


  《新政治经济学》(New Political Economy)是一份涵盖国际政治经济学研究的双月刊同行评审学术期刊。其成立于1996年,由Routledge出版。本刊是国际政治经济学领域的主流期刊之一,与《国际政治经济学评论》(Review of International Political Economy)并列。2021年该刊影响因子为3.625。




  The Impacts of Subordinated Financialisation on Workers in Peripheral Countries: an Analytical Framework and the Cases of Brazil and Colombia



  Zero Carbon as Economic Restructuring: Spatial Divisions of Labour and Just Transition



  The Politics of Fiscal Legitimacy in Developmental States: Emergency Taxes in Argentina Under Kirchnerism



  Seeing Like a Macroeconomist: Varieties of Formalisation, Professional Incentives and Academic Ideational Change



  The Political Economy of Climate Change Litigation: Is There a Point to Suing Fossil Fuel Companies?



  Governing Global Liquidity: Federal Reserve Swap Lines and the International Dimension of US Monetary Policy



  Studying the Relationship Between Social Policy Promotion and Neoliberalism: the Case of Social Investment



  Modern Finance Theory and Practice and the Anthropocene



  Resilience, Discipline and Financialisation in the UK’s Liberal Welfare State



  The EU as Catalytic State? Rethinking European Climate and Energy Governance



  Statistical Conventions and the Forms of the State: A Story of South African Statistics



  题目:The Impacts of Subordinated Financialisation on Workers in Peripheral Countries: an Analytical Framework and the Cases of Brazil and Colombia

  作者:Manuel Martínez,巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学经济研究所发展经济学博士生,研究兴趣为拉丁美洲经济的从属性金融化;Pietro Borsari,巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学经济研究所发展经济学博士生,研究兴趣为拉丁美洲经济的从属性金融化。


  The paper examines the effects of subordinate financial integration on workers in peripheral countries. The objective is to link the financial, productive and social reproduction spheres, taking into account the centre-periphery dynamic in the global process of capital valorisation. In this sense, the main contribution is the proposition of an analytical framework on the subject, based on Marxist and post-Keynesian inspired literature. Considering the asymmetric international relations within the hierarchical monetary system, the dynamics of capital cycles and the external imbalances of peripheral economies, five transmission channels are proposed concerning: (i) the burden of wealth transfer, (ii) the rise in household indebtedness, (iii) the effects of exchange rate volatility on real wages, (iv) the increased pressure for fiscal discipline which contributes to labour and social security reforms, and (v) the regressive specialisation of the productive structure and its impacts on employment. The secondary contribution refers to the comparative analysis of the cases of subordinate financialisation of Brazil and Colombia. The results of this analysis reveal the relevance of the proposed channels in terms of the dynamics of workers’ social reproduction in a contemporary context, particularly with regard to wages, employment, household indebtedness and labour and social security rights.


  题目:Zero Carbon as Economic Restructuring: Spatial Divisions of Labour and Just Transition

  作者:Aidan While,谢菲尔德大学城市研究与规划系高级讲师,谢菲尔德大学城市研究所联合主任,研究领域为经济发展和环境政策;Will Eadson,谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学区域经济和社会研究中心教授,研究领域为零碳转型。

  摘要:减少碳排放的战略将成为经济结构调整的强大力量,这些战略既为经济发展创造新契机,也为某些行业带来严峻挑战。“公正转型”方面亟需解决的问题在于,低碳经济结构的调整是否会对既有的空间非均衡性和劳动力市场的优劣势形成挑战或强化作用。在本文中,作者回顾了 1980 年代和 1990 年代关于经济结构调整的文献,并提出一个理论框架,以理解低碳行业的“空间分工”和如何通过它确保经济公正转型。本文的方法将供应链中的技能、培训和就业途径问题作为公正转型的关键维度,并提供分析和干预的框架。因此,该论文通过将脱碳概念化为空间经济结构调整的一种形式,并分析其对现有空间发展非均衡模式方面的潜在影响,为低碳转型带来了新的批判性视角。

  Strategies to reduce carbon emissions are set to be a powerful force of economic restructuring, creating new economic opportunities, and also disruption and divestment for some firms and sectors. A pressing issue for ‘just transitions’ is whether low carbon economic restructuring will challenge or reinforce prevailing geographies of spatial inequality and labour market (dis)advantage. In this article we return to the economic restructuring literature of the 1980s and 1990s to provide a theoretical framework for understanding ‘spatial divisions’ of low carbon work and how they might be shaped to ensure economically just transition. Our approach foregrounds questions of skills, training and pathways to employment across supply chains as key dimensions of just transition, providing a framework for analysis and intervention. The paper, therefore, brings new critical perspectives on low carbon transitions by conceptualising decarbonisation as a form of spatial economic restructuring and its potential implications in reinforcing and/or working against the existing patterns of uneven spatial development.


