



  *Unit 1(16个单词)



  ·classroom英 [klɑ:sru:m] / n.教室Maybe he is in the classroom.(他可能在教室里。)·window英 [wnd] / n.窗户I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。)·blackboard英 [blkb:d] / n.黑板He chalked the message on the blackboard.(他用粉笔将消息写在黑板上。)·light英 [lat] / n.电灯What''s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)·picture英 [pkt(r)] / n.图画The sunset glow is just like a picture.(晚霞恰如一幅图画。)·door英 [d:(r)] / n.门What''s behind the door?(门后面是什么?)·teacher''s desk英 / 讲台There is a teacher''s desk and many desks in the classroom.(有一个讲台和很多课桌在教室里。)·computer英 [kmpju:t(r)] / n.计算机I could do all my work on the computer.(我所有的工作都能在计算机上完成。)·fan英 [fn] / n.风扇This fan is fine.(这把扇子不错。)·wall英 [w:l] / n.墙壁This wall is made up of oddly shaped bricks.(这道墙由形状不规则的砖砌成。)·floor英 [fl:(r)] / n.地板Their house is on three floors.(他们的房子有三层。)·really英 [ri:li] / adv.(表示兴趣或惊喜)真的He''s not really good at shooting arrows.(事实上他并不擅长射箭。)·near英 [n(r)] / adv.距离近The ball rolled so near the hole,it almost fell in.(这个球滚到离洞很近的地方,差一点就进了。)·TV英 [ti: vi:] / abbr.电视They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.(他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面孔了。)·clean英 [kli:n] / n.打扫She got up early and cleaned the flat.(她早早就起了床,把公寓打扫干净。)·help英 [help] / vt.& vi.帮助She helped me to walk.(她帮助我走路。)

  *Unit 2(13个单词)



  ·schoolbag英 [''sku:lbg] / n.书包I have a schoolbag.(我有一个书包。)·maths book英 [mθs] / n.数学书This is our maths book.(这是我们的数学书。)·English book英 [gl buk] / n.英语书There is a vocabulary at the back of our English book.(我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表。)·Chinese book英 [tani:z buk] / n.语文书This is a Chinese book.(这是一本语文书。)·storybook英 [st:ribk] / n.故事书Look, I have a new storybook.(看,我有一本新的故事书。)·candy英 [kndi] / n.糖果I love to eat all kinds of candy.(我喜欢吃各种糖果。)·notebook英 [ntbk] / n.笔记本He copied the data into a notebook.(他将数据抄在一个笔记本上。)·toy英 [t] / n.玩具The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree.(那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。)·key英 [ki:] / n.钥匙They put the key in the door and entered.(他们用钥匙打开门进去了。)·wow英 [wa] / int.哇;呀I thought, ''Wow, what a good idea''.(我想:“哇,多好的主意呀。”)·lost英 [lst] / v.丢失(lose的过去式形式)Where are we?I think we might be lost.(我们在哪里?我想我们好像迷路了。)·so much英 [s mt] / 非常地If he will help us, so much the better.(假如他肯帮助我们那就更好了。)·cute英 [kju:t] / adj.可爱的Oh, look at that kitten! He''s so cute.(哦,看看那只猫!它太可爱了。)

  *Unit 3(11个单词)



  ·strong英 [str] / adj.强壮的I feared I wouldn''t be able to control such a strong horse.(我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮的马。)·friendly英 [frendli] / adj.友好的Tom and his buddy are very friendly with each other.(汤姆和他的小伙伴很友好。)·quiet英 [kwat] / adv.安静地We should be quiet when we see this.(看见这样的手势时,我们应保持安静。)·hair英 [he(r)] / n.头发I hava black hair.(我有一头黑色的头发。)·shoe英 [u:] / n.鞋Low-heeled comfortable shoes are best.(舒服的低跟鞋子最好了。)·glasses英 [''glɑ:sz] / n.眼镜She took off her glasses and rubbed them hard.(她摘下眼镜使劲擦着。)·his英 [hz] / pron.他的He looks really cool next to his sports car.(他站在自己的跑车旁边,看起来酷毙了!)·or英 [:(r)] / conj.或者Should I go left or right?There''s no way to decide.(我应该向左走还是向右走?没有办法决定。)·right英 [rat] / adj.正确的;对的You can use green marks under right answers.(你可以在正确答案下面用绿色标记。)·hat英 [ht] / n.(常指带檐的)帽子Several styles of hat were available.(帽子有几种款式。)·her英 [h(r)] / pron.她的I''ll ask her what she''s looking at.(我会问问她,她正在看什么。)

  *Unit 4(12个单词)



