
  食品浪费 food waste


  Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste, and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments, according to the draft law.



  草案明确,食品浪费(food waste),是指对可安全食用或者饮用的食物未能按照其功能目的利用(failure to consume food that is safe to eat or drink in the way it is supposed to be consumed)。

  The draft law requires catering service providers to guide consumers to order food in accordance with their actual needs. Their menus should include more information and offer different dish sizes, it said.


  Catering service providers can ask consumers who waste too much food to pay a fee based on the amount of their leftovers, it said.



  这里的leftover用作名词,表示“剩饭菜”,如果用形容词形式来表示就是leftover food。其实leftover这个词来源于动词短语leave over,表示“遗留,留下(以后再用)”,比如:leave this pie over for tomorrow(这个派留着明天吃),换成被动语态就是we can have the pie left over from yesterday(我们可以吃昨天剩下的派)。

  The draft also clarifies the ban on making or broadcasting programs or videos related to excessive eating, noting that violators who refuse to correct the problem after being warned by cyberspace administrations will be fined from 10,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.



  平均身高 average height


  As the nation's economy and power continue to grow, Chinese people are getting taller, but they are also putting on weight at a worrisome rate, according to the report.



  这里的put on weight就是“长胖、长肉”,我们也可以用gain weight表示。与之相反的“减肥”自然就是lose weight,或者更加激烈的shake off weight(甩肉)。这两者的名词表达分别是weight gain(长胖、增重)和weight loss(减肥、瘦身)。


  According to the report, 34.3 percent of adult Chinese are overweight and 16.4 percent are obese.



  世卫组织对成人做出的超重和肥胖定义如下:身体质量指数等于或大于25时为超重(overweight);身体质量指数等于或大于30时为肥胖(obesity)。身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)是身高对体重的简便指数,其定义为按公斤计算的体重除以按米计算的身高的平方(kg/m2)。


  The average height of Chinese people aged 18 to 44 has increased to 169.7 centimeters for males and 158 cm for females, thanks to an increased intake of high-quality protein, such as dairy products, seafood and poultry, according to the report.



  这里的intake来源于动词短语take in,表示“摄入,接收”等意思,比如:you should reduce your salt intake(你应该减少盐摄入量),The airline is to double the intake of its female pilots(这家航空公司计划将女性飞行员的招录人数增加一倍)。

  According to the report, the daily per capita intake of salt and cooking oil of Chinese people is far higher than the recommended portion of five grams of salt and 43.2 grams of cooking oil.


  Nearly 20 percent of middle and high school students regularly consume sugary drinks, it added.


  The report said that less than one in four adults work out at least once a week.




  刑法修正案 amendment to the Constitution


  The amendment stipulates heavier criminal penalties for IPR infringements, raising the maximum prison term for trademark and copyright infringements from seven years to 10 years. The amendment also lowers the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12 for severe crimes such as murder.



  这里的IPR是intellectual property rights的缩写形式,即“知识产权”,最近几年很火的“IP”概念是intellectual property的缩写。IP可以是一个故事,一种形象,一件艺术品,一种流行文化,更多的是指适合二次或多次改编开发的影视文学、游戏动漫等作品。IP剧,是指在有一定粉丝数量基础上的国产原创网络小说、游戏、动漫为题材创作改编而成的影视剧。



  If a juvenile who has reached the age of 12, but is under 14, commits intentional homicide or inflicts an injury that leads to death,or causes severe injury to the person, reducing the person to utter disability by resorting to cruel means, he or she shall bear criminal responsibility upon attestation and approval of the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP).



  英语中关于“青少年犯罪”有一个固定的说法juvenile delinquency/juvenile offending,juvenile读作[d?u?v?na?l],指“未成年、青少年”,也可以用作形容词表示某人“孩子气的、幼稚的”,与childish、silly意思相近,比如:Don't be so juvenile(别那么幼稚了)。Delinquency这个词读作[d?l??kw?nsi],指“违法行为”,尤指青少年的违法行为,实施违法行为的青少年就可以称为delinquent。

  Children aged 14-16 can be held criminally liable if they commit serious crimes such as murder, rape, and drug smuggling or trafficking.




