小学英语四年级下册教学设计:Unit2 what time is it?(2)

  3.sing a song with the new sentences just like two tigers and teach ss to sing this song remember the sentences.

  Activity3: make dialogues

  Work in pairs , I will give students 5minutes to prepare the dialogue using the new words and sentences. Then ask volunteers to show their play in the front.

  Step3: Consolidation

  Activity1: show a picture of Zhang Pen’s day. Today, Zhang Peng does different things.

  T: What does Zhang Peng do on the day? Let’s see together.

  (Present the picture of the clock)

  T: What time is it?

  Ss: It’s 7o’clock.

  T: It’s time for breakfast.

  Teach ss “time for breakfast, drink some milk”(read and do the action).

  Point to the other time and ask .

  Activity2: Play a game. let’s do.

  Teach students a chant with action. Just like this

  It’s time for breakfast.

  Let’s drink some milk.

  It’s time for lunch.

  Let’s eat some rice.

  Then sing and do with the whole class.

  Step4: Summary and home work

  Conclude what we have learnt today. Ask ss to conclude with me together. And tell them to arrange time properly and have a good habit.

  Homework: let students sing the chant to their parents.

  Blackboard design:




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