【VanOutdoors体验式教育】| 2月14-17日“Mt. Baker?滑
原标题:【VanOutdoors体验式教育】| 2月14-17日“Mt. Baker?滑雪”四日营!
贝克山滑雪场(Mt. Baker)位于华盛顿州北边,是喜欢滑粉雪的人们心驰神往的地方,海拔1070~1525米,可滑雪面积1000英亩,年平均降雪量1732厘米,在1998-1999年间,Baker的降雪曾经达到过2895厘米,是世界上冬季降雪量最多的记录保持者。因其巨大的落差使得贝克山富有极具挑战性的雪道,并且拥有丰富的降雪,贝克山滑雪场每年吸引全球240位选手的贝克山传奇回转障碍赛就在此举办。
Vanoutdoors精心设计的Mt. Baker 四天滑雪之旅,包括缆车票,交通,食物,指南和豪华住宿。在这次旅行中,孩子们将学习一些有关如何在度假胜地进行风险管理的技巧。孩子们将被分成小组,参与餐饮准备和清洁工作。这些工作会教会孩子们独立学习如何做饭和打扫卫生的能力。
This is a leadership ski camp. The focus of ski camp will be developing leadership and communication while skiing and cooking in a team environment. While skiing, the groups will be divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Throughout the day, participants will be taught Vanoutdoors experiential education principles by instructors to facilitate the day.In the mornings and evenings, the participants will prepare and clean up meals. Lunch will be bought at the ski hill. Each evening we will have a nightly activity that includes a debrief to dissect the learning taught throughout the trip. In addition to making new friends and learning social skills, the participants will receive a report card at the end of the trip that outlines what they learned, what they can improve on, and what they are doing well.
Vanoutdoors 2月14-17日Mt. Baker滑雪营课程知识点
滑雪安全 - 高山责任规则,安全的休息地点,设备检查
滑雪路线 - 阅读滑雪地图,选择路线,评估地形
团队管理 - 建立信任,提高沟通力
烹饪方法 - 准备、使用正确的切菜和烹饪方法,清洁。
装卸车辆 - 正确装载雪具,包括加固和打包技巧,安全知识以及团队合作。
社区生活 - 维护社区清洁,保持团队活力,提供帮助
衣物选择 - 根据天气情况和衣物材质学会分层穿搭,学习衣物鞋帽的干燥方法。
滑雪挑战 - 雪况观察,升降缆车,雪道维护,住宿,造雪都是团队将要学习的后勤挑战。
雪具保养 - 打蜡,修边
身体素质 - 与CSIA / CASI教练一起迅速提高滑雪技巧。技能越多,受伤的风险就越小。
沟通和领导能力 - 由于活动的快节奏,孩子们将学习肢体沟通来传递信号。在山顶滑下之前,领队和孩子们都将制定计划,按照小组模式一起滑雪并执行。这是锻炼孩子们沟通力和领导力的最佳模式。
Vanoutdoors户外社团2月14-17日 滑雪四日营只需要790加币
4天Mt. Baker滑雪活动
Mt. Baker 往返交通
日期时间安排:2月14 - 17日
Feb 14th
12:30 PM - Meet and pack equipment
1:00 PM - Depart
4:00 PM - Arrive and check-in
5:00 PM - Group 1 makes dinner, other groups settle in
7:00 PM - Group 2 clean up
8:00 PM - Debrief (goal setting)
Feb 15th
6:30 AM - Wake up and group 3 makes breakfast
7:30 AM - Clean-up group 1
5:00 PM - Group 2 makes dinner, other groups settle in
7:00 PM - Group 3 clean-up
8:00 PM - Debrief (Highlights)
Feb 16th
6:30 AM - Wake up and group 1 makes breakfast
7:30 AM - Clean-up group 2
5:00 PM - Group 3 makes dinner, other groups settle in
7:00 PM - Group 1 clean-up
8:00 PM - Debrief (Warm Fuzzies)
Feb 17th
7:00 AM - Wake up group 2 breakfast
8:00 AM - Group 3 clean-up
9:00 AM - Debrief (meeting goals)
11:00 AM - Departure
1:00 PM - Drop off
Parents MUST sign waivers beforehand or students will not be able to participate. Please be aware we have minimal space in our vehicles, so all must fit into one large suitcase and ski bag (please only bring 1 ski or snowboard per person).
Ski pants
Ski jacket
Fleece sweater
3 pairs of non-cotton base layers
6 pairs of wool socks
6 pairs of underwear
Skis or snowboard
Ski or snowboard boots
Mitts or gloves (2 pairs preferably)
Face mask
Some street clothes
Bathroom bag
Small day pack
【VanOutdoors体验式教育】| 2月9日 春假出游滑雪去- 家长再也不用担心孩子自己出门会迷路 返回搜狐,查看更多