  To safeguard biosecurity, the law stipulates penalties for illegally implanting gene-edited or cloned human embryos into human bodies or animals. Convicted criminals could face up to seven years of imprisonment.



  It stipulates that anyone who lures, instigates or cheats athletes into using banned substances in either domestic or international competitions faces up to three years' imprisonment and a fine. Heavier punishments will be given to those organizing or forcing athletes into using banned substances, while knowingly offering banned substances to athletes is also a criminal offence.




  The amended law says people with special responsibilities, including those guarding, adopting, looking after, educating or offering medical care to juveniles, could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison if they have sex with girls aged 14 to 16. Further, anyone found to have had sex with girls under the age of 14 will be convicted of rape and face harsher penalties.


  Meanwhile, people who rape girls under the age of 10 will receive a sentence of at least 10 years in prison and could even face life imprisonment or the death penalty.


  The amended law also calls for harsher punishment-a sentence of five years or more-for people who have repeatedly committed child molestations, have acted indecently against multiple children, have committed such offenses in public or have molested juveniles in a cruel manner.



  京雄城际铁路 Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway

  The Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway opened to traffic on Dec 27, connecting the Chinese capital with the Xiong'an New Area. The railway is 91 kilometers long and has a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. Passengers can take high-speed trains from Beijing West Railway Station directly to Xiong'an New Area with the shortest commuting time at 50 minutes. The journey between Beijing Daxing International Airport and Xiong'an will be about 19 minutes.



  教育惩戒 school discipline


  In its first official guideline on teachers' rights to discipline students, the Ministry of Education said primary and secondary school teachers have the authority to hand out punishment and clarified the kinds of punishment not allowed.



  《规则》对教育惩戒(school discipline)的定义是“学校、教师基于教育目的,对违规违纪学生进行管理、训导或者以规定方式予以矫治(manage, discipline or correct the students who break rules and regulations),促使学生引以为戒、认识和改正错误的教育行为”,明确教育惩戒不是惩罚(discipline is not punishment),而是教育的一种方式。


  一般教育惩戒适用于违规违纪情节轻微的学生,包括点名批评(named and shamed)、做口头或者书面检讨(make oral or written apology)、增加额外教学或者班级公益服务任务(do extra homework or classroom chores)、一节课堂教学时间内的教室内站立(stand in the classroom for one class period)、课后教导(receive after-school discipline)等;

  较重教育惩戒适用于违规违纪情节较重或者经当场教育惩戒拒不改正的学生,包括德育工作负责人训导(receive counseling)、承担校内公共服务(perform public service on campus)、接受专门的校规校纪和行为规则教育(isolated for discipline)、被暂停或者限制参加游览以及其他集体活动(extracurricular activities suspended)等;

  严重教育惩戒适用于违规违纪情节严重或者影响恶劣,且必须是小学高年级、初中和高中阶段的学生,包括停课停学(suspended from school)、法治副校长或者法治辅导员训诫(see a school counselor)、专门人员辅导矫治(go through correction session)等。


  一是身体伤害,如击打、刺扎等(corporal punishment such as striking or poking students with sharp objects);

  二是超限度惩罚(hand out excessive punishment),超过正常限度的罚站、反复抄写,强制做不适的动作或者姿势(make them assume physically uncomfortable positions),以及刻意孤立(intentional isolation)等间接伤害身体、心理的变相体罚;

  三是言行侮辱贬损,辱骂或者以歧视性、侮辱性的言行侵犯学生人格尊严(verbally abuse students);

  四是因个人或者少数人违规违纪行为而惩罚全体学生(punish all students for an individual offense);

  五是因学生个人的学习成绩而惩罚学生(punish students for poor academic performance);

  六是因个人情绪、好恶实施或者选择性实施教育惩戒(hand out punishments based on their personal preference);

  七是指派学生代替自己对其他学生实施教育惩戒(ask students to punish their peers)。


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)