7分示范(附笔记) | 5-8月雅思口语保留题【Part1:Friends】

  插播一则消息:《剑18》更新啦!为了更好的帮助大家,偏锋的老师们加班加点整理出了抢先版的详细解析 ,点击抢先看!

  偏锋出国:剑18 解析完整版免费领!!!完整高清PDF+音频+原创深度解析(解析陆续更新ing)今天的口语新题,依然出自偏锋整理编写的《2023年5-8月口语保留题库》。





  How important are friends to you?

  They are my life. I have to admit that without my friends, I won’t be someone like this. Back in secondary school, I was a bit bossy and even a bully, because of my friends’ kind guidance and help, I’ve completely changed into another person.

  Do you often go out with your friends?

  Sure. Although we are all working now, we would make time for each other during different festivals. We all reckon that it’s of great significance for us to hang out together from time to time, since we are like families and can support one another when necessary.

  Where do you often meet each other?

  We have lots of options, like we may go to the newly-opened restaurants downtown or even hit the bar. Even in some crappy restaurants, we may always have a blast, since we have each other as company.

  What do you usually do with your friends?

  We would do a handful of things, such as watching movies, going shopping, visiting local museums et cetera. The thing that I really love to do with them is playing mahjong. None of my friends is a sore loser, that’s why we usually can have a great time together.





  decent adj. 正派的;过得去的;合意的;

  kindergarten n. 幼儿园;学前班

  ridiculous adj. 可笑的;引人嘲笑的;荒谬的;

  concentrate 集中(注意力)
