

  Eighty-eight places in Japan are going to be designated "animation spots" to encourage visitors to seek out the train stations, school campuses, rural shrines and other fairly everyday places where popular "manga" characters are depicted. 日本将选定88个地区作为“动漫圣地”,推动旅游业发展——火车站、学校、神社和知名动漫人物日常生活的地方都将被选中。

  Such landmarks number in the tens of thousands, given the popularity and volume of "manga" comics in Japan, but the project aims to compile the official list for any fan's animation "pilgrimage", as the places are known as "seichi," or "sacred spots." 由于日本漫画的人气之高、数量之大,这样的景点更是有成千上万。但该项目意在选出受粉丝“朝拜”的被称为“圣址”的官方动漫圣地。

  Anyone can vote on the landmarks through a website set up in several languages, including English and Chinese. 所有人都可通过官方网站进行投票。网站设有包括英语和中文在内的多国语言版本。

  "Japanese pop culture has grown to rival American Hollywood," Tsugihiko Kadokawa, chairman of Kadokawa Corp. publisher and film studio, one of the officials behind the effort, said Friday at a Tokyo news conference. "Animation can change the times." 角川集团的会长角川历彦上周五在东京新闻发布会上表示,“日本流行文化有了巨大的成长,其影响力并不输美国好莱坞。动漫能够改变时代。”角川集团出版社和电影制片厂为该项目组织方之一。

  The project highlights Japan's push to make tourism a valuable boon for a stagnant economy, as dynamic as the export of Toyota vehicles and Sony electronics. 此项目显示了日本政府的决心:推进旅游业发展,缓解经济停滞局面,并使其如同丰田汽车和索尼电子产品出口一样富有生机与活力。

  Foreign tourism has grown, under a "Cool Japan" initiative, reaching 20 million people last year — five years ahead of a goal set by the government, prompting officials to raise its 2020 target to 40 million tourists. 受益于“酷日本”文化传播计划,日本的境外旅游业已有所发展,去年境外游客达2000万人,提前五年实现了政府设定的目标,这促使日本政府将2020年的目标游客人数提高到4000万。

  Kadokawa and other officials behind the newly formed Japan Anime Tourism Association said they would compile a travel route of 88 animation spots by December, including where manga and animation works took place, as well as the homes of manga artists and museums dedicated to their works. 角川是新近成立的日本动漫旅游协会的组织者之一。他们表示将在12月之前制定出一条含有88个动漫圣地的旅游路线,其中包括漫画和动漫的生产地,漫画家的住所及其作品的博物馆。

  Votes from fans will be considered in compiling the list. "Vote for the special spot you want to share with everyone," the site says. 制定路线时将考虑粉丝们的投票结果。景区方面说:“请投票给那个你想和所有人分享的特别的地方。”

  One shoo-in for the list, according to organizers, is Washinomiya Jinja, a picturesque shrine in Saitama prefecture on the outskirts of Tokyo, a familiar scene in comics by Kagami Yoshimizu, which later became a TV animation series, "Lucky Star" or "Raki Suta." 主办方表示,鹫宫神社一定会榜上有名。它是东京埼玉县一座美丽的神殿,在美水镜的漫画《幸运星》中经常出现,这部漫画后来被改编为了动画片。


  The shrine is not as grand or famous as others in the country, such as Meiji Shrine in central Tokyo, but it"s still the one to visit for those who love the manga series, which depicts friendship among schoolgirls, all illustrated with the huge eyes and colorful hair characteristic of manga. 比起东京市中心的明治神宫这些神殿,鹫宫神社并没有那么壮观和知名,但它依然是《幸运星》动漫爱好者的旅游胜地之一。《幸运星》讲述了一群女生间的友情,这些女生都有着日本动漫典型的超大萌眼和绚丽多彩的头发。

  The shrine appears in the opening sequence to the TV show, whose typical episode will feature a heated discussion in cute, cooing voices on the correct way to eat a pastry. 鹫宫神社出现在动画片的开头,这部动画片的一个经典剧情就是女孩们用轻柔可爱的声音热烈讨论着吃油酥点心的正确方法。

  Hopes are high at Washinomiya Jinja that it will be picked. 所以鹫宫神社极其有望入选“动漫圣地”。

  "I'm all for it," said Teruko Masaki, whose restaurant near the shrine sells noodles and other products with the manga characters splashed on the packaging. “我全力支持,”旭古正树说。他在鹫宫神社附近开着一家饭馆,卖面条和包装上印有《幸运星》漫画人物的其他产品。


  Other possible animation spots include the "Gundam" giant robot statue on Odaiba, an artificial island in Tokyo Bay, and the Ghibli Studio of Hayao Miyazaki, the Oscar-winning animator who made "Spirited Away." 其他可以开发的动漫景点包括东京湾人工岛台场上的《机动战士高达》的巨大机器人雕像,以及宫崎骏的吉卜力工作室。宫崎骏是获得过奥斯卡奖的漫画家,他的代表作有《千与千寻》。

  Louis Lee, an editor from Hong Kong, who was at the Tokyo launch of the Japan Anime Tourism Association, said he was an avid manga fan, especially of "Slam Dunk," a story about a highschool basketball team. 香港的一位编辑路易斯?李去参加了日本动漫旅游协会的东京开幕式,他说自己是个狂热的漫画迷,尤其痴迷《灌篮高手》。这部漫画讲述了一个高中篮球队的故事。

  "It teaches you not to give up until the end," he said. “它告诉人们不到最后绝不放弃,”他说。

  Fans like Lee say manga has proven useful for studying Japanese language and culture. They say animation spots should have manga character costumes that visitors can wear in photos, as well as manga-related products for sale. 和李先生一样的漫画粉表示看漫画确实对学习日语和日本文化有帮助。他们认为在出售漫画相关产品之外,动漫景点也应提供动漫人物服装让游客穿着拍照。

  The government's Japan Tourism Agency has begun to study not only the numbers of tourists coming to Japan, but what compelled their visits. The agency's survey of French and Thai people found that, although the two groups varied on what they hoped to do, they both said they became interested in Japan through movies and other entertainment content. 除了统计赴日旅行的游客数量,日本观光厅也已开始调查游客赴日旅游的原因。日本观光厅对法国人和泰国人的调查发现,尽管这两个群体来日原因各有不同,但他们都表示是因为看了电影和其它娱乐节目对日本产生了兴趣。

  "But we are still not taking full advantage of such resources," said agency Commissioner Japan Tourism Agency. "A lot of work still needs to be done." “但目前我们还没有充分挖掘这些资源,”观光厅厅长表示。“还有很多工作需要做。”


  manga: 日本漫画 boon: 恩惠;福利;利益 shoo-in: 长胜将军;十拿九稳的必胜者 coo: 轻柔低语

  英文来源:美联社 翻译:张金瑶 秦悦 郑萌萌(中国日报网爱新闻iNews译者) 审校&编辑:丹妮