
  15 Study the following reportage carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. interpret the reportage;

  2. point out the reasons for the problem;

  3. suggest possible ways to solve the problem.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  本报记者报道自20世纪70年代末以来,中国的离婚率持续上升。离婚水平已超过邻国日本和韩国,与新加坡同属亚洲离婚率较高的国家。这是近日中国社会科学院人口学专家唐灿发布的调研报告中指出的。这份报告还写到,据2003年北京市统计年鉴公布的数据,2002年北京市的离婚总数为38756对,当年户籍人口为1136.3万,粗离婚率达到6.82‰;当年的结婚对数为76136对,由此计算离结率高达50.90%。也就是说,这一年平均不到两对夫妻结婚就有一对夫妻离婚,北京市的离婚率已经成为全国最高。这是一道相当特殊的题目,是就一段汉语的新闻报道命题,提纲却是传统的模式。这类题目出现的比率不大,我们在本书中穿插了个别这样的题目主要是为了拓展大家的视野,而且这类题目所涉及的主题也是非常重要的,很有可能以图画题或图表题等主流形式考查到。According to the above news report, the divorce rate in China keeps increasing since 1970s, and now is higher than that in Japan and Korea. It was also reported that the ratio of divorced couples to married 555电影网 couples reached 1 to 2 in 2002 in Beijing.

  From my point of view, the problem of high divorce rate in our country can be analyzed from three perspectives. To begin with, owing to economic development and womens liberation, the traditional family mode has changed greatly. Now in most cases the two parties of a marriage are psychologically and economically independent. Second, because of the higher living standard and onechild policy, many young people have shaped a selfcentered personality, which is liable to result in lack of mutual care and understanding. Third, when all the social members become more and more openminded, people are less restricted to the traditional conception of marriage. Third parties, extramarital love and online marriage all pose great threats to the legal marriage.

  As we all know, healthy marriages are beneficial not only to the couples themselves, but also to the growth of the children and to the stability of the whole society. Therefore, it is worthwhile to make efforts to reduce the divorce rate. Before they get married, young couples should be emotionally and psychologically well prepared for all possible conditions and changes in marriage. Furthermore, school and family education should help enhance the sense of responsibility, which is not only the key to a healthy marriage but also to a successful career.文章共分三段。第一段是将新闻报道中最重要的信息提炼出来,这是看大家的基本功是否扎实。第二段给出了该现象的原因。第三段是解决问题的办法。



  第三段写解决办法。先说健康的婚姻对夫妻、孩子和社会均有益,推导出减少离婚率是很有意义的事。首先说年轻人应在结婚时做好准备,以应对婚姻中的各种情形及变化。另外,学校和家庭教育应着重加强他们的责任感,这对婚姻和事业都是大有益处的。 该文是特殊的出题方式,考试中遇到特殊的形式,也不必慌乱,一定要看清楚具体的要求,这样就可以有的放矢了。看到熟悉的方式甚至题目,也不要过于欣喜,一定要把优势转化成胜势。


  首段的news report相当于提纲中的reportage,意思是“新闻报道”。

  次段首句的perspective意思是“角度”。第四句的onechild policy表示计划生育的“独生子女政策”,selfcentered personality表示“以自我为中心的个性”,mutual care and understanding表示“相互关爱和理解”。第五句中的openminded表示“思想开明的”。第六句中的pose great threats to表示“对……构成重大威胁”。

  第三段中的enhance the sense of responsibility表示“加强责任感”。
