

  I am familiar with the important work of UN Women as theglobal champion of gender equality. The Government of Israel is a strongsupporter of this cause, and a full partner in these efforts, both domesticallyand internationally. We embrace your organization's strategic priorities,including the principle that all women and girls should live a life free fromall forms of violence, without exception.


  Heartbreakingly, during these last days, Israeli girls andwomen have not enjoyed what should be their fundamental right to live aviolence-free existence. Instead, Israel's women and girls (as well as men andboys), have been the victims of extreme and depraved violence, perpetrated bythe internationally recognized terrorist organization, Hamas.


  Israeli women and girls have been brutally murdered in coldblood in their own homes; raped; subjected to sexual and gender violence andextreme degradation and humiliation, as well as enforced disappearances andtorture. Mothers have been separated from their children and infants, with Israelisons and daughters taken captive


  Excellency, given these gruesome images and events, I was,frankly, shocked and appalled that while the massacre of our citizens,including our women and girls occurred on October 7th, your organization put out a statement only onOctober 13th and completely ignored the mass atrocity crimes perpetratedagainst Israeli civilians, including women and girls. This omission from anorganization like yours shocks the conscious. Silence on this issue isdangerous and morally repugnant. Not only for the women and girls of Israel,but for all women and girls living in the dark shadows of extremist Islamicterrorism, in Gaza, in southern Lebanon, in Afghanistan, in Nigeria, in Yemen,in Iran and beyond.


  The lives of Israeli women matter too and I am expectingUNWomen to rectify this glaring lack of concern for the safety and security ofour girls and women and issue a crystal clear, unambiguous condemnation ofthese depraved and brazen crimes against humanity perpetrated against the womenand girls of Israel by the international recognized Hamas terroristorganization. Anything else is both concrete evidence of the failure of yourorganization to fulfill its mandate and of the rampant antisemitism andanti-Israel hatred that, unfortunately, runs deep in the UN organization.


