


  奥运会男子百米决赛 the men's 100m final in Tokyo 2020



  Dashing across the track like a bolt of red lightning, the 31-year-old burned himself out by clocking a personal best of 9.83 seconds - the fastest among all semifinalists and a new Asian record - to become the first Chinese to qualify for the men's 100m finals on Sunday.



  这里的dash是动词,表示“快跑,猛冲”,比如:I must dash - I've got to be home by seven.(我得赶快跑了,7点之前必须到家)。这个例句中的dash也可以用sprint替换,用作名词的时候,dash和sprint都可以表示体育比赛中的“短跑”项目,比如:100-meter dash/sprint,苏炳添就是一名sprinter(短跑运动员)。此外,dash还有“猛烈拍打”的意思,比如:Waves dashed against the cliffs(波涛拍打着悬崖)。而短语dash one's hope表示“使某人的希望破灭”,比如:Saturday's 2–0 defeat dashed their hopes of reaching the final(上周六的比赛0比2告负,让他们进入决赛的希望泡汤了)。



  In the final two hours later, Su crossed the finishing line sixth in 9.98 seconds.



  "After the semifinals, my strength had dropped significantly, I just wanted to try my best in the final," said Su.


  But Su set a "small" target to finish the final race within 10 seconds regardless of the ranking.


  "If I made it, it would mean I could run two consecutive races both within 10 seconds, that's big progress for myself," Su said of his plan on the final.



  Expressing appreciation to the constant encouragement he received from fellow Olympian Liu Xiang, who made history to win the 110m hurdles at the 2004 Athens Games, Su said he hoped his achievement could inspire future Chinese athletes.


  "Liu Xiang was indeed an inspiration for Chinese athletics, we wouldn't even think of trying to make it to an Olympic final or win Olympic medals if not for him," said Su.


  "I hope my performance today could serve as an inspiration for younger athletes in their sporting careers. When I was their age, my speed was no match for them. With the techniques and ideas we have, they could achieve much more than I do."



  突破病例 breakthrough infections


  It is not surprising to see breakthrough infections-people who contract the virus at least 14 days after being fully vaccinated-because no vaccine is capable of totally preventing people from catching the virus.



  “突破病例”在英文报道中一般用breakthrough infections或者breakthrough cases表示,breakthrough做名词的时候,我们最熟悉的意思是“(某个方面的)突破,重大进展”,比如:breakthrough in core technology(核心技术方面的突破),而在“突破病例”这个语境下,breakthrough其实是动词短语break through的名词形式,表示“the virus breaks through the protective barrier the vaccine provides”,即“病毒突破了疫苗产生的防护屏障”。


  "All COVID-19 vaccines around the world are evaluated based on their efficacy in preventing clinical disease, as well as their role in reducing serious cases and deaths," he said, adding that against these barometers, no marked difference has been found in domestic vaccines' effects on key mutations.


  He added that an irrefutable benefit of vaccination lies in that it can always trigger robust "basic immunity" and protective memory cells in human bodies.


  If immunity against the virus wanes in the long run, these memory cells can be "reawakened effectively" by delivering a booster shot and this will "produce very good protective effects", Shao said.





  "For the general population who have been vaccinated within a year, there is no need to obtain a booster shot for now," he said.



  所谓疫苗加强针(booster shot/booster dose),是指在常规使用疫苗剂型、剂量注射后,额外增加的疫苗接种。这里的核心词booster,来源于动词boost,主要表示“加强、促进、推动”等意思,比如boost production(促生产),boost morale(提振士气)等,在这里表示“increase or renew the effect of the vaccine”,即“增强疫苗产生的效果”。

  Whether or not people with weak immune systems, such as the elderly and those suffering chronic illnesses, as well as workers at higher risk of contracting the virus or people planning to travel to high-risk areas need a booster dose six to 12 months after initial immunization, and when a booster shot should be rolled out are being researched.





  Many countries, despite their high vaccination coverage rates, are grappling with a resurgence of outbreaks due to a rush to relax anti-virus policies, such as wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.


  "This shows that inoculation must be used in conjunction with strict disease control measures," he said, calling on the public to continue practicing personal protective protocols.



  航天员的日常 daily routines of astronauts



  The astronauts have been exercising, maintaining healthy diets and undergoing regular check-ups to reduce the effects of living in a microgravity environment.



  In Tianhe's exercise area, the three astronauts can use a treadmill, spin bike and resistance bands to burn calories and practice strength training.



  The three astronauts have personalized daily exercise schedules according to their physical conditions.


  They currently undertake moderate-intensity exercises every day, at levels requiring approximately 60 to 80 percent of the astronauts' maximum strength.


  The intensity will gradually increase as their time in space progresses. It is only in this way that they can resist the physiological effects of microgravity.




  Dozens of pieces of medical equipment are available in a checkup cabinet. The astronauts have regular physical checkups every four to five weeks, including ultrasound examinations and complete blood counts.







  Chinese scientists have devised a system to recycle water from the urine, breath and sweat produced by astronauts in space, which could save up to 100 million yuan in a period of six months with three astronauts in orbit.


  More than 80% of water produced in space can be recycled and changed into drinkable water in the system.





  The three astronauts don't do laundry in space and use disposable clothing instead.




  Water, which is contaminated with detergent as well as skin debris and dirt washed from the body, will be challenging to recycle.



  Disposable clothing that is regularly changed and discarded costs much less than doing laundry with water.


  8月20日,航天员在机械臂的配合下圆满完成第二次出舱活动(the second extravehicular activity)。



  全球累计新冠确诊病例 Global COVID-19 cases


  Global COVID-19 cases surpassed 200 million on Wednesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.The global case count amounted to 200,014,602, with 4,252,873 deaths worldwide, as of 3:21 pm local time, showed the data.