  ·bedroom英 [bedru:m] / n.卧室I want to sleep in a bedroom like this.(我想在这样的卧室里睡觉。)·living room英 [lv][ru:m] / v.客厅;起居室Your living room is so nice!(你的客厅真漂亮!)·study英 [stdi] / n.书房The study is furnished as it was before.(书房的陈设依旧未变。)·kitchen英 [ktn] / n.厨房She started cleaning the kitchen.(她开始打扫厨房。)·bathroom英 [bɑ:θru:m] / n.浴室;洗手间She''s in the bathroom.(她在浴室里。)·bed英 [bed] / n.床On the bed?(在床上?)·phone英 [fn] / n.电话Can I use your phone?(我能用一下你的电话吗?)·table英 [tebl] / n.桌子Your book is on the table.(你的书在桌子上。)·sofa英 [sf] / n.沙发Your sofa is so nice!(你的沙发真漂亮!)·fridge英 [frd] / n.冰箱She made her way to the kitchen to raid the fridge.(她走向厨房去扫荡冰箱。)·find英 [fand] / v.找到Follow the footprints,and you may find her.(跟着脚印走,你可能会找到她。)·them英 [m] / pron.他们;它们;她们I told them that long ago.(我早已告诉他们了。)

  *Unit 5(15个单词)



  ·beef英 [bi:f] / n.牛肉I fried up the beef.(我把牛肉煎了一下。)·chicken英 [tkn] / n.鸡肉I want chicken.(我想吃鸡肉。)·noodles英 [''nu:dlz] / n.面条I want noodles.(我想吃面条。)·soup英 [su:p] / n.汤Seafood soup is a good appetizer.(海鲜汤是一道很好的开胃菜。)·vegetable英 [vedtbl] / n.蔬菜I want rice and vegetables.(我要米饭和蔬菜。)·chopsticks英 [''tpstks] / n.筷子Do you know how to use chopsticks?(你会用筷子吗?)·bowl英 [bl] / n.碗I have a bowl of cereal every morning.(我每天早上喝一碗麦片。)·fork英 [f:k] / n.餐叉Remove the meat with a fork.(用餐叉把肉叉走。)·knife英 [naf] / n.刀Can I use your knife?(我能用一下你的小刀吗?)·spoon英 [spu:n] / n.勺He stirred his coffee with a spoon.(他用一把小勺搅着自己的咖啡。)·dinner英 [dn(r)] / n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.(我为几个密友办了晚宴。)·ready英 [redi] / adj.准备好The man in front of the line is ready to run.(在起跑线前的人准备起跑。)·help yourself英 [help j:self] / 为(自己)取用Help yourself to some chow.(吃什么请自便。)·pass英 [pɑ:s] / vt.给;递Pass him the ball.(把球传给他。)·try英 [tra] / n.试;尝试Try these shoes for size ─they should fit you.(试试这双鞋的大小,你穿应该合脚。)

  *Unit 6(17个单词)



  ·parents英 [''pernts] / n.父母Children need their parents.(孩子们需要父母。)·cousin英 [kzn] / n.同辈表亲(或堂亲)I always play with my little cousin.(我总是跟我的小表妹玩。)·uncle英 [kl] / n.叔父;伯父;舅父;姑父,姨父I love to play video games with my uncle.(我喜欢和叔叔一起玩电子游戏。)·aunt英 [ɑ:nt] / n.姨母,姑母It was a present from Aunt Vera.(这是薇拉姑妈送的礼物。)·baby brother英 [bebi] / n.婴儿小弟弟I play games with my baby brother to help my mother.(为了帮妈妈我和弟弟玩游戏。)·doctor英 [dkt(r)] / n.医生I want to be a doctor in the doctor.(我想将来成为一名医生。)·cook英 [kk] / n.厨师I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)·driver英 [drav(r)] / n.司机The driver got out of his van.(司机从货车上下来。)·farmer英 [fɑ:m(r)] / n.农民The farmer takes a rest after working for a long time.(老农在长时间辛苦耕耘以后休息了一会儿。)·nurse英 [n:s] / n.护士I want to be a nurse.(我想当一名护士。)·people英 [pi:pl] / n.人们There are many different people in the world.(世界上有许多不同的人。)·but英 [bt] / conj.但是I thought I would succeed,but I failed.(我以为我会成功,但是我失败了。)·little英 [ltl] / adj.小的You''ve had chess on the brain since you were little.(你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。)·puppy英 [ppi] / n.小狗I want a cute puppy.(我想要一只可爱的小狗。)·football player英 [futb:l ple] / n.足球运动员He is cut out for a football player.(他天生是个当足球运动员的料子。)·job英 [db] / n.工作I hate my job.(我讨厌我的工作。)·basketball英 [bɑ:sktb:l] / n.篮球Do you often play basketball?(你经常打篮球吗?)

  人教PEP版 - 四年级英语上册(三年级起点)》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
