斑马博士捷报|约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU)MS in Applied Econom

  原标题:斑马博士捷报|约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU)MS in Applied Economics硕士录取!


  斑马博士专门整理了约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University(JHU)MS in Applied Economics应用经济学硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

  【洞察】这个专业有先修课程要求,包括微积分、宏微观经济等,并且成绩要在B以上,这个卡得很死,没上过的话一般不会发offer。选修课很多,可以specialize in很多领域,比如Environmental economics、Financial economics、Health economics。 JHU排名很好,虽然aap 项目一直被人诟病,但依旧不影响JHU成为大部分公司录用的tier1 target school。

  【OFFER展示】 约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University(JHU)MS in Applied Economics应用经济学硕士

  【BG】加本,WES GPA 3.3+, GRE 320+, VC咨询实习。


  约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University,简称Hopkins或JHU)创立于1876年,是私立综合研究型大学,位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,北美学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)创始校之一。 官方吉祥物为“冠蓝鸦”(Blue Jay)。



  Economic analysis is no longer relegated to academicians and a small number of PhD-trained specialists. Instead, economics has become an increasingly ubiquitous and rapidly changing line of inquiry that requires people who are skilled in analyzing and interpreting economic data, and then using it to effect decisions about national and global markets and policy involving everything from health care to fiscal policy, from foreign aid to the environment, and from financial risk to real risk.

  The Master of Science in Applied Economics develops skills in economic reasoning and in constructing and estimating economic models through the use of econometrics and other quantitative techniques. This is accomplished by a rigorous and demanding curriculum and a talented and dedicated staff of instructors. This is a 10-course degree program, with classes offered in the evenings at the Washington, DC Center of the Johns Hopkins University (near Dupont Circle) and online. The degree can be pursued at a part-time or a full-time pace, on-site or online, or in both modes. All undergraduate majors are welcome.(摘录自官网)


  Microeconomic Theory

  Macroeconomic Theory



  Core Courses - Customizable:

  Select one of the following:

  Macroeconometrics [Time-Series Analysis]

  Macroeconomic Forecasting [Time Series Analysis]

  Financial Econometrics [Time-Series Analysis]

  Microeconometrics [Cross-Section and Panel Analysis]


  Macroeconometrics [Time-Series Analysis]

  Macroeconomic Forecasting [Time Series Analysis]

  Bayesian Econometrics

  Financial Econometrics [Time-Series Analysis]

  Microeconometrics [Cross-Section and Panel Analysis]

  Cost-Benefit Analysis

  Computable General Equilibrium Modeling

  Machine Learning in Statistics

  Survey Research Methods

  Monetary Economics

  Finance and the Macroeconomy

  Topics in Macroeconomics and Finance

  Economic Growth

  International Finance (Open Economy Macro)

  Financial Economics

  Financial Intermediation & Financial Markets

  Economics of Investments and Financial Management

  Behavioral Economics & Finance

  Economics of Derivatives

  Environmental & Resource Economics

  Economics of the Labor Market

  Political Economy

  Industrial Organization

  Law and Economics

  Public Economics

  Development Microeconomics

  International Trade (Open Economy Micro)

  Regional Economics

  Urban Economics

  Economics of Health Care

  Game Theory

