美国国家工程院公布2017年入选院士名单 多名华人入选




  Allen, David T., Melvin H. Gertz Regents Chair in Chemical Engineering, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin. For contributions to improving air quality and for developments in sustainable engineering education and practice.

  Arruda, Ellen M., professor, macromolecular science and engineering, department of mechanical engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. For pioneering research in polymer and tissue mechanics and their application in innovative commercial products.

  Asphahani, Aziz I., chief executive officer, QuesTek Innovations LLC, Evanston, Ill. For executive leadership in STEM education, integrated computer design of materials, and invention and production of corrosion-resistant alloys.

  Boger, David Vernon, professor, department of chemical engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. For discoveries and fundamental research on elastic and particulate fluids and their application to waste minimization in the minerals industry.

  Bose, Arindam, consultant in business organization, biotechnology, bioengineering, and biosimilars, AbiologicsB LLC, Pawcatuck, Conn. For innovations in the manufacture of biologics and service to the professional society organizations that represent the biopharmaceutical industry.

  Bose, Bimal K., consultant and emeritus professor, department of electrical engineering and computer science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. For contributions to advancing power electronics technology and power conversion and education.

  Bostick, Thomas P., senior vice president, environment sector, Intrexon Corp., Germantown, Md. For development of new approaches to hurricane protection and for leadership of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

  Boulanger, Ross W., professor and director, Center for Geotechnical Engineering, department of civil and environmental engineering, University of California, Davis. For contributions to geotechnical earthquake engineering and the development of procedures for evaluating seismic behavior of soil-structure systems.

  Budnitz, Robert J., staff scientist, earth sciences division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley. For advancement of seismic probabilistic risk assessments and their application to nuclear power facilities.

  Cabuz, Cleopatra, vice president of engineering, Honeywell Industrial Safety, Honeywell Corp., Golden Valley, Minn. For contributions to sensors, microelectromechanical technologies, and development of industrial and safety products.

  Ceder, Gerbrand, Chancellor’s Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. For the development of practical computational materials design and its application to the improvement of energy storage technology.

  Chen, Xiangli, vice president, General Electric Co., and president, GE China Technology Center, Shanghai. For pioneering work in optical sensing and precision laser processing, and for leadership in globalizing industrial research and development.

  Chong, Dianne, retired vice president, assembly, factory, and support technologies, Boeing Engineering, Operations, and Technology, Boeing Co., Bellevue, Wash. For advances in process and production technologies for composites in large commercial aerospace vehicles.

  Chow, Joe H., professor, electrical and computer systems engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. For technical contributions to the modeling, analysis, and control of large-scale power systems.

  Cong, Jingsheng Jason, Chancellors Professor and director, Center for Dynamic-Specific Computing, computer science department, University of California, Los Angeles. For pioneering contributions to application-specific programmable logic via innovations in field-programmable gate array synthesis.

  Crocker, James H., vice president, international, and general manager, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co., Littleton, Colo. For technical leadership and engineering contributions in astrophysics and planetary exploration.

  Dankberg, Mark David, chairman and chief executive officer, ViaSat Inc., Carlsbad, Calif. For contributions to broadband Internet communications via satellite.

  Daskin, Mark S., Clyde W. Johnson Collegiate Professor and chair, department of industrial and operations engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. For leadership and creative contributions to location optimization and its application to industrial, service, and medical systems.

  Diffie, Bailey Whitfield, adviser, Black Ridge Technology, Redwood City, Calif. For the invention of public key cryptography and for broader contributions to privacy.

  Dindoruk, Birol, principal technical expert of reservoir engineering, Shell Technology Center, Shell International E&P Inc., Houston. For significant theoretical and practical contributions to enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration.

  Dogru, Ali H., chief technologist and fellow, computational modeling technology, EXPEC ARC (Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center – Advanced Research Center), Saudi Aramco/Saudi Arabian Oil Co., Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. For the development of high-performance computing in hydrocarbon reservoir simulation.

