实现米老鼠自由,还差得远迪士尼法务部,到底有多强比垄断IP更重要的,是创意[1]Revenue of selected media franchises worldwide as of August 2021. (2022). Statista.[2]Disney could soon lose exclusive rights to Mickey Mouse. (2022). The Guardian.[3]The Birth of a Mouse. (2012). The Walt Disney Family Museum.[4]Mickey Mouse Through the Years. (2022). disney.fandom.com.[5]The Walt Disney Company: the home of mice, magic and money. (2022). opensecrets.[6]The fight to use Mickey Mouse. (2022). The Times. simplecast.com.[7]Koenigsberg, I. F. (1977). The 1976 Copyright Act: Advances for the Creator. Clev. St. L. Rev., 26, 515.[8]Hennessey, K. (2020). Intellectual Property-Mickey Mouse's Intellectual Property Adventure: What Disney's War on Copyrights Has to Do with Trademarks and Patents. W. New Eng. L. Rev., 42, 25.[9]Disney In Washington: The Mouse That Roars. (1998). CNN.com.[10]Landau, S. S. (2019). Of Mouse and Men: Will Mickey Mouse Live Forever?. NYU J. Intell. Prop. & Ent. L., 9, 249.[11]Walt Disney Animation Studios. (2022). Closing Logo Group.[12]【真相】「小学生がプールに描いたミッキー」が、ディズニーの著作権を侵害した話. (2018). banzaidisney.com.[13]CARTOON FIGURES RUN AFOUL OF LAW. (1989). Chicago Tribune.[14]Disney In Copyright Spats With Day Care Center, Restaurant. (1989). Apnews.[15]A look back at the 'debacle' of 1989's hostless Oscars. (2019). BBC.[16]Disney issues warning to Wanda on IPR. (2016). China Daily.[17]原版的胜利!“赛车总动员”告赢“汽车人总动员” 获赔135万余元. (2016). 界面新闻.[18]DISNEY’S GC WORKS HIS MAGIC. (2011). Super Lawyers Business Edition.[19]Five Years Ago Disney And Microsoft Led A Huge Copyright Deal That Set The Stage For SOPA. (2012). Business insider.[20]从玲娜贝儿看迪士尼百年经营之道. (2022). 申万宏源.[21]Disney bought Marvel for $4 billion in 2009, a decade later it’s made more than $18 billion at the global box office. (2019). CNBC.[22]Lantagne, S. M. (2021). Building a Better Mousetrap: Blocking Disney's Imperial Copyright Strategies. Harv. J. Sports & Ent. L., 12, 141.[23]Steamboat Willie. (2022). The Library of Congress.[24]Stewart, J. B. (2008). DisneyWar: The battle for the magic kingdom. Simon and Schuster.[25]Walt Disney’s 1927 Animated Star Oswald The Lucky Rabbit Returns To Disney. (2006).thewaltdisneycompany.com.更多精彩内容,关注钛媒体微信号(ID:taimeiti),或者下载钛媒体App