





  The World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals



  斯韦思林杯 Swaythling Cup“

  斯韦思林杯”(Swaythling Cup)是世界乒乓球锦标赛男子团体比赛冠军奖杯的名称。对于为什么将该奖杯命名为“斯韦思林杯”,国内一些期刊杂志的文章以及网站通常都指出,这是由于1926年在伦敦举行首届世界乒乓球锦标赛时,国际乒联主席艾弗·蒙塔古的母亲“斯韦思林夫人”捐献了该奖杯,因此以她的名字命名,称之为“斯韦思林杯”



  Women's Team Final at the World Table Tennis Championships


  世界乒乓球女子团体冠军杯——考比伦杯 ( M Corbillon Cup ) 从1934年第8届世界乒乓球锦标赛开始,增设女子团体赛项目。这届比赛在法国巴黎举行,主办国法国乒协主席马赛耳 ·考比伦先生 (marcel corbillon) 捐赠了以他的名字命名的奖杯,作为女子团体赛的优胜奖杯。














  赛后场边采访时,WTT主持人首先祝贺马龙取得比赛胜利,并恭喜他锁定世界第二的排名。谈到比赛取胜的关键,没想到马龙开始了全英文的回答:“Today’s is a tough match,I never thought i will come in final(今天这是一场困难的比赛,我从来没有想过我能进决赛)。”

  Today is tough match,I never thought I can come in Final. Three days ago,WTT manager told me if I win the Champion,let me speak English to interview.


  But I think tomorrow is touch match too, maybe I have no chance to interview, so I think today I first want to talk.



  作为与马龙约定英文采访事宜的WTT世界乒联官员,尤莉娅·尼古拉对于当天的情景仍历历在目:“当时我正与同事聊天,突然听见马龙用英文说‘tough match(艰难的比赛)’,体育馆里的每个人都超级兴奋,大家开始疯狂欢呼!那一刻,他建立了与球迷间的纽带,他在赛场下讲述故事的能力得到了充分地展示。”




  还夸赞到:“He was very very fluent and just speak very natually in English.”






  外国记者用英语提问:“What do you think about the Waldner of Swedish player?”(“你觉得瑞典的瓦尔德内尔怎么样?”)












  Hello, everyone, I am the Chinese men’s table tennis team captain Ma Long. As a table tennis player, I am often told that when it comes to China, foreigners think of table tennis. Some creative foreign netizens even redefined the difficulty level of Chinese table tennis. The levels are graded as simple, normal, difficult, harder and “Chinese table tennis team”. I wanted to refute them, but on second thought, I find my strength doesn’t allow me to refute them. Of course, this is a joke.


  Today, it seems that the whole world knows the strength of Chinese table tennis team. In China, everyone also likes playing table tennis. In such places as school, community and park, you can see ping pong tables. In China, table tennis is regarded as a national sport. We are extremely passionate about table tennis, and this sport brings us numerous honors.


  I have been enjoying playing table tennis since I was a child. At the age of 5, my parents sent me to the Youth Palace to practice table tennis. My parents’ generation more or less had table tennis complex.


  When I was a child, adults often sat together to watch table tennis games. In front of the screen, people in the room yelled encouragement at athletes on TV. What impressed me most was the Tianjin World Table Tennis Championship in 1995. At that time, I had been learning to play table tennis.


  The men’s team final was China vs. Sweden. Before that, the Chinese men’s team had been in a low period for a long time. The Chinese men’s table tennis team lost in the 1989 and the 1993 World Table Tennis Championship finals to the Sweden team. In 1991, the Chinese team didn’t even make it into the semi-final. I remember that game. My family sat together and watched the whole game.


  Since childhood, I didn’t show my emotions very much. But with the game going on, the scores of both sides were close. Seeing adults staring at the screen and cheering for the Chinese team, and seeing the Chinese players in the games never giving up, though lagging behind sometimes, I instantly felt a rush of blood welling up in my mind—I also wanted to cheer for the Chinese team.


  Finally, the Chinese team won. The championship came again after six years. That game was thus called a rejuvenation fight for the Chinese team. It was an important turning point, and the Chinese table tennis team has become invincible from then on. What it meant to me was planting a seed in my heart. I hope that one day, I can also represent China to fight and win the championship.


  Since then, I trained hard, played in all kinds of competitions, and finally, at the age of 15, I was selected into the national team. After that, my daily work was training and competition. In the Chinese table tennis team, there were too many players and too much intense competition. My coaches were the world champions; my senior teammates were the world champions; my peer teammates were the world champions; and my junior teammates must also be the world champions. So that is why people jokingly say that it’s not difficult to win the world championship, but it’s really difficult to win the national championship. In this case, everyone in the team was trying their best to win the championship.


  When I was 18, I went with the national team to participate in the team event of World Table Tennis Championship, and won my first world championship. “ Young and talented”-this was what the outside world said about me. But I knew that was not enough. In China, table tennis is the national sport. People around the country place great expectations on our team. As a national table tennis player, one is only regarded as a winner when he gets the first place and a runner-up is regarded as a loser. So every player in the national team was under great pressure.