  题目:The Politics of Fiscal Legitimacy in Developmental States: Emergency Taxes in Argentina Under Kirchnerism

  作者:Matt Barlow,约克大学政治系博士候选人,研究领域为全球南方的税收政治经济学和发展政治经济学,研究兴趣包括应急治理、区域主义、全球健康和性别政治经济学;Alejandro Milcíades Pe?a,约克大学国际关系高级讲师,研究领域为国家与社会关系和争议政治、拉丁美洲政治和国际关系等。


  In times of crisis, governments can resort to tax rises and emergency taxation schemes to finance extraordinary needs. These schemes often generate tensions in the fiscal contract between the state and society, as they affect basic definitions regarding who is taxed, for how much, and what for. In the context of developing economies, where available sources of extraordinary rents are limited, dealing with these tensions can be problematic as it involves reconciling questions of fiscal legitimacy with the interests of influential economic sectors. This article analyses these tensions by exploring the case of Argentina in the aftermath of the 2001 debt default crisis, when emergency taxes on agricultural exports were implemented and then expanded under Kirchnerist administrations pursuing a ‘post-neoliberal’ developmental agenda. However, we argue that the government failed in legitimating this fiscal agreement, resulting in a tax rebellion by the rural sector in 2008 followed by the growing polarisation of the policy in partisan terms. By bringing to the fore the challenges and conflicts involved in legitimating tax collection, the article illuminates an overlooked aspect of the political economy of developmental states, particularly those seeking to enhance state autonomy while pursuing redistributive goals.


  题目:Seeing Like a Macroeconomist: Varieties of Formalisation, Professional Incentives and Academic Ideational Change

  作者:Oddny Helgadóttir 哥本哈根商学院副教授,研究领域为宏观经济理念和增长模式、国际税收和不平等、宏观经济学中的科学和政策范式以及金融化和影子银行。


  An emerging literature in political economy points to ‘hinges’ between academia and policy as important sites of analysis and emphasises the role of quantitative models in lending scientific legitimacy to economic ideas. This paper contributes to this literature by asking: what drives change in what is seen as authoritative macroeconomic modelling in academic settings? And how do drivers of ideational change in academia differ from drivers of ideational change in economic policy institutions? In answering these questions the paper emphasises the way in which variations in the formal structures of macroeconomic models interact with academics’ individual professional incentives. Specifically, it argues that ‘portable’ forms of modelling that do not require access to extensive resources are likely to trump ‘fixed’ and resource-intensive forms of modelling. Making this distinction helps elucidate critical junctures in the history of macroeconomic thought. Analytically, the paper relies on a framework that connects the sociology of science, the sociology of professions and the institutionalist tradition in political economy.


  题目:The Political Economy of Climate Change Litigation: Is There a Point to Suing Fossil Fuel Companies?

  作者:Ryan Gunderson,迈阿密大学社会学和老年学系副教授,研究兴趣包括环境社会学、技术社会学、社会理论和政治经济学;Claiton Fyock,莱斯特大学法学院博士候选人,研究领域为发展和国际经济法。


  This paper examines the social-theoretical assumptions and assesses the potential effectiveness of holding carbon-intensive corporations legally accountable for climate change harms. We argue that the structure of private corporations operating in a growth-dependent capitalist social formation is the problem, not concrete companies. Ignoring social structure has practical consequences. Assuming favourable court outcomes in the future – a questionable assumption considering remaining procedural obstacles and the status quo-preserving tendencies of law –, bringing claims against corporations for civil wrongs will remain ineffective as a mitigation strategy because many carbon-intensive corporations can absorb substantial lawsuit-related costs and, even if legal costs push fossil fuel companies out of business, their competitors will step in to extract open reserves. Changing the law, rather than pursuing individual offenders, will necessarily need to provide more systemic recourse to environmental degradation. We recommend a potentially more effective mitigation strategy for which lawyers concerned about climate change could lend knowledge, resources, and time: fossil fuel nationalisation.


