
  安妮斯顿的“瑞秋”发型是如何“火”起来的?原文来源:The One Where Jennifer Aniston's 'Rachel' Haircut on Friends Became a Phenomenon | Mental Floss


  The legacy of NBC's Friends isn't one of ratings records or piles of awards—it's about the way the show managed to impact popular culture by showing life at its most mundane. This is a series that turned sipping coffee into an art form, still prompts philosophical debates over the morality of being "on a break," and made it impossible not to shout pivot! when moving furniture. But Friends reached its cultural zenith when it managed to transform a simple hairstyle into a global talking point, as untold millions of women in the ‘90s flocked to salons all wanting one thing: “The Rachel.”NBC电视台的《老友记》留下的遗产并不是收视率记录或成堆的奖项,而是通过展现最平凡的生活来影响流行文化。该系列把喝咖啡变成了一种艺术形式、引发了人们对“分手期间”道德的哲学辩论、搬家具时更会忍不住大喊“pivot”。但当《老友记》将一个简单的发型转变为全球话题时,其文化影响力达到了顶峰。在上世纪90年代,无数女性涌向美发店,都想要一样东西:“瑞秋式”发型。

  ratings,复数,指“收视率;收听率;(电视、广播节目)排行榜”(a list of television and radio programmes showing how popular they are)

  mundane,形容词,指“世俗的;单调的;平凡的”(very ordinary and therefore not interesting)zenith,名词,指“顶峰;鼎盛时期”(the best or most successful point or time)untold,形容词,指“(数量或水平)难以形容的;无数的;不可计量的;巨大的”(so great in amount or level that it can not be measured or expressed in words)flock,不及物动词,指“聚集;蜂拥”(to move or come together in large numbers)

  “The Rachel” hairstyle, which was the creation of stylist Chris McMillan, was first worn by Jennifer Aniston’s Friends character Rachel Green in the April 1995 episode “The One With the Evil Orthodontist." It has its roots as a shag cut, layered and highlighted to TV perfection. It may have been a bit too Hollywood-looking for a twenty-something working for tips, but it fit in the world of Friends, where spacious Manhattan apartments could easily be afforded by waitresses and struggling actors.

  “瑞秋”发型是造型师克里斯·麦克米伦(Chris McMillan)设计的,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿扮演的瑞秋·格林在1995年4月播出的“The One With the Evil Orthodontist.”一集中第一次梳这个发型。蓬松的发根,分明的层次,完美地呈现在电视上。对于一个20多岁的年轻服务员来说,这个发型可能有点太好莱坞了,但很适合《老友记》的设定,毕竟只有在剧里服务员和底层演员才能租得起宽敞的曼哈顿公寓。

  stylist,名词,指“(尤指帮名人选择服装、发型等风格的)造型师”(a person whose job is to help people, especially famous people, decide on a style of clothes, hair, etc.)

  shag,形容词,指“头发蓬乱的”(hairstyle: uneven lengths)-something,后缀词,指“(用于数字后指年龄或某个年龄段的人)…多岁,…多岁的人”(used after a number like 20, 30, etc. to refer to the age of a person who is between 20 and 29, 30 and 39 years old, etc., or to a person who is of this age)


  The style itself wasn’t designed to grab headlines; McMillan simply gave Aniston this new look to be “a bit different,” as he later told The Telegraph. In hindsight, the ingredients for a style trend were all there: The cut was seen on the show’s breakout star as the series hit its ratings peak; an average of more than 25 million viewers tuned in each week during Friends's first three seasons. You can’t have that many eyeballs on you without fans wanting to get closer to you, and the easiest way to do that is to copy your style.


  hindsight,名词,指“事后聪明,事后的认”(the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened)

  in hindsight,指“事后聪明,事后诸葛亮“(in retrospect)

  During the show’s second and third seasons in the mid-1990s, stories began to appear in newspapers and magazines about salons from Los Angeles to New York City and (literally) everywhere in-between being inundated with requests for Aniston's haircut. Some women would come in with their copy of TV Guide in hand for reference; others would record an episode of the show and play it at the salon to ensure accuracy. For these stylists, a good hair day for Rachel on a Thursday night meant big business over the weekend.


  inundate,及物动词,指“使应接不暇”(to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with it all)


  "That show has made us a bunch of money," Lisa Pressley, an Alabama hairstylist, said back in 1996. Pressley was giving around four "Rachels" per week to women ages 13 to 30, and she was touching up even more than that. Another hairdresser estimated that, during that time, 40 percent of her business from female clients came from the "Rachel." During the early days of the trend, McMillan even had people flying to his Los Angeles salon to get the hairdo from the man himself—a service that he charged a modest $60 for at the time.

  “这部剧让我们赚了很多钱,” 阿拉巴马州的发型师丽莎·普雷斯利(Lisa Pressley)在1996年接受采访时说。普雷斯利每周要剪大概四次“瑞秋”发型,客户包括从13岁至30岁的女性,至于剪完发型来微修的人那就更多了。另一位发型师估算,在那时期,她的女性客户中有40%都是来剪“瑞秋”发型的。而在这场潮流的早期阶段,人们甚至会打飞的到麦克米伦在洛杉矶的美发店,请他来给自己剪头发,当时他只收取60美元的服务费。

  around,介词,指“大约,大概”(approximately, about)

  touch up,动词短语,指“微调,稍微修饰,润色”(improve by making minor changes)

