听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(30)(录音+原文+答案)

  原标题:听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(30)(录音+原文+答案)




  1.Where did the conversation take place?

  A.At a department store.

  B.At a dress-making shop.

  C.At a dry-cleaning shop.

  2.Who spoke to Jim?

  A.His mother.

  B.His teacher. C.His boss.

  3.What is the woman’s occupation?

  A.A student. B.A salesperson.

  C.A teacher.

  4.What did the woman suggest?

  A.Finding a new place for the typewriter.

  B.Finding a better typist.

  C.Buying a new typewriter.

  5.What is the man doing?

  A.Turning off the TV.

  B.Turning on the TV.

  C.Waiting for a special TV programme.




  6.How much time do they have before the film?

  A.About ten minutes.

  B.About half an hour.

  C.About an hour.

  7.Who will go to the cinema?

  A.The children.

  B.The husband and wife.

  C.The whole family.

  8.Where will they have lunch?

  A.At school. B.At home.

  C.On the way.


  9.What time will they go to see the David’s?

  A.At 3:30. B.At 4:00. C.At 4:15.

  10.Why does Mary suggest that they should not go by bus?

  A.No direct bus can be taken.

  B.The bus is often broken.

  C.It’ll be in busy hour.

  11.Where will they meet?

  A.At the bus stop.

  B.In front of a bookstore.

  C.Near the cinema.


  12.Where does the man want to go?

  A.To a lecture.

  B.To a performance.

  C.To a concert.

  13.What’s the problem with taking the shuttle bus?

  A.The bus does not go directly to the Music Building.

  B.The bus goes slowly to the Music Building.

  C.The bus will not come for a while.

  14.What does the man finally decide to do?

  A.Walk to the Music Building.

  B.Wait for a bus.

  C.Think of another plan.


  15.When did Mary go to Hawaii?

  A.Last holidays.

  B.Last winter.

  C.Last summer.

  16.How is the weather in Hawaii in winter?

  A.It is cold and wet.

  B.It is always pleasing.

  C.It is cool and sometimes wet.

  17.What can be concluded from the conversation?

  A.Mary likes wet weather.

  B.It never rains in Hawaii in winter.

  C.It doesn’t snow in Hawaii in winter.


  18.Why did the young man invite his new girl friend to an expensive restaurant?

  A.To show how rich he was.

  B.To show how much he liked her.

  C.To learn how to dance.

  19.Why did the young man’s face turn as white as a sheet?

  A.He felt very cold.

  B.He was ill.

  C.He was frightened to see the bill.

  20.What did the waiter think when he saw the young man’s face was white?

  A.He thought the young man was ill and needed help.

  B.He thought the young man wanted one more drink.

  C.He thought the young man was poor.



  Text 1

  W:Please be careful with this suit.This is my favorite.

  M:Madam.We’re careful about everything here.

  Text 2

  W:This is the third time you’ve been late this week,Tim.You’ll have to do better than that,or I might find it necessary to let you go.

  M:It won’t happen again.I can promise.

  Text 3

  M:I’m looking for an English-Chinese dictionary.Do you have any?

  W:Yes,we do.You’ll find them in the dictionary section on the top shelf.

  Text 4

  M:I think we should replace that old typewriter.

  W:Why not the typist?

  Text 5

  W:Shall I turn off the TV since you are not watching anything?

  M:Wait!I’m going to watch a special programme in a minute.

  Text 6

  W:What time is the film?

  M:At 12:40.

  W:My goodness!It’s already 11:30.Lunch isn’t quite ready and the children are still at school!

  M:Don’t worry.I’ll rush to the school for the children,and you can put something in a bag to make a lunch.Bring it with you.We can eat on the way.

  W:That’s a good idea.

  Text 7

  M:I’d like to pay a visit to the David’s at 3:30.Will you go with me,Mary?

  W:I’d love to,but I won’t be off work from my factory until 4:00 p.m.How about 4:15? I’ll be free then,Jack.

  M:OK.Let’s meet at the bus stop and take bus No.5 to gothere.

  W:Why not go by bike?The bus would be crowded at that time.

  M:But my bike is broken.

  W:You can use your sister’s new bike,can’t you?

  M:Yes.I’ll wait for you in front of the bookstore opposite the cinema.

  Text 8

  M:Can you tell me how to get to the Music Building from here?I have a lecture to attend there.

  W:Oh,are you new here?

  M:Yes,I just got here last night.

  W:Well,to the Music Building,you have two choices.If you want to go right now,you can walk straight down this street until you pass a post office,and then turn right.The Music Building will be straight ahead.

  M:How long will it take to get there?

  W:About twenty minutes.

  M:What’s my other choice?

  W:If you don’t mind waiting around for a while,you can take the shuttle bus.The bus only takes about five minutes to get there.

  M:But I have to wait for the bus?

  W:That’s right.

  M:Well,I guess I might as well walk.

  Text 9

  M:Hi,Mary.You’ve been to Hawaii,haven’t you?

  W:Yes,spent my winter holidays there with my parents last year.

  M:I hear it’s very beautiful.

  W:Yes,it’s very beautiful.

  M:My family are planning to go there next year.I’m really looking forward to it.

  W:Oh,that’s great.I think you’ll love it.

  M:When is a good time to go there?

  W:It’s hot in summer there.And it’s not very cold in winter,but sometimes it can be wet.If you are lucky,you’ll have nice weather.When we were there,it rained for only one morning.

  M:I think I’d better go there in winter.I don’t like hot weather.

  W:It’s a place worth seeing.I believe you’ll have a good time.

  Text 10

  A young man had a new girlfriend,whom he wanted to please very much.

  One evening he invited her to go to an expensive restaurant with him.They ate wonderful food and had a great many drinks.They listened to the beautiful music and danced wildly until midnight.The girl enjoyed the whole evening and she loved everything she saw.

  Then the waiter brought the bill at the end of the evening.When the young man saw how much he had to pay, he was greatly surprised and his face went as white as a sheet.The waiter,who was watching his face,thought he might be ill,so he quickly picked up a glass of ice-cold water and emptied it over the young man’s head.Then he took the bill back and added to it:“Iced-water:50 cents”.



  11~15 BACAB 16~20CCBCA




  ● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(27)(录音+原文+答案)

  ● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(26)(录音+原文+答案)

  ● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(25)(录音+原文+答案)

  ● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(24)(录音+原文+答案)

  ● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(23)(录音+原文+答案)







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