  In the national table tennis team, one can be acknowledged only when he wins table tennis championships in the major events. Therefore, I needed a men’s singles champion of World Championship and an Olympic champion to prove myself. However, winning a World Championship is not easy. In 2007, at the age of 19, I for the first time, participated in the men’s singles of World Table Tennis Championship, but ended up in the round of 16. However, in 2009, 2011 and 2013, I have all made it to the Final Four. But every time, in the last moment of the games, I failed to go on to the finals. According to Coach Liu Guoliang, I buried my opportunities three times. Being absent from the finals in World Table Tennis Championships seemed to become a nightmare for me.


  The next World Table Tennis Championship was in 2015. At that time, I was 27. When Coach Liu Guoliang was 27, he had won the Grand Slam and officially retired with numerous honors. As for the three major events, only in 2016, I won a World Cup championship, but in the 2014 World cup, I lost again. After that, I had the worst suspicions of myself, and even thought of retirement. Being beaten by foreign players, losing in the team events, surprise elimination from games, and being overtaken from the lead—I experienced failures of all kinds. Even if I suffered a mental breakdown, I still kept training day after day. I didn’t want to throw in the towel.


  Do you believe that when you are in the abyss, and cannot retreat anymore, going up is your only choice? In the 2015 World Table Tennis Championship, I advanced to the semi-final. The semi-final came again. Since 2009, the semi-final had become a psychological disorder for me. I was fully prepared before the game and the coach also gave me moral support. He said to me that the only one who can defeat you is yourself.


  Fortunately, this time I won. I won the world championship, and won in the 2016 Olympic Games. Finally at 28, I got my Grand Slam. Not only that, in the 2017, and the 2019 World Table Tennis Championship, I won the both championships, though the 2019 world championship didn’t come easily. Because of usual moves of playing table tennis and highly intense training all year round, I suffered pain in my left leg knee. And for these years, I have been undergoing physical therapy and rehabilitation training.


  Since the second half of 2018, I withdrew several times due to injuries. I had been away from international competitions for 8 months and hadn’t played table tennis for three months. In my career, it was one of the hardest and darkest periods. Since I learned to play table tennis at 5, I had never stayed away from table tennis for so long.

  教练和医生带我见了许多的权威医生。中医针灸和西医的理疗交替尝试。那段时间我的膝盖都是青一块紫一块的。没法训练的日子, 我只能练习身体。在很长一段时间里,就算是身体训练稍微一上量,我的膝盖就会肿胀和疼痛。2019年国内,我在两个月时间里就4次去医院,抽出膝盖里的积液。

  My coach and my doctor took me to see many authoritative doctors. Chinese acupuncture and Western physical therapy were alternately tried on my knee. At that time, my knee was always black and blue. In the days when I couldn’t train, I only maintained basic physical training. For a long time, even a little bit more physical training would result in swelling and severe pain in my knee. By early 2019, I, in two months, went to the hospital four times to drain the fluid in my knee.


  Injuries Defeat Ma Long


  He’s Too Old


  The Age of Hexagon Warriors Is Over


  During that time, we-media was full of headlines that bad-mouthed me. When I was suffering from injuries, I asked myself— “can I return to the sport”, and then another voice in my heart came out— “why must I return to the sport”. In fact, after winning the Rio Olympic championship in 2016, I got Grand Slam. In most players’ opinion, at the age of 28, I should retire now with my victories. Seriously, I hesitated at that time.


  However, when I didn’t know where the goal was, the accumulated injuries broke out into a severe problem. I didn’t play for such a long time, but I really realized how much I loved this sport. In those months, when I played table tennis once in a while, I was especially happy. In the recovery period, my goal has become to keeping playing table tennis that I love instead of the goal of winning a championship that I had before 2016.

  乒乓球已经成为我生命中无法替代和割舍的一部分,它就像住进了我的身体里一样。我太热爱乒乓球了。我怎么能不热爱它呢?就像小时候看着电视,为中国队加油那样情不自禁。就像看到我前辈们,赢得冠军后,亲吻国旗那般深深震撼。就像2019年世乒赛,时隔八个月的我战胜伤病,终于获得冠军,赛后采访说出那句“I am made in China”一样。

  Table tennis has become an irreplaceable part of my life. It seems to have lived in my body. I love table tennis so much. How can I not love it?It is just as I watched games on TV and cheered for the Chinese team in my childhood. I couldn’t control myself around these feelings. It is just as I saw my predecessors kiss the national flag after winning the championships. I was completely blown away. It is just as I said “I am made in China” after winning the 2019 World Table Tennis Championship through eight-month recovery.


  Table tennis and the motherland has been in my blood for so long. It was one of the happiest moments of my life when I see the five-star red flag being raised on the international field because of me. I finally realized my dream of winning honors for my motherland—the dream since my childhood.


  In 1959, during the 25th World Table Tennis Championship, Rong Guotuan of the Chinese team won the first World Championship. Since then, the table tennis sport has continuously won honor and respect for China. In the 1970s due to Ping-Pong Diplomacy, table tennis became a link between China and foreign countries. Chinese table tennis team and generations of players devoted their youth and perspiration to carrying forward this sport.


  As a member of Chinese table tennis team, what I can do is go all out whatever the destination is.





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