读特客户端·深圳新闻网2023年4月22日讯(记者 金洪竹 张玲 林恒鑫 冯牧原 阎思远 实习生 黄瑜)一年四季中最舒服的季节来了。走进山林,回归大自然,帐篷、天幕、篝火……城市人的周末短途出游多了一种选择:品尝咖啡,与朋友畅谈,一起烧烤、玩飞盘。在这个季节与朋友和家人一起去露营是个不错的选择。
Here comes the most comfortable season of the whole year. Wandering in the mountain, returning to nature, tents, skyfall, campfire…there's a new choice of weekend's excursion for the citizen:
Drinking a cup of coffee, chatting with friends, having a barbecue, playing frisbee.It is a great choice to go camping with family and friends in this season.
不负春光,露营正当时。(张玲 摄)
适合一群人的大帐篷。(张玲 摄)
滋滋滋,美味烧烤快好了。(张玲 摄)
金洪竹和Chris(左)在帐篷里聊天。(阎思远 摄)
泡泡里的童话世界。(张玲 摄)
金洪竹:“不敢拧,真的不敢拧。”(张玲 摄)
露营地里随处走走。(张玲 摄)
精致下午茶和茶点。(张玲 摄)
露营地入口一角。(黄瑜 摄)
露营地的帐篷尺寸形状各不相同。(黄瑜 摄)
远离尘嚣。(阎思远 摄)
干杯吧,小伙伴们。(黄瑜 摄)
和朋友露营是一件开心的事情。(黄瑜 摄)
We found a camping site on the foot of Wutong mountain. You don't need any gear for camping here. Exquisite afternoon tea, delicious barbecue…everything is ready.
And we invited Chris, student of The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen from Indonesia, to be our guest and experience the relaxation of camping together.
鸟巢装置是拍照打卡好去处。(黄瑜 摄)
一台泡泡机,许多欢乐。(黄瑜 摄)
快看呐,这里有两个追逐泡泡的大孩子。(黄瑜 摄)
静候度假人。(张玲 摄)
用气球拧只小狗,也不是简单的事。(张玲 摄)
聊聊天,喝杯柠檬茶,惬意。(张玲 摄)
从一个帐篷望向另一个帐篷。(张玲 摄)
飞盘投掷比赛即将开始。(张玲 摄)
下午茶已备好。(张玲 摄)
露营地一角。(张玲 摄)
不知道谁说了什么,大家都笑了。(张玲 摄)
学习拧气球(黄瑜 摄)
帐篷下,听山谷吹来的风。(林恒鑫 冯牧原 摄)
来,合个影吧。(阎思远 摄)
The high mountains, white clouds and grassland, every shot is a blockbuster that hits the Wechat moments; sit under the sky for afternoon tea after playing frisbee and enjoy the wind from the valley; at night, starry lights outline the tent, listening to the music in the night sky and dancing around the campfire.
For sure, a hundred vacation plans are not as good as a camping trip.
金洪竹拿着一个用气球“拧”出来的圣诞老人。(黄瑜 摄)
抬头可以看见梧桐山上的电视塔。(黄瑜 摄)
猜猜看,谁是真正的摄影师。(张玲 摄)
在梧桐山脚下享受大自然之美。(张玲 摄)
露营地门口的三角梅开得正艳。(张玲 摄)
浓荫蔽日。(黄瑜 摄)
拜,下回见!(黄瑜 摄)
2.节假日:128元/成人, 108元/儿童
望桐营地。(张玲 摄)
Address:101, No.16-1, Chisuidong Village, Wutong Mountain Community, Donghu Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen
1. Take bus Line M445 to Wutong Mountain Market station.
2. Drive and navigate to"Nature Land望桐露营地".
1. Weekdays: 88rmb/adult, 68rmb/child
2. Holidays:128rmb/adult, 108rmb/child