
      tag and quota system 派筹及配额制度

      Tai A Chau Detention Centre 大鸦洲羁留中心

      Taiwan Entry Permit 入台证

      Taiwan Exit Permit 台湾出境证

      Taiwan Group Visitors Registration Counter 台湾团体旅客登记处

      Taiwan visit permit 台湾来港旅游入境许可证

      Task Force [Immigration Department] 特遣队〔入境事务处〕

      telephone appointment booking system [Immigration Department] 电话预约系统〔入境事务处〕

      telephone enquiry service [Immigration Department] 电话查询服务〔入境事务处〕

      temporary identity card 临时身分证

      temporary leave card [Vietnamese refugee] 暂离证〔越南难民〕

      temporary permit [commonly known as "going-out pass"] 暂准证〔俗称"行街纸"〕

      temporary resident 临时居民

      Temporary Vietnamese Interpreter [TVI] 临时越南语传译员

      terminal building [control point] 大楼〔管制站〕

      territory 领土

      third country 第三国家

      three asterisks 三星标记

      "three letters and six rites" 三书六礼

      "touch base" policy "抵垒"政策

      tourist 游客

      Traffic Index System 出入境统计系统

      traffic regulator 排队指导员

      training visa 培训签证

      电影蜜蜂 transfer 移转;转让

      transfer endorsement 移转签注

      transfer of identity card 转让身分证

      transit centre 转解中心;临时收容中心

      transit lounge 过境处;转机处

      transit procedure 过境手续;转机手续

      transit visa 过境签证

      transitional provisions in respect of Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 关于《1997年人民入境(修订)条例》的过渡性条文

      transmissible by descent 可凭世系传给下一代

      transmission of citizenship 传交公民身分

      transmit certificate 送交证书

      travel document 旅行证件

      Travel Documents (Application) Section [Immigration Department] 旅行证件(申请)组〔入境事务处〕

      Travel Documents (Issue) Section [Immigration Department] 旅行证件(签发)组〔入境事务处〕

      travel pass 旅游通行证

      Travel Pass Pilot Scheme 旅游通行证试验计划

      Travel Record and Immigration Control Enforcement System [TRAICES] 出入境记录及管制系统

      Travel Record Indexing System 出入境记录系统

      true extract 真确摘录

      trust territory 托管地

      Tsim Sha Tsui Marriage Registry 尖沙咀婚姻登记处

      Tuen Mun (Bowring) Refugee Centre 屯门(虎地)难民中心

      Tuen Mun Closed Centre 屯门禁闭中心

      Tuen Mun Immigration Anchorage 入境船只屯门碇泊处

      two-way exit permit holder's information sheet 双程通行证持有人资料申报表

      unaccompanied minor 非与父母同行的未成年人

      unauthorized entrant 未获授权进境者;擅自入境者

      unauthorized immigrant 未获授权进境者;擅自入境者

      uncertain nationality 国籍不明

      unconditional stay 无条件限制逗留

      undesirable immigrant 不受欢迎入境者

      union of concubinage 夫妾关系

      United Kingdom belonger 联合王国本土人

      United Kingdom consular official 联合王国领事官员

      United Kingdom passport 联合王国护照

      United Nations Conference on Vietnamese Boat People 联合国越南船民会议

      United Nations Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status 《联合国审定难民身分程序及准则手册》

      United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR] 联合国难民事务高级专员署

      unlawful employment 非法雇用

      unlawfully altered document 非法改动的文件

      unreferred visit visa 免转达旅游签证

      unrestricted British passport 不受限制的英国护照

      urgent travel 急需前往外地

      US/Vietnam bilateral programme 美越双边计划