  Ducharme, Eric H., general manager, advanced technology, GE Aviation, Cincinnati. For advancing the state of the art in composite fan technology and developing industry-leading aircraft engine technologies.

  Entekhabi, Dara, Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor, department of civil and environmental engineering and department of earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For leadership in the hydrologic sciences including the scientific underpinnings for satellite observation of the Earths water cycle.

  Ewing, Rodney C., Frank Stanton Professor in Nuclear Security, Center for International Security and Cooperation, and professor, department of geological and environmental sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. For studies on the long-term behavior of complex ceramic materials to assess their suitability for engineered nuclear waste sequestration.

  Gerngross, Tillman U., co-founder and chief executive officer, Adimab LLC, Lebanon, N.H. For founding and leading two successful biotechnology companies in the discovery and manufacture of biopharmaceuticals.

  Giri, Jay, director, power systems technology and strategic initiatives, GE Grid Solutions, General Electric Co., Redmond, Wash. For contributions to utility control center technologies to enhance grid situational awareness and reliability.

  Goldsmith, Andrea Jo, Stephen Harris Professor of Engineering, department of electrical engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. For contributions to adaptive and multiantenna wireless communications.

  Gray III, George T. (Rusty), laboratory fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M. For contributions to the understanding of the dynamic and shock-loading deformation and damage response of materials.

  Guibas, Leonidas J., Paul Pigott Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, computer science department, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. For contributions to data structures, algorithm analysis, and computational geometry.

  Gunsel, Selda, general manager, products and quality, Shell Global Lubricants Supply Chain, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Houston. For leadership in developing and manufacturing advanced fuels and lubricants to meet growing global energy demand while reducing CO2 emissions.

  Hammond, Paula Therese, David H. Koch Professor and department head, department of chemical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For contributions to self-assembly of polyelectrolytes, colloids, and block copolymers at surfaces and interfaces for energy and health care applications.

  Hastings, Daniel E., Cecil and Ida Green Education Professor, chief executive officer, and director, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For contributions in spacecraft and space system-environment interactions, space system architecture, and leadership in aerospace research and education.

  Hirschberg, Julia, Percy K. and Vida L.W. Hudson Professor of Computer Science, and chair, department of computer science, Columbia University, New York City. For contributions to the use of prosody in text-to-speech and spoken dialogue systems, and to audio browsing and retrieval.

  Holmes, William T., senior consultant, Rutherford & Chekene, Consulting Structural Engineers, San Francisco. For excellence in structural design and leadership in improving the seismic safety of buildings.

  Holmgren, Jennifer R., chief executive officer, LanzaTech, Skokie, Ill. For developing technologies to improve our energy future, from renewable energy and chemicals to combinatorial chemistry and materials discovery.

  Howell, Kathleen Connor, associate dean for engineering and Hsu Lo Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. For contributions in dynamical systems theory and invariant manifolds culminating in optimal interplanetary trajectories and the Interplanetary Superhighway.

  Huang, Yonggang, Walter P. Murphy Professor of Engineering, department of mechanical engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. For pioneering work on mechanics of stretchable electronics and mechanically guided, deterministic 3-D assembly.

  Imran, Mir A., chairman and chief executive officer, Incube Ventures, San Jose, Calif. For his role in creating the first implantable cardiac defibrillator, and for developing multiple other technologies as inventor and entrepreneur.

  Katabi, Dina, professor, computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For contributions to network congestion control and to wireless communications.

  Katsoulis, Dimitris E., senior research scientist, Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich. For foundational contributions to the characterization and creation of novel silicone resins, gels and elastomers, and catalysis for organosilanes.

  King Liu, Tsu-Jae, TSMC Distinguished Professor in Microelectronics and chair, department of electrical engineering and computer sciences, University of California, Berkeley. For contributions to the fin field effect transistor (FinFET) and its application to nanometer complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology.