  A Finicky 'Do发型难打理


  What many clients learned, though, was that unless you had a trained stylist at your side, “The Rachel” required some real maintenance.然而,根据许多剪过这个发型的人的说法,你身边需要有一位经验丰富的造型师才行,因为“瑞秋”发型是需要进行打理固型的。"People don't realize the style is set by her hairdresser," stylist Trevor Tobin told The Kansas City Star in 1995. “She doesn't just wake up, blow it dry, and it just turns out like that."造型师特雷弗·托宾(Trevor Tobin)在1995年接受《堪萨斯城星报》采访时说,“人们没有意识到,这个发型是安妮斯顿的造型师设计的。并不是早上起来,随便把头发吹一吹,它就会变成这个样子。”That was a warning Aniston knew all too well. In recent years, she has expressed her frustration at not being able to do the style on her own; to get it just right, she needed McMillan on hand to go through painstaking styling before shoots. In addition to being impossible to maintain, in a 2011 Allure interview, Aniston called it the “ugliest haircut I've ever seen." In 2015, the actress told Glamour that she found the look itself “cringey."对于这件事,安妮斯顿是最清楚不过了。近些年,她在采访中就表达过,因为无法自己梳出这种发型让她很郁闷。为了做好造型,在拍摄前她需要让麦克米伦亲自为她精心设计发型。除了不好定型外,2011年安妮斯顿在接受《Allure》杂志采访时说,这种发型是“我见过的最丑的发型”。2015年,她在接受《Glamour》采访时表示,她觉得这个发型本身就很“尴尬”。

  on hand,副词短语,指“在跟前,在旁边”(near to someone or something, and ready to help or be used if necessary)

  painstaking,形容词,指“认真仔细的,精心的,费尽心思的”(extremely careful and correct, and involving a lot of effort)cringey,形容词,指“非常令人尴尬的”(very embarrassing)


  Though Aniston had grown to loathe the look, it was soon the 1990s' go-to style for other stars like Meg Ryan and Tyra Banks and later adopted by actresses and musicians like Kelly Clarkson and Jessica Alba. Debra Messing had an ill-fated run-in with it when she was told to mimic the style for her role on Will & Grace. They soon realized that trying it without McMillan was a fool’s errand.



  errand,名词,指“(短程)差事;跑腿”(a short journey either to take a message or to take or collect something)

  “[It] was a whole debacle when we tried to do it on the show,” Messing recalled. “They literally tried for three hours to straighten my hair like [Aniston's]. It was so full and poofy that it looked like a mushroom.”梅辛回忆说,“我们试图在剧中模仿那个造型,但彻底失败了。他们真地花了三个小时把我的头发拉直,就像安妮斯顿那样。它看起来是很蓬松饱满,就像一个蘑菇。”

  debacle,名词,指“(尤指因计划和组织不周而导致的)彻底失败,一败涂地,崩溃”(a complete failure, especially because of bad planning and organization)


  A Style That Sticks Around经久不衰的风格


  Aniston’s personal preference for longer hair soon made its way on-screen, replacing the shorter, choppier “Rachel” by season 4. The once-iconic look was officially ditched, the last remnants of which were washed away in a flowing sea of ever-growing locks doused in blonde, pin-straight highlights. And once a haircut’s namesake turns their back on the style, it’s likely only a matter of time before the rest of the world moves on, too, right?安妮斯顿偏爱的长发很快出现在屏幕上,在第四季时取代了更短、更蓬松的“瑞秋”发型。曾经的标志性发型被正式放弃,随着头发越来越长,宛如流动的金色海洋一般,淹去了之前的最后一点痕迹。一旦一款发型的引领者放弃了这种发型,那么,接下来就是时间的问题了,其他人也会放弃的,是这样吗?

  choppy,形容词,指“(指发型)剪得长短不一”((of a hairstyle) cut at different lengths)

  ditch,及物动词,指“抛弃,遗弃,丢弃”(to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted)remnant,名词,指“残余(部分);剩余(部分);零头;零料”(a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount)namesake,名词,指“同名者;同名物”(a person or thing having the same name as another person or thing)

  Wrong. “The Rachel” endured.错!“瑞秋”发型成为经典


  Unlike Farrah Fawcett’s showstopping feathered hair from the ‘70s, celebrities, news anchors, and the average salon-goer were still wearing the hairstyle well into the 2000s. Even now, fashion websites will run the occasional “Is ‘The Rachel’ Making a Comeback?” article, complete with the latest Hollywood star to sport the familiar shag.与上世纪70年代法拉·弗西特引人注目的羽毛发型不同,直到2000年时,很多名人、新闻主播,以及美发师都还在留着这种发型。即使是现在,时尚网站也会时不时地刊登这样的文章:“瑞秋”发型回归了吗?文中还会配上顶着这款熟悉蓬松发型的好莱坞新人明星们的照片。

  showstopping,形容词,指“(表演等)精彩的,令人惊艳的”(used to describe a performance that is extremely good, or something that is very impressive)

  anchor,名词,指“(广播、电视节目的)主持人”(an anchorman or anchorwoman)

  It’s a testament to McMillan’s skill, Aniston’s charm, and Friends’s cultural sway over audiences that people are still discussing, and donning, the hairstyle some 25 years later. And in a lot of ways, the haircut's success mimicked the show's: it spawned plenty of imitators, but no one could outdo the original.这证明了麦克米伦的技艺、安妮斯顿的魅力,以及《老友记》对观众的文化影响力。25年后的今天,人们仍在讨论并沿用这个发型。在很多方面,这个造型的成功就如同这部剧一样;虽然有很多模仿者,但没有人能超过原作。

  sway,名词,指“控制,统治;影响”(control or influence)。

  spawn,及物动词,指“(使)产生,(使)突然增长”(to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly)

