仿(这是学习英语口语最好的方法),群提交语音作品



  The hyperloop is a proposed train-in-tube transportation system that aims to achieve ultra-fast speeds up to a thousand kilometers per hour. It uses two key mechanisms, vacuum tubes to remove aerodynamic drag and magnetic levitation to remove friction, allowing the pods to float and move forward.


  Accessibility, frequency of services, and coverage areas are critical pillars for successful urban mobility, according to Alisyn Malek, the managing director of Newlab Detroit.


  The vision of Hardt Hyperloop is to create a world where the distance does not matter, where people can be more free in where they live, work, and how they travel. They aim to realize sustainable, high-speed, and convenient transport of passengers and goods through the hyperloop system.
