如何用英语谈论责任 How to Talk About Obligations


  In life, we often do the things we want to do, and we don't do the things we don't want to do.


  But sometimes, there are things we don't want to do where we can't decide not to do it.


  Are you following me here?


  There are certain things in life where we are obligated to do it.


  There are things in life where we have no choice.


  In this English lesson, I'll teach you seven different ways we talk about those kinds of things.


  (upbeat electronic music) The first phrase I want to teach you, one that we use in these types of situations, is the phrase, "I have to..."

  (欢快的电子音乐)我想教给你的第一个短语,就是我们在这些情况下使用的短语,“我必须…… ”

  "I have to be at work on time."


  "I have to be at work on time every day.


  If I'm late day after day, eventually I will lose my job.


  Eventually, my boss will fire me.


  I have to be at work on time every day."


  "My mom's birthday is soon, so I have to buy her a present.


  I have to buy her a present because I don't want to be the only one at the party not giving her a present.


  That would be really awkward.


  So I need to go to a store, I need to find something nice, and I have to buy her a present."

  所以我需要去商店, 我需要找一些好东西,我还得给她买个礼物。 ”

  So one of the first phrases, "I have to..."


  "I have to be on time for work."


  "I have to buy my mom a birthday present."


  The next phrase we use to talk about these situations is the phrase, "I must..."


  "I must do my homework tonight or tomorrow the teacher will be mad at me."


  I don't have to do my homework, I'm the teacher, but that would be an example you would use as a student.

  我不必做家庭作业, 我是老师,但那将是您作为学生使用的示例。

  "Ah, I must do my homework tonight, or the teacher's going to be annoyed that I'm handing something in unfinished again."

  “啊,今晚的作业一定要写,不然老师又要交作业没做完了。 ”

  You might also say this, "I must pay my taxes."


  In Canada, we have to pay taxes.


  We have income tax.


  And I must pay my taxes every year or the government would get really annoyed with me, and eventually they might put me in jail.

  而且我必须每年纳税, 否则政府会非常生我的气,最终他们可能会把我关进监狱。

  That wouldn't be a good thing.


  So if you were a student, you could say, "I must do my homework tonight."

  所以如果你是学生,你可以说,“我今晚必须做作业。 ”

  As a person living in a country where we pay taxes, "I must pay my taxes.


  I have no choice, I must pay them."


  Another phrase we use in situations like this is the phrase, "I need to..."


  "I need to get my car fixed."


  My car is making a funny noise, so I need to get my car fixed.


  If I don't get my car fixed, the noise will probably get louder.


  And eventually, when I do get it fixed, it will cost even more, so I need to get my car fixed.

  最终, 当我修好它时,它会花费更多,所以我需要修好我的车。

  I need to get my car fixed now.


  Maybe my house has a leaky roof.


  "I need to fix my roof."


  I need to fix my roof because if I don't, water will keep dripping in every time it rains.

  我需要修理我的屋顶, 因为如果我不这样做,每次下雨都会滴水。

  And eventually, things will just start to rot and things will be wet all the time.


  So, "I need to fix my car, I have no choice."


  "I need to fix my roof, I have no choice."


  This next phrase is one we use in more formal situations, like at work or when talking about the law in your country, "I'm required to call my boss if I'm sick.

  下一个短语是我们在更正式的情况下使用的短语,例如在工作中或在谈论您所在国家/地区的法律时,“如果我生病了, 我必须打电话给我的老板。

  I'm required to call my boss to let him know that I'm sick and to ask for a sick day.


  It's one of the rules at my job for employees."


  "I'm required to wear a bike helmet in Canada.


  When I ride a bicycle, I'm required to wear a helmet.


  It's the law."


  So again, in both those situations, I do not have a choice.


  If I'm sick, I'm required to call my boss and ask for a sick day.


  When I go for a bike ride, I'm required to wear a helmet.


  This next one's a bit of a mouthful.


  That means it's kind of hard to say, and it's the phrase, "I have no choice but to..."

  这意味着很难说, 就是那句话,“我别无选择, 只能…… ”

  Here's some examples.


  "As a teacher, if I see students doing something wrong, I have no choice but to enforce the rules.