  题目:Governing Global Liquidity: Federal Reserve Swap Lines and the International Dimension of US Monetary Policy

  作者:Fabian Pape,英国华威大学政治与国际研究系博士候选人,研究重点是美联储在美国货币市场转型和国际化中的作用。


  Since the use of swap lines during the global financial crisis, the Federal Reserve is widely seen as international lender of last resort. Yet the focus on emergency liquidity assistance tends to obscure the broader significance of swap lines for US monetary governance. As this article shows, swap lines have historically played a crucial and evolving role in structuring and facilitating specific practices of offshore Eurodollar liquidity production in the interest of US monetary policy. A key contemporary example can be found in the uptake of swap lines during the Covid-19 market turmoil in early 2020: swap lines alleviated offshore dollar funding conditions to such an extent that they also triggered reverse inflows of dollar liquidity back into the US. More than simply providing a backstop to the global system, these swap interventions effectively restructured cross-border financial flows in a way that afforded the Fed greater control over domestic markets. Yet as the capacity to influence global liquidity conditions appears increasingly crucial to the Federal Reserve’s control over domestic monetary conditions, these interventions pose broader questions about its role in managing instable and evolving cross-border credit relations that link domestic and global markets.


  题目:Studying the Relationship Between Social Policy Promotion and Neoliberalism: the Case of Social Investment

  作者:Francesco Laruffa, 日内瓦大学研究员,研究领域为新自由主义、福利改革和社会正义。


  Drawing from the fields of Cultural Political Economy and Critical Policy Studies, this article examines the relationship between social policy and neoliberalism, focusing on the ‘social investment’ discourse promoted by the European Commission. In the social policy literature, social investment is widely considered a policy framework able to overcome neoliberalism, with the latter defined rather narrowly as welfare retrenchment. Instead, referring to the vast literature on neoliberalism, this article proposes an innovative two-dimensional conceptualisation of neoliberalism as a political and epistemological project. The analysis reveals that while social investment provides a much more generous reform path than welfare retrenchment, it nevertheless largely follows neoliberalism in its epistemological and distributive dimensions, extending the economic rationale to non-economic areas and accommodating the interests of the economic and financial elites. The article finally connects this result with broader debates within international political economy on the future of the welfare state in a global economy.


  题目:Modern Finance Theory and Practice and the Anthropocene

  作者:Emre Tarim, 兰卡斯特大学管理学院行为科学讲师,研究兴趣为个人和组织的认知和行为,及其与金融市场、能源市场和移民家庭背景下制度的相互作用。


  The Anthropocene, as a geological epoch, has come to be defined in terms of the variability within the Earth System’s operations as measured through various markers such as surface temperatures and CO2 emissions. These variations are generated by human activity, characterised by catastrophic processes and outcomes, and beyond any previous natural variability. This paper focuses on how modern finance theory and practice respond to one of the overflows that it has helped generate – namely, adverse anthropogenic effects such as climate change and soil degradation. Although modern finance theory and practice are capable of generating alternative socio-technical arrangements such as socially responsible investing and abatement markets to alleviate such adverse effects, these alternatives, for the very fact of their embeddedness in the financialised form of thermo-industrial capitalism, are prone to suffer from what some scholars describe as capitalism’s creative self-destruction.


  题目:Resilience, Discipline and Financialisation in the UK’s Liberal Welfare State

  作者:Matthew Donoghue,都柏林大学学院助理教授,研究领域为政策和危机之间的广义相互关系,以及社会公民权和社会权利在欧洲和欧盟内部的当代意义和影响。


  Financialisation has become central to contemporary liberal welfare states. The embedding of asset-based welfare and social investment strategies has emphasised focus on maximising the number of potential consumers, alongside reducing the welfare state’s economic liabilities as much as possible. A central component of this is shifting risk away from the state, individualising risk. The efficacy of this process rests on individuals internalising this risk shift and accepting the premise that they are entirely responsible for their own economic wellbeing, regardless of the social conditions in which they live. In this article, I argue that the concept of ‘resilience’ facilitates this internalisation, which helps to explain its relatively rapid uptake in the social policy of welfare regimes such as the UK. ‘Resilience’ can be understood as a disciplinary mechanism that assists with both legitimising and enforcing the financialisation of everyday life through the welfare state. This article makes a theoretical contribution to the literature through providing the first substantive attempt to demonstrate the role resilience as a social policy strategy may play in maintaining the longevity of financialised welfare capitalism and furthering the financialisation of everyday life.


