


  1.Where will the woman most probably spend the evening?

  A.Out of town.

  B.At home.

  C.At a restaurant.

  2.How long does it take the man to drive home after 5 p.m.?

  A.35 minutes.

  B.20 minutes.

  C.15 minutes.

  3.What is Susan Gray?

  A.A writer.

  B.A teacher.

  C.A reporter.

  4.Why does the man want to change his living place?

  A.His roommate stays awake all night.

  B.He wants to play his recorder at night.

  C.He needs a quieter place to live in.

  5.What does the woman think of the piano lessons?

  A.They are very interesting.

  B.They are too expensive.

  C.They are too easy.




  6.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The man didn’t work hard.

  B.The little girl doesn’t like school.

  C.The dog’s owner wasn’t on the scene.

  7.Why did the girl fall to the ground?

  A.She was too afraid.

  B.The dog pulled her down.

  C.Something was wrong with her leg.

  8.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The dog bit the girl in the arms.

  B.The police took the girl to a hospital.

  C.The dog’s owner lives nearby.


  9.What is the woman going to do?

  A.To buy a ticket.

  B.To take a plane.

  C.To meet a friend at the airport.

  10.What must the woman do in order to get to the place she wants to?

  A.Walk through three hundred yards and turn left at the end.

  B.Turn left at the end of the hall and walk further to a sign.

  C.Turn left at the ticket counter and walk further.

  11.Why will the man draw the woman a map?

  A.He is afraid of misunderstanding.

  B.The man wants to confuse her.

  C.To show off his skill in drawing maps.


  12.What are the speakers talking about?

  A.Modern technology.

  B.Dangerous driving.

  C.Behaviors in the theatre.

  13.What makes the woman unhappy?

  A.She gets a chance to speak out.

  B.The convenience people like of cell phones.

  C.The way people use their cell phones in public places.

  14.What do we know about the woman?

  A.She believes the guy’s phone rang behind her.

  B.She believes that some law is needed.

  C.She believes she is in danger.


  15.What’s the man doing?

  A.Visiting a toy factory.

  B.Looking for a car factory.

  C.Picking a car.

  16.What’s the car made of?

  A.Steel or plastic.

  B.Wood or plastic.

  C.Iron or plastic.

  17.Where will they go after that?

  A.Another factory.

  B.Another workshop.

  C.Have a rest.


  18.When is the heavy traffic hour on most city streets according to the passage?

  A.During 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

  B.Between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

  C.In the period of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. every day.

  19.Which of the following is not against the laws in big cities to cross the street?

  A.At any place. B.At the corner.

  C.At any place without traffic.

  20.Why may people not follow closely the traffic laws in small towns?

  A.Because the streets are not crowded.

  B.Because people don’t like the laws.

  C.Because cars take care of the people.



  Text 1

  M:We can go to the theatre tonight,or would you rather eat at a restaurant?

  W:To tell the truth,I can’t go anywhere this evening,because I’m expecting an important phone call from out of town.

  Text 2

  W:How long does it take you to drive home?

  M:Usually about 20 minutes when there is not much traffic.But if I can’t leave before 5 p.m. it takes me 15 minutes more.

  Text 3

  W:Good evening,Dr. David.My name is Susan Gray.I’m with the local newspaper.Do you mind if I ask you several questions?

  M:Not at all.Go ahead please.

  Text 4

  W:It’s said that you’re moving to a new apartment soon.

  M:Yes,I have to do so although it’ll be more expensive.My present roommate plays his tape recorder all night long and I can’t sleep.

  Text 5

  M:How are your piano lessons going?

  W:Very well.My teacher thinks I’m making progress,and I find the lessons well worth the time and trouble.

  Text 6 (狗伤人)

  W:Good morning.May I talk to you for a minute?I’m a reporter from the City Express and I’d like to ask you a few questions about what happened here yesterday afternoon.

  M:If you are referring to the dog attack,I’d be happy to answer your questions.

  W:Great.Can you tell me exactly what happened?

  M:Of course.(6)I was taking a break near my construction site at about three o’clock yesterday afternoon.A school girl of about 11 walked by.Suddenly the dog started running after her.(7)She was so frightened that she fell over, That big dog started biting her on the leg.I picked up an iron bar and hit the dog.It finally let go and (8)ran back to a nearby house.I immediately called the police who came in about eight minutes.An ambulance took the girl to the hospital and (8)the police took the dog and its owner away.It was terrible!

  Text 7(问路)

  W:Excuse me.Can you help me?


  W:(9)I have a ticket to Seattle.How do I get there?

  M:I can’t help you here.You have to go to the ticket counter.(10)Follow this passage to the end,turn left and go three hundred yards.You’ll see a sign that says,“Check In.”Then look for the airline you want.

  W:Can you repeat that,please?

  M:Sure.Go down this hall till you come to the end.Go left till you see the big sign over head“Cheek In”.There’ll be lots of counters for the different airlines.You have to go to the one where you have your ticket.

  W:Go down this hall to the end.Then go left?

  M:That’s right.Here.(11)I’ll draw you a map.Sometimes it’s confusing.

  W:Thank you.

  M:My pleasure.

  Text 8(现代技术感受)

  M:(12)So,tell me,what’s the one thing that really makes you unhappy about modern technology?

  W:I’m happy to get a chance to speak out.I know that a lot of people like the convenience of cell phones,but I find them truly irritating.People don’t seem to know when to leave them at home.(13)I hate it when people use their cell phones in a restaurant or a store.It’s probably none of my business,but it drives me crazy.One night in a movie theater,some cell phone began to ring and a guy behind me began to have a conversation right there during the movie.And the people who talk on the phone while they drive.Well,they’re putting the rest of us in danger,aren’t they?(14)There should be a law against it.

  Text 犯罪片 9(参观工厂)

  W:(15)Welcome to our factory.First,let me give you a brief introduction.It was set up five years ago.Model cars and trucks are our main products.They are very popular among children.There are three workshops in our factory.

  M:That sounds interesting.

  W:This way,please.Here we are.This is the workshop where model cars and trucks are produced.

  M:Oh,it looks great.How many model cars and trucks do you produce every month?

  W:About ten thousand.

  M:Really?That’s amazing.What are they made of?

  W:(16)Some of them are made of wood and others are made of plastic.

  M:That’s why some models are light and others are heavy.

  W:Right.(17)Shall we go to another workshop?


  Text 10(步行)

  If you only need to travel a short distance,the quickest way to travel in most cities is on foot.(18)During working hours,between approximately 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday,the traffic is very heavy on most city streets,sometimes coming to a complete stop in places.As a result,many people prefer to walk.You should therefore be aware of some of the traffic laws.(19)It is against the law in many cities to cross the street at any place except at the corner.You should not cross the street unless there is a green traffic light facing the direction you plan to cross.In small towns,these rules may not be followed as closely,(20)because the traffic is usually not so heavy.However,the purpose of the laws is to provide for the safety and protection of the people.Remember to look both ways for automobiles when you cross the street.


  1~5 BACCA 6~10 CACBB

  11~15 AACBA 16~20 BBABA

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