  “作为老师, 如果我看到学生做错事,我别无选择, 只能强制执行。

  I have no choice but to tell them to stop or to even have them go and talk to the principal."


  "I have no choice but to eat healthy food right now."


  Sometimes, as you get older, you eat the wrong foods, and you don't exercise, and then you have some health problems, and the doctor says, "You must eat healthy food."

  有时候,随着年龄的增长,你吃错了食物,不运动,然后你的健康出现了一些问题,医生说,“你必须吃健康的食物。 ”

  So in that case, you could say to a friend, "I have no choice but to eat healthy food.

  所以在那种情况下, 你可以对朋友说,“我别无选择, 只能吃健康的食物。

  Eating unhealthy food is bad for me."


  So sometimes, you have no choice.


  As a teacher, when I see students doing something wrong, I have no choice but to talk to them or to enforce the rules.

  作为老师,当我看到学生做错事时,我别无选择, 只能与他们交谈或强制执行规则。

  And because I'm older and I need to be healthy, I have no choice but to eat healthy food.

  而且因为我年纪大了, 我需要保持健康,所以我别无选择, 只能吃健康的食物。

  This next phrase is also quite formal, and it's the phrase, "It's imperative that..."

  下一个短语也很正式,它是“It's imperatively that... ”

  You might hear something like this on the news.


  Someone might say, "It's imperative that we put a stop to pollution."

  有人可能会说,“我们必须制止污染。 ”

  Basically, what they're saying is, "We have no choice.


  We need to make this a priority.


  It's imperative that we put a stop to pollution."


  They might also say something like this.


  "It's imperative that we clean up the world's oceans.


  We have a bad track record on this planet of throwing stuff in the ocean, and it's imperative that we clean up the world's oceans."

  我们在这个星球上有向海洋中扔东西的不良记录,我们必须清理世界海洋。 ”

  So again, you would use these phrases when you're trying to say that there's no choice, that it's something that we have to do, something we must do, something we need to do.


  "It's imperative that we put a stop to pollution."


  "It's imperative that we clean up the world's oceans."


  Okay, here's the last phrase for this lesson, and it's the phrase, "I'm obligated to..."

  好的,这是本课的最后一个短语,它是“我有义务…… ”

  This is, again, quite formal, and you would use it to describe something that you must go to.

  同样, 这是非常正式的,您可以用它来描述您必须去的地方。

  I might say this, "I'm obligated to go to my sister's wedding."

  我可能会这样说,“我有义务去参加我姐姐的婚礼。 ”

  Maybe I don't want to go to my sister's wedding.


  By the way, I would totally go to my sister's wedding.


  But, if I was someone who didn't want to go but I knew that I had to go, I would say, "I'm obligated to go to my sister's wedding.


  Because I'm her brother and I'm part of her family, I'm obligated to go."

  因为我是她的兄弟, 是她家人的一部分,所以我有义务去。 ”

  You might have a job and someone might say, "Hey, can you come out with me on Saturday to do something?"

  你可能有一份工作, 有人可能会说,“嘿,周六你能和我一起出去做点什么吗? ”

  You might say, "No, I'm obligated to work on Saturdays.


  I have a job, but I'm obligated to work.


  I have to work on Saturdays."


  Normally, you don't work on Saturdays, but maybe you have a job where you're obligated to work overtime or you're obligated to work on Saturdays.

  通常情况下, 您周六不工作,但也许您有一份必须加班或必须在周六工作的工作。

  So again, two situations where you really don't have a choice, two situations where you have to do something because it's sort of required.

  再次强调,两种情况下你真的别无选择,两种情况下你必须做某事, 因为它是必需的。

  Well, hey, thank you so much for watching this English lesson.


  Remember, if this is your first time here, you're not required to do this.

  请记住, 如果这是您第一次来这里,则不需要这样做。

  You don't have to do this, but please click that red Subscribe button, give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this English lesson, leave a comment, and if you have some more time, why don't you stick around and watch another English lesson?

  你不必这样做,但请点击那个红色的订阅按钮,如果你喜欢这节英语课, 请给我竖起大拇指,发表评论,如果你有更多时间,为什么不留下来看看又一节英语课?

  (upbeat electronic music)