  题目:The EU as Catalytic State? Rethinking European Climate and Energy Governance

  作者:Andrea Prontera,马切拉塔大学副教授,研究兴趣为国际政治经济学、比较公共政策、能源安全和能源政策;Rainer Quitzow,德国波茨坦高级可持续发展研究所的研究小组组长,研究领域为可持续创新、产业政策、以及德国和其他国家的能源转型的治理。

  摘要:监管型国家为定义欧盟的性质以及其在政策制定中的作用提供了一个有用的框架。尽管人们普遍认为,自20世纪90年代制定这一路径以来,欧洲一体化的条件已经发生了巨大的变化,但很少有学者试图将欧盟“超越”监管型国家理论化。为了填补这一空白,本文提出了催化国家(catalytic state)的概念,追踪其在气候和能源领域的理论演进。文章将欧盟作为一个催化国家初步理论化,将其置于积极型国家的直接路径和监管型国家的间接路径之间。在此基础上,文章对国家在气候和能源领域的催化能力进行了详细描述。本文认为,这些新的能力并没有取代现有的监管能力,而是按照政策分层的逻辑,扩大了欧盟的行动范围。然而,这在多大程度上提高了欧盟实现其政策目标的能力,仍然是一个开放的问题。最后,围绕欧盟作为一个催化国家的有效性、问责制和范围等方面,本文对后续研究进行讨论和展望。

  The regulatory state has provided a useful framework for conceptualizing the nature of the EU and its role in policy making. Although it is widely accepted that the conditions of European integration have dramatically changed since the 1990s, when this approach was formulated, few scholars have sought to theorize the EU ‘beyond’ the regulatory state. To fill this gap, this article puts forward the concept of the catalytic state, tracing its emergence within the field of climate and energy. The article proposes an initial theorization of the EU’s role as a catalytic state, situating it between the direct approach of the positive state and the indirect one of the regulatory state. On that basis, it provides a detailed mapping of catalytic state capacities in the climate and energy sector. Rather than replacing existing regulatory capacities, the paper argues, these new capacities have expanded the scope of EU action, following the logic of policy layering. To what extent this has indeed increased the ability of the EU to achieve its declared policy targets remains an open question, however. The paper concludes with a discussion of further research questions regarding the effectiveness, accountability and scope of the EU as a catalytic state.


  题目:Statistical Conventions and the Forms of the State: A Story of South African Statistics

  作者:Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez,奈梅亨拉德堡德大学经济理论与政策助理教授,研究领域为政治经济学的发展和可持续性,重点是地方治理和社会经济。

  摘要:作为治理的核心,官方统计数据远非自然产物。在社会和政治方面,统计惯例的目的、意义和解释随着时间和空间的推移而演变。如果几年来对数据指标的批评越来越多,那么人们对量化过程本身的了解就更少了,在非西方国家尤其如此。随着统计数据在发展领域的广泛应用,了解不同背景下的量化过程更为重要。与发达国家相比,非洲国家具有不同的复杂性,这使得它们在理解量化过程及其与国家建设的关系中独具特点。通过使用惯例学派(conventions school)的分析框架,作者重新研读了南非官方统计数据的案例。基于对南非由种族国家向发展型国家的发展历史过程追踪,作者分析了量化过程与国家的关系,并借此呈现了量化的发展过程。

  Central for governance, official statistics are far from natural artefacts. The purpose, meaning and interpretation of statistical conventions evolve across time and space, in relation to social and political aspects. If criticism of indicators is growing since several years, less is understood on the process of quantification himself, especially in non-Western countries. Understanding quantification processes in different contexts is even more important as statistics are widely used in the development field. With a different complexity compared to Northern societies, African countries appear as privileged fields for this understanding and its connection with state-building. By using the analytical framework of the conventions school, I reread the case of official statistics in South Africa. Based on process-tracing, I show the history of the quantification process through its relations with the state, from a racial state during the apartheid to a developmental state nowadays.

  编译 | 胡富钦 周杼樾

  审校 | 周杼樾 胡富钦

  排版 | 吴梦婷
