“最脏”果蔬榜发布 草莓再次高居榜首


  “最脏”果蔬榜发布 草莓再次高居榜首

  Once again, strawberries top the list of the 12 "dirtiest" fruits and vegetables, according to the Environmental Working Group. 根据环境工作组发布的报告,草莓再次名列12种“最脏”果蔬榜单之首。

  The list, published each year since 2004, ranks popular fruits and vegetables based on pesticide contamination. 这份年度榜单于2004年开始发布,根据农药污染指标对果蔬进行排名。

  The group found that one third of all conventional, or non-organic, strawberry samples contained 10 or more pesticides. One sample of strawberries was found to have an "astounding" 22 pesticide residues, EWG said. 该机构发现,在所有的传统种植或者非有机草莓样品中,有三分之一的样品含有10种以上农药。其中一份草莓样品含有22种农药残留,让人震惊。

  Spinach, the second produce item on the list, contained pesticide residues in 97 percent of conventional, or non-organic, samples. Additionally, more than 98 percent of samples of strawberries, peaches, potatoes, nectarines, cherries and apples tested positive for residue of at least one pesticide, according to the activist group. 菠菜在榜单中排名第二,97%的传统种植或非有机样品中有农药残留。另外,该机构的数据显示,超过98%的草莓、桃子、土豆、油桃、樱桃和苹果样品中至少有一种农药残留。

  EWG emphasizes studies that show pesticides in high concentration can lead to health problems, especially in young children. 环境工作组强调说,研究显示高浓度的农药会导致健康问题,特别是对年幼的孩子。

  The report is based on tests conducted by the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration on more than 38,800 non-organic fruit and vegetable samples. 这份报告的数据来源于美国农业部和食品药品管理局对超过3.88万种非有机果蔬样品的检测。

  While pesticides boost crop yields, there are concerns about the impact on people who consume food produced this way — even with Maximum Residue Limits of pesticides that have been set by the government. 尽管农药可以提高农作物产量,但人们担心食用了此类农作物后健康会受到影响,即使残留物在美国政府规定的最高农药残留量限定范围内。

  Studies have linked pesticide-laden produce to everything from asthma and cancer to fertility problems and brain conditions. 研究显示,食用农药残留过多的农作物与哮喘、癌症、生殖问题和脑部疾病有关。

  “All adults and children should eat more fruits and vegetables, whether they are organic or conventionally grown,” the EWG noted on its site. But the group urges consumers who eat the dirty dozen produce to go the organic route. 该机构在官网中说:“所有的成年人和儿童都应多食用果蔬,不管是有机果蔬还是按传统方法种植的果蔬。”但该机构敦促食用榜单中12种“最脏”果蔬的消费者转而食用其有机品种。

  Rinsing produce under tap water for 30 seconds is an effective way to get rid of pesticide residues, according to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, CNN reports. 据美国有线新闻网报道,康涅狄格州农业试验站表示,用自来水冲洗果蔬30秒可以有效去除农药残留。

  On another note, the EWG’s “Clean Fifteen” list reveals the produce containing the least amount of pesticides. 在另一份报告中,该机构公布了“15种最干净果蔬”,这些果蔬中的农药残留最少。

  “It is vitally important that everyone eats plenty of produce, but it is also wise to avoid dietary exposure to toxic pesticides, from conception through childhood,” said Sonya Lunder, senior analyst with EWG. 该机构的高级分析师桑娅-朗德说:“人们要食用大量的果蔬,这很重要,但从孕期开始一直到孩子幼年时期,避免接触有毒的农药才是明智的做法。”

  “With EWG’s guide, consumers can fill their fridges and fruit bowls with plenty of healthy conventional and organic produce that isn’t contaminated with multiple pesticide residues.” “有了这份指南,消费者就可以购买大量的传统种植和有机果蔬来放入冰箱和摆满果盘,这些果蔬没有被多种农药残留污染。”

  Dirty Dozen “最脏”的12种果蔬

  1. Strawberries 草莓

  2. Spinach 菠菜

  3. Nectarines 油桃

  4. Apples 苹果

  5. Grapes 葡萄

  6. Peaches 桃子

  7. Cherries 樱桃

  8. Pears 梨子

  9. Tomatoes 西红柿

  10. Celery 芹菜

  11. Potatoes 土豆

  12. Sweet bell peppers 甜椒

  Clean Fifteen “最干净”的15种果蔬

  1. Avocados 牛油果

  2. Sweet corn 甜玉米

  3. Pineapples 菠萝

  4. Cabbages 卷心菜

  5. Onions 洋葱

  6. Sweet peas, frozen 香豌豆(冷冻)

  7. Papayas 木瓜

  8. Asparagus 芦笋

  9. Mangoes 芒果

  10. Eggplants 茄子

  11. Honeydew melons 蜜瓜

  12. Kiwis 猕猴桃

  13. Cantaloupes 甜瓜

  14. Cauliflower 花椰菜

  15. Broccoli 西兰花

  英文来源:纽约每日新闻、哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网 翻译&编辑:yaning