「双语听读」Zhengzhou's great attraction 高

  654th article第654期双语推文

  NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

  According to the seventh national census of Zhengzhou City announced by the Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Statistics on May 15th, 2021, Zhengzhou City had a permanent population of 12.6 million, rising to the first place in Henan Province from the third place in 2010. It is the only city with more than 10 million permanent residents in Henan Province. Over the past 10 years, Zhengzhou's permanent population increased by 3.97 million or 46%, accounting for 12.68% of the province's permanent population. Districts (including the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone) under the jurisdiction of Zhengzhou City reported a total of nearly 7.655 million permanent residents. Among the 5.34 million new settlers in Henan Province in the past 10 years, 74% were in Zhengzhou, showing Zhengzhou's strong ability to attract people.


  Photo: Ding Youming

  Why can Zhengzhou attract 74% of the new residents in Henan Province? It is largely attributable to its economic and social development.


  A series of national strategies offer unprecedented opportunities for Zhengzhou's development系列国家战略落地带来空前机遇

  National strategies such as the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Zhengzhou Area, Zhengzhou–Luoyang–Xinxiang Innovation Demonstration Zone, Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, Big Data Comprehensive Pilot Zone, National Central City, and Ecological Conservation and High-quality Development of the Yellow River Basin deliver unprecedented positive effects to Zhengzhou. With more people, goods, capital, and information flowing into the city, Zhengzhou has ushered in a "golden opportunity period" of high-quality development.


  Photo: Li Xinhua

  Zhengzhou seizes these opportunities and pushes its economic aggregate to a new level. In 2018, Zhengzhou's GDP exceeded one trillion yuan, permanent population exceeded 10 million, and per capita GDP exceeded 100,000 yuan, enhancing Zhengzhou's role in Henan's development and forming a unique "Zhengzhou Center".


  With the rapid economic and social development, Zhengzhou's area continues to expand. In 2019, Zhengzhou's urban built-up area reached 1,181.51 square kilometers, an increase of 126.24 square kilometers over the previous year, which is approximately equivalent to the area of Xinzheng City.


  As the city expands and develops, its carrying capacity also increases. To facilitate smooth travel, Zhengzhou has made great efforts to build a "two horizontal and two vertical + ring" express road network, an "asterisk-shaped + ring" rail transit network, and an "urban bus" network that covers all areas of the city. Expressways can be reached within 15 minutes from the urban area. Belt highways charge no tolls. Aviation, high-speed rail, buses, subways, and inter-city rail enable "seamless connection" in Zhengzhou.


  Photo: Ma Jian

  With Zhengzhou as the center, the 2-hour aviation circle covers more than 90% of the population and market in the country, and the 2-hour high-speed rail circle covers about 400 million people in terms of accommodation and consumption. These motivate people, goods, business, capital, and information to quickly gather in Zhengzhou.


  The accelerated construction of a modern industrial system offers more job opportunities现代产业体系加速构建释放更多就业机会

  People with dreams usually migrate to cities. A city full of opportunities and hope is especially popular among dream chasers.


  Zhengzhou is actively promoting the transformation and upgrading of industries in the city and has established seven leading industries in the industrial sector and seven pillar industries in the service sector. Zhengzhou will advance the construction of a modern industrial system backed up by advanced manufacturing, modern service industry, urban ecological agriculture, and digital economy. Zhengzhou's tertiary industry has overtaken the industrial sector and secondary industry in size. The ratio of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries was adjusted from 3.1:54.5:42.4 in 2010 to 1.3:39.7:59 in 2020. A host of Zhengzhou-made and Zhengzhou-branded products such as smart phones, Yutong buses, and CREG tunnel boring machines have been exported to the world, which accelerates the pace of Zhengzhou's integration into the high-end global industrial chain.


  Photo: Ma Jian

  The new economy and new business formats are booming.


  From January to March 2021, the Henan Bonded Logistics Center achieved a year-on-year increase of 266.32% in cross-border e-commerce import and export volume. By the end of March, there were 1,217 enterprises filed with Zhengzhou Customs, and their cross-border e-commerce business expanded to 200 countries and regions around the world. The "Zhongdamen" bonded direct-purchasing experience center offered more than 100,000 commodities from more than 70 countries and regions across the world.


  In the first three months this year, Zhengzhou Xinzheng Airport handled more than 5.3 million passengers, up 49.5% from a year earlier, and transported a total of nearly 167,000 tons of cargo and mail, up 85% from a year ago. Passenger and cargo handling capacities continued to maintain the top position in central China.


  With the advantages of short delivery time and all-weather segmented transport, China Railway Express (Zhengzhou) has gradually turned into a "golden channel" for international logistics and land transport.


  Zhengzhou is a city where people enjoy living and working宜居宜业城市让人来了就不愿走

  People usually settle in places with comfortable surroundings and convenient infrastructure.


  Photo: Li Xinhua

  In recent years, Zhengzhou has made great efforts to create an international, market-oriented, digital business environment based on the rule of law. Zhengzhou practices such as the "11000" simplified electricity supply approval procedures for micro and small enterprises and the "returns warehouse" for retail imports of cross-border e-commerce have been replicated and extended nationwide. Zhengzhou has successfully joined the world's top 100 business-friendly cities. Nowadays, 2,110 matters can be processed without the need for a second visit, accounting for 90%, and 1,756 matters can be handled even without any visit, accounting for 80%. 544 government services and neighborhood services have been launched on the zz.hnzwfw.gov.cn website and ZhengHaoBan App.


  In the past few years, Zhengzhou has rolled out a number of targeted, flexible, thoughtful human resource policies to attract and retain high-caliber personnel, such as the "1125 talent recruitment program" and "Gather talents to Zhengzhou" program.


  Zhengzhou, which is suitable for living, working and business start-up, has become a city where many people are willing to come, like to come, and refuse to leave.


  Zhengzhou, a city of hope, attracts an increasing number of young people希望之城吸引年轻人纷至沓来

  Zhengzhou is now in the high-quality development period and shows great hope for the future.


  Photo: Zhang Wenju

  Zhengzhou will assume its responsibility as a leader and accelerate the construction of the "1+4" Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area. Zhengzhou will strengthen cooperation with Kaifeng, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, and Xuchang, formulate a feasible plan for building the Zhengzhou–Kaifeng Urban Integration Pilot Demonstration Area, and speed up the construction of the Zhengzhou–Kaifeng Technological Innovation Corridor, Zhengzhou–Xuchang Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Belt, and Zhengzhou–Xinxiang Biomedical Industry Belt.


  According to the blueprint for transport integration in the Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area, by 2025, an integrated transportation system will be formed initially, the hub system centered on Zhengzhou will be further improved, the "dual-core driving" role of Zhengzhou's aviation and railway will be enhanced significantly, the capacity and quality of the aviation hub will be increased, and a pattern of "four major railway passenger stations and multiple auxiliary stations" will be constructed.


  Zhengzhou is working to establish a modern industrial system and cultivate two 500 billion-yuan industrial clusters of electronic information and automobile & equipment manufacturing, three 300 billion-yuan industrial clusters of new materials, aluminum and aluminum deep processing, and modern food production, and five 100 billion-yuan emerging industrial clusters of intelligent sensors, Beidou applications, network security, artificial intelligence, and big data. These measures provide powerful industrial support for the construction of the core demonstration area for ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.


  The vibrant and attractive Zhengzhou boasts a bright future.


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  Text丨Hou aimin

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