



  the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China(PRC)

  中国特色社会主义道路 path of socialism with Chinese characteristics

  民族独立 national independence

  全国各族人民 Chinese people of all ethnic groups

  同心同德 concerted efforts

  艰苦奋斗 arduous struggle

  主体地位 principal status

  和平发展道路 path of peaceful development

  开放战略 strategy of opening-up

  和平统一 peaceful reunification

  人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for humanity


  共和国勋章 the Medal of the Republic

  国家最高荣誉 the highest state honor

  友谊勋章 the Friendship Medal

  国家荣誉称号 national titles of honor

  共和国史册 the history of the PRC

  英雄模范 heroes and role models


  人民英雄纪念碑 the Monument to the People’s Heroes

  烈士纪念日 Martyrs’ Day

  历史性成就 historic accomplishments

  革命先辈 revolutionary forefathers

  世界和平 world peace

  重大贡献 great contributions

  理想信念 ideals and convictions

  社会主义革命 socialist revolution

  捍卫国家主权 safeguard China’s sovereignty


  阅兵 military parade

  联合军乐团 military band

  空中护旗梯队 airborne flag-guarding echelons

  徒步方队 foot formations

  装备方队 armament formations

  空中梯队 air echelons

  中国人民解放军 Chinese People’s Liberation Army(PLA)

  仪仗方队 formations of guards of honor

  维和部队方队 formations of peacekeepers

  女兵方队 servicewomen formations

  军备方队 formations for military equipment

  陆上作战 land combat operation

  海上作战 maritime combat operation

  防空反导 air defense and missile defense

  高科技武器装备 high-tech weapons and equipment

  反舰导弹 anti-ship missiles

  防空导弹 anti-aircraft missiles

  运输机 transport planes

  喷气式战斗机 fighter jets

  高空高速无人侦察机 high-altitude high-speed reconnaissance drone

  武警特警 special armed police forces

  武官 military attaches


  群众游行 mass pageantry

  大事件 epoch-making event

  社会经济成就 socioeconomic accomplishments

  伟大复兴 great rejuvenation

  青春记忆 memory of youth

  毛泽东思想 Mao Zedong Thought

  新民主主义革命 New Democratic Revolution

  邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory

  历史性决策 historic decision

  社会主义初级阶段 the primary stage of socialism

  上下一心的国家 nation of one mind

  三个代表重要思想 Theory of Three Represents


  Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

  伟大飞跃 great leap

  竞技体育 competitive sports

  全民健身 nationwide fitness campaign

  冰雪运动 ice and snow sports

  中国梦 Chinese Dream


  国庆招待会 National Day reception

  改革开放 reform and opening-up

  民族复兴 national rejuvenation

  一国两制 One Country, Two Systems

  港人治港 the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong

  九二共识 the 1992 Consensus

  合作共赢 cooperation and win-win

  “两个一百年”奋斗目标 the two centenary goals


  主题表演 theme performances

  文艺演出 art performances

  即兴表演 improvisation

  新时代 new era

  新面貌 new look

  视听盛宴 visual and acoustic feast

  传统舞蹈 traditional dance

  非物质遗产元素 intangible cultural heritage elements

  舞龙舞狮 lion and dragon dance

  2022冬奥会和残奥会吉祥物 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic mascots


  最具活力的经济体 the most dynamic economies

  民生 people’s livelihoods

  国际舞台 international stage

  重大全球问题 major global problems

  战略伙伴 strategic partners

  综合国力 overall national strength

  国际影响力 international influence

  国际地位 international status

  必然选择 inevitable choice

  根本保障 fundamental guarantee

  摆脱贫困 out of poverty

  小康社会 moderately prosperous society

  伟大征程 great journey

  社会主义现代化强国 great modern socialist country

  积极贡献 positive contributions

  双边关系 bilateral relation



