斑马博士捷报|约翰霍普金斯大学 (JHU)MS in Marketing市场营销
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斑马博士专门整理了约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University(JHU)MS in Marketing市场营销硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。
【OFFER展示】 约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University(JHU)MS in Marketing市场营销硕士
约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University,简称Hopkins或JHU)创立于1876年,是私立综合研究型大学,位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,北美学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)创始校之一。 官方吉祥物为“冠蓝鸦”(Blue Jay)。
The full-time Master of Science in Marketing with a STEM-designated concentration in marketing analytics develops skills for a deeper understanding of market theory, analysis, and practical applications.
Marketing theory
Develop the skills for a deeper understanding of the market, the profile of the market on a granular level, and targeted customer experience strategies based on real-time customer feedback
Marketing foundations
Equip yourself with the concepts and trends to become a leader in corporate, nonprofit, or government marketing
Marketing in the digital age
Prepare to meet the demand for capable and confident marketing professionals who understand the digital economy, global, and start-up environments
STEM-designated curriculum
Includes a STEM-designated concentration in marketing analytics, that offers an Optional Practical Training STEM Extension benefit(摘录自官网)
Business foundations
BU.520.601 Business Analytics
BU.131.601 Business Leadership and Human Values
BU.410.620 Marketing Management
BU.510.601 Statistical Analysis
Functional core
BU.420.710 Consumer Behavior
BU.450.760 Customer Analytics
BU.510.650 Data Analytics
BU.410.601 Marketing Research
BU.450.710 Marketing Strategy
BU.430.720 Pricing Analysis
BU.450.765 Social Media Analytics
BU.450.750 Strategic Market Intelligence
BU.420.730 Advanced Behavioral Marketing
BU.210.620 Accounting and Financial Reporting
BU.430.710 Branding and Marketing Communications
BU.120.601 Business Communication
BU.132.601 Business Law
BU.460.710 Business-to-Business Marketing and Channel Strategy
BU.420.720 Customer Relationship Management
BU.450.630 Designing Experiments
BU.460.700 Integrated Digital Marketing
BU.460.730 New Product Development
BU.510.615 Python for Data Analysis
BU.450.740 Retail Analytics
BU.430.740 Sales Force Management