  The United States reported 35,292,721 cases and 614,666 deaths, both the highest counts around the world, accounting for nearly 18 percent of the global cases and nearly 15 percent of the global deaths.


  The United States accounts for one in every seven infections reported worldwide.


  US states with low vaccination rates such as Florida and Louisiana are seeing record numbers of COVID patients hospitalized, despite the nation giving 70% of adults at least one vaccine shot.


  Unvaccinated people represent nearly 97% of severe cases, according to the White House COVID-19 Response Team.




  The global caseload reached the grim milestone of 100 million on Jan 26, and doubled in just over six months.




  US COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant may double to 200,000 a day in the fall, said Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, on Wednesday.


  "What we're seeing, because of this increase in transmissibility, and because we have about 93 million people in this country who are eligible to get vaccinated who don't get vaccinated - that you have a significant pool of vulnerable people," said Fauci.


  Countries in Southeast Asia are also reporting rising cases. With just 8% of the world's population, the region is reporting almost 15% of all global cases each day.



  世卫组织呼吁暂缓接种加强针 将疫苗提供给低收入国家

  The World Health Organization is calling for a halt on COVID-19 vaccine boosters until at least the end of September, its head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Wednesday, as the gap between vaccinations in wealthy and poor countries widens.


  High-income countries administered around 50 doses for every 100 people in May, and that number has since doubled, according to WHO. Low-income countries have only been able to administer 1.5 doses for every 100 people, due to lack of supply.


  "We need an urgent reversal from the majority of vaccines going to high-income countries to the majority going to low-income countries," Tedros said.


  中国新冠疫苗接种超17亿剂次 积极推动新冠疫苗可及性和可负担性

  The Chinese mainland has administered more than 1.7 billion doses of novel coronavirus vaccines as of Tuesday, according to the National Health Commission.


  China is working relentlessly to make COVID-19 vaccines an accessible and affordable public good in developing economies, including those in Africa, to push forward the equal distribution of vaccines.


  China has so far provided more than 750 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines overseas and, over the next four months, will provide 110 million doses to COVAX, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.



  2020年10月8日,中国同全球疫苗免疫联盟签署协议,正式加入“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划(COVAX)”。这是中国秉持人类卫生健康共同体理念(uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all)、履行自身承诺推动疫苗成为全球公共产品(turn COVID-19 vaccines into a global public good)的一个重要举措。

  “新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”由世界卫生组织和全球疫苗免疫联盟、流行病防范创新联盟共同牵头成立,拟于2021年底前向全球提供20亿剂新冠肺炎疫苗(the initial aim is to have 2 billion doses available by the end of 2021),供应给“自费经济体(higher-income self-financing countries)”和“受资助经济体(lower-income funded nations)”。包括我国在内的“自费经济体”需向该计划承诺为本经济体一定比例人口购买疫苗并缴纳预付款,而“受资助经济体”无须缴纳预付款,同时享受该计划补贴。


  China has shown its kindness to the world by donating 26 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines overseas and had provided more than 500 million doses, as well as bulk vaccine, to over 100 countries, regions and international organizations by the end of July-roughly one-sixth of the world's total COVID-19 vaccine output.



  梅西离开巴萨 Lionel Messi parted with Barca



  Six-time Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi will leave Barcelona despite both parties having reached an agreement over a new contract, the La Liga club said, citing economic and structural obstacles to the renewal of the deal.



  Messi, who joined Barca's youth set-up aged 13, is the club's all-time top scorer and appearance maker with 672 goals in 778 games in all competitions.


  The Argentine helped Barcelona claim 10 league titles, four Champions Leagues and three Club World Cups among his haul of 35 trophies.




  世界杯(FIFA World Cup),由国际足球联合会(FIFA)每四年举办一次,是世界足坛规模最大、水平最高的赛事。2022年世界杯将在卡塔尔举行。

  欧洲足球锦标赛(UEFA European Championship),即“欧洲杯”,是由欧洲足联(the Union of European Football Associations)成员国参加的最高级别国家级足球赛事,于1960年举行第一届,其后每四年举行一届。赛事创办时名称为European Nations Cup,其后于1968年改名为European Football Championship。

  欧洲冠军联赛(UEFA Champions League),是欧足联最有声望的一项俱乐部赛事,前身是1955/56赛季创建的欧洲俱乐部冠军杯赛,1992年欧洲足联对这项杯赛的赛制和名称进行了修改。

  国际足联俱乐部世界杯(FIFA Club World Cup),简称“世俱杯”,是由国际足联主办、来自六大洲最顶级的球队参与的国际性足球锦标赛。

  亚洲杯足球赛(AFC Asian Cup),简称“亚洲杯”,是由亚洲足球联合会(Asian Football Confederation)举办的每四年一届的国际性足球锦标赛,属于亚洲区内最高级别的国家级赛事,参赛球队必须是亚足联成员。


  "Despite FC Barcelona and Lionel Messi having reached an agreement and the clear intention of both parties to sign a new contract today, this cannot happen because of financial and structural obstacles (Spanish La Liga regulations)," Barca said in a statement.


  "As a result of this situation, Messi shall not be staying on at FC Barcelona. Both parties deeply regret that the wishes of the player and the club will ultimately not be fulfilled.


  "FC Barcelona wholeheartedly expresses its gratitude to the player for his contribution to the aggrandisement of the club and wishes him all the very best for the future in his personal and professional life."



  这里的aggrandisement的意思是“an increase in power or importance”,即“影响力或地位的提升”,比如:He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement is his motive.(他花了很多钱做慈善,但他的目的其实是提升个人影响力。)