  LeCun, Yann A., director, AI Research, Facebook, New York City. For developing convolutional neural networks and their applications in computer vision and other areas of artificial intelligence.

  Leung, L. Ruby, laboratory fellow, atmospheric sciences and global change division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland, Wash. For leadership in regional and global computer modeling of the Earths climate and hydrological processes.

  Lewis, Jennifer A., Hansjorg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. For development of materials and processes for 3-dimensional direct fabrication of multifunctional structures.

  Ligler, George T., consultant, GTL Associates, Fuquay-Varina, N.C. For leadership and engineering innovation in specifying and implementing complex computer-based systems for aviation and the U.S. Census.

  Lipner, Steven B., executive director, SAFECode, Wakefield, Mass. For developing and deploying practical methods for engineering secure software and computer systems.

  McCabe, Robert W., program director, division of chemical, bioengineering, environmental, and transport systems, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Va. For enabling ultra-clean vehicles through conceptual and practical advances in catalytic systems for the abatement of automotive emissions.

  Moncarz, Piotr D., principal engineer, buildings and structures, Exponent, Menlo Park, Calif. For dedication to global improvement of the safety and reliability of engineering systems and to cooperation beyond political borders.

  Monnier, John R., research professor, chemical engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia. For the discovery and development of the silver-catalyzed epoxidation of non-allylic olefins to produce 3,4-epoxy-1-butene and other non-allylic olefin epoxides.

  Nalamasu, Omkaram, senior vice president and chief technology officer, Applied Materials Inc., and president, Applied Ventures LLC, Santa Clara, Calif. For technical innovation spanning materials development, atomically controlled thin film fabrication, and commercialization in microelectronics and energy generation and storage.

  Narayan, Jagdish, John C.C. Fan Distinguished Chair Professor, department of materials science and engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. For contributions in heteroepitaxial film growth by laser ablation in large misfit systems and new materials.

  Nemirovski, Arkadi, John Hunter Chair and Professor, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. For the development of efficient algorithms for large-scale convex optimization problems.

  Niemeier, Debbie A., professor, department of civil and environmental engineering, University of California, Davis. For developing groundbreaking tools to characterize the impact of transportation emissions on air quality and environmental justice.

  Panday, Sorab, principal engineer, GSI Environmental Inc., Herndon, Va. For the development of computer codes for solving complex groundwater problems.

  Parlange, Marc Brendan, dean, faculty of applied science, and professor, department of civil engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. For fundamental contributions to land-atmosphere modeling and leadership in field measurement campaigns over complex terrain.

  Poston, Randall W., senior principal, Pivot Engineers, Austin, Texas. For development of diagnostic and repair technologies for concrete structures and leadership in concrete building code development.

  Razavi, Behzad, professor, department of electrical engineering, University of California, Los Angeles. For contributions to low-power broadband communication circuits.

  Schaeffer, Jon C., senior engineering manager, materials and processes engineering, GE Power & Water, Greenville, S.C. For contributions to the development and implementation of advanced materials in industrial gas turbine engines.

  Scheeres, Daniel Jay, distinguished professor and A. Richard Seebass Endowed Chair Professor in Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder. For pioneering work on the motion of bodies in strongly perturbed environments such as near asteroids and comets.

  Schlom, Darrell G., Herbert Fisk Johnson Professor of Industrial Chemistry, department of materials science and engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. For molecular-beam epitaxy “Materials-by-Design” of complex oxides impacting the integration of high dielectric oxides in semiconductor devices.

  Servedio, Dominick M., executive chairman, STV Group, New York City. For leadership and effective advocacy on behalf of the engineering and construction professions.

  Slaughter, E. Sarah, chief executive officer and founder, Built Environment Coalition, Cambridge, Mass. For research and the development of technology to enhance the resiliency and sustainability of critical infrastructure systems.

