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  72. 我很感激他们为保护上海方言所做的努力。(appreciate)

  I appreciate their effortin protecting Shanghaidialect.

  I appreciate their workinghard to protect Shanghaidialect.

  73. 与手册上说的一样,这里的司机都有礼让行人的习惯。(As)

  As is said in thebrochure, the drivers here have the habit of giving way to pedestrians.

  74. 每周三,这些大学生雷打不动地前往孤儿院做志愿者服务,叫孩子们剪纸和编织。(a rule)

  Every Wednesday,these university students make it a rule to do volunteer service inthe orphanage, teaching children paper-cutting and knitting.

  75. 当这首歌在今年艺术节上首发时,因为它节奏明快、风格诙谐而引发轰动,然而这只是昙花一现。(when)

  When this song was first releasedin this year's art festival, it made a stir with its lively rhythm and wittystyle, but this was just in a flash.


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