  Slocum Jr., Alexander H., professor, department of mechanical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For contributions to precision machine design and manufacturing across multiple industries and leadership in engineering education.

  Smith, Megan Joan, former U.S. Chief Technology Officer and assistant to the president, White House Office of Science and Technology, Washington, D.C. For leading technological innovation teams and efforts to increase diversity and inclusion in STEM industries both nationally and globally.

  Solomon, Darlene Joy Spira, senior vice president and chief technology officer, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, Calif. For leadership in the development of innovative nucleic acid and microfluidic products for the life science and molecular diagnostic industries.

  Spalart, Philippe R., senior technical fellow, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle. For development and application of a broad array of computational techniques for the prediction of aerodynamic turbulence and noise.

  Splinter, Michael R., general partner, WISC Partners, Los Altos, Calif. For business leadership advancing semiconductor manufacturing, quality, and equipment.

  Strano, Michael S., Carbon P. Dubbs Professor of Chemical Engineering, department of chemical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For contributions to nanotechnology, including fluorescent sensors for human health and solar and thermal energy devices.

  Tayur, Sridhar R., Ford Distinguished Research Chair Professor of Operations Management, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. For developing and commercializing innovative methods to optimize supply chain systems.

  Toner, Mehmet, Helen Andrus Benedict Professor, Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, and professor of health sciences, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Boston. For engineering novel microelectromechanical and microfluidic point-of-care devices that improve detection of cancer, prenatal genetic defects, and infectious disease.

  Turinsky, Paul J., professor, department of nuclear engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. For the development of simulation technology for the economic operation, safety, and life extension of nuclear power stations.

  Valenzuela, Reinaldo A., director, wireless communications research, Nokia Bell Labs, Holmdel, N.J. For leadership in development of multiantenna wireless communication systems and channel modeling.

  van Welie, Gordon, president and chief executive officer, ISO New England, Holyoke, Mass. For improving reliable operation of the power grid through enhanced grid control, new market structures, and innovative transmission planning.

  Van Wie, David M., mission area executive, precision strike mission area, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Md. For contributions to hypersonic technology enabling new classes of flight vehicles.

  Varghese, George, Chancellor’s Professor, department of computer science, University of California, Los Angeles. For network algorithmics that make the Internet faster, more secure, and more reliable.

  Vautrinot, Suzanne M., president, Kilovolt Consulting Inc., San Antonio. For leading the creation of a revolutionary organization designed to provide the nation an enhanced cyber capability.

  Voight, Barry, professor emeritus of geology and geological engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. For contributions to the understanding, management, and mitigation of geologic hazards.

  Westbrook, Charles K., retired senior scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, Calif. For pioneering development, applications, and leadership in chemical kinetic modeling to advance combustion science and technology.

  Wilson, Blake S., co-director, Duke Hearing Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. For engineering development of the cochlear implant that bestows hearing to individuals with profound deafness.

  Winzer, Peter J., director, optical transmission systems and networks research, Nokia Bell Labs, Holmdel, N.J. For contributions to high-speed, coherent optical communication systems.

  Yannas, Ioannis V., professor of polymer science and engineering, department of mechanical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For co-developing the first commercially reproducible artificial skin that facilitates new growth, saving the lives of thousands of burn victims.

  Yarmush, Martin L., Paul and Mary Monroe Chair Distinguished Professor, biomedical engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, N.J. For pioneering advances in cellular, tissue, and organ engineering and for leadership in applying metabolic engineering to human health.

  Yelick, Katherine A., associate laboratory director, computer science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and professor, electrical engineering and computer science, University of California, Berkeley. For software innovation and leadership in high-performance computing.

  Zhang, Dongxiao (Don), research professor, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. For pioneering work in stochastic modeling of flow in porous media.

  New Foreign Members

  Alcocer, Sergio Manuel, research professor, Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City. For improvements to the seismic safety of buildings in developing countries through improved design standards and government policies.

  Arakawa, Yasuhiko, professor, electrical engineering department, University of Tokyo, Tokyo. For contributions to quantum dot lasers and related nanophotonic devices.

  Asakawa, Chieko, chief technology officer for accessibility research and technology, IBM Research Tokyo, IBM Japan Ltd., Tokyo. For developing technologies for the visually impaired to access digital information.

  Beven, Keith John, distinguished professor of hydrology, Lancaster Environmental Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom. For contributions to the understanding of hydrological processes and development of the foundations of modern hydrological modeling.

  Charlès, Bernard, president and chief executive officer, Dassault Systèmes, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France. For leadership in providing major software tools for simulation-based engineering.

  Foster, F. Stuart, professor and Canada Research Chair in ultrasound imaging, department of medical biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto. For pioneering the field of high-frequency ultrasound and translating its technologies into clinical and preclinical imaging systems.

  Fujino, Michimasa, president and chief executive officer, Honda Aircraft Co., Greensboro, N.C. For the creation of the HondaJet and formation of the Honda Aircraft Company.

  Fussenegger, Martin, professor, biotechnology and bioengineering, department of biosystems science and engineering, ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland. For contributions to synthetic biology and engineered therapeutic gene networks.

  Hadziioannou, Georges, University Professor Classe Exceptionelle, Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, France. For foundational discoveries and insights enabling the development of polymers with advanced functionality and performance.

  Hahn, Horst, director, Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany. For contributions to the science and engineering of nanostructured materials with tailored and tunable properties.

  Kataoka, Kazunori, professor, biomaterials, department of bioengineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo. For pioneering contributions to the design of supramolecular nanostructures and their application to drug and gene delivery systems.

  Kikuchi, Noboru, president and chief operating officer, Toyota Central R&D Labs Inc., Aichi, Japan. For contributions to theory and methods of computer-aided engineering and leadership in their applications in the automotive industry worldwide.

  Kirchheim, Reiner, distinguished professor of the state of lower Saxony, University of G?ettingen, G?ettingen, Germany. For contributions to the thermodynamics and kinetics of hydrogen behavior in metals and solute/defect interactions in other materials.

  Lercher, Johannes A., chair, technical chemistry, department of chemistry, Technical University, Munich. For developing concepts and catalysts for activating and functionalizing hydrocarbons and for upgrading fossil and biogenic feedstocks via heteroatom removal.

  Lohse, Detlef, chair, department of physics of fluids, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands. For contributions to fundamental fluid mechanical processes, especially turbulence in Rayleigh-Bénard and Taylor-Couette flow, sonoluminescence drops, and surface nanobubbles.

  Mallat, Stéphane, professor, computer science, école Normale Supérieure, Paris. For contributions to the fast wavelet transform and multiresolution signal processing.

  OConnor, Cyril Thomas, professor emeritus and senior research scholar, department of chemical engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa. For contributions to the sustainable recovery of minerals from complex ores and for the global advancement of mineral processing technology.

  Shum, Heung-Yeung, executive vice president, technology and research, Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Wash. For contributions to computer vision and computer graphics, and for leadership in industrial research and product development.

  Sifakis, Joseph, professor, School of Computer and Communication Science, école Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. For co-inventing model checking and for contributions to the development and verification of real-time and embedded systems.

  Smith, Colin P., group president, Rolls-Royce PLC, Derbyshire, United Kingdom. For leadership in design, technologies, and manufacturing processes that enhance airworthiness, safety, and environmental sustainability of large aeroengines.

  Vayenas, Constantinos G., professor, department of chemical engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece. For fundamental studies on electrochemical modification of catalytic activity leading to the industrial design and use of new promoted catalysts.

  Woodford, Dennis A., president, Electranix Corp., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. For developing analytical methods related to HVDC transmission and high-power DC-DC transformation systems.