





  现居辽宁沈阳。现为辽宁大学艺术与设计系主任、教授、硕士研究生导师;中国美术家协会会员;中国同泽书画研究院理事;中国湖社画会辽宁分会理事;辽宁省艺术类教学指导委员会委员;中国包装联合会设计委员会 全国委员;中国设计师沙龙理事。

  Li Fangning

  1976 Born in Anshan, Liaoning Province

  1999 Graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of LuXun Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor’s degree

  2004Graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of LuXun Academy of Fine Arts with amaster's degree

  Currently lives in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. the director, professor and Master Supervisor of the Department of Art and Design of Liaoning University; Member of China Artists Association; Director of China Tongze Academy of Calligraphy and Painting; Director of Liaoning Branch of China Lake Society Painting Association;Member of Liaoning Art Teaching Steering Committee; National member of Design Committee of China Packaging Federation;? Director of Chinese designer Salon.


  百年好合? 中国画??2004

  A?harmonious union forever

  Traditional Chinese painting




  金尘玉露冷香飞? 中国画? 2010

  Golden?cold fragrance spreading

  Traditional Chinese painting


  Fangning, as her name suggests, is quiet and elegant,with a cymbidium heart. When she studied in Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, her friend gave her a poem: The bottom of your heart is pure,and its beauty and elegance are just like the faint ink marks on the scattered falling flowers. After many years, although she has already been a famous female painter in China, her poetic lifestyle is still enjoyable. Fang Ning's paintings are full of flexibility and poetry. After years of strict training of academic meticulous flower and bird painting, Fang Ning's works have already gone beyond the aesthetic experience of the traditional formula and entered the realm of self-reflection and cultural care. A fragment of daily life and the touch of an afternoon all can be painted and imaged vividly by the painter. With mandarin ducks staring, or grass and insects twittering, or light clouds and water, or green grass in autumn, there is full of vitality and quiet.


  锦绣平安 中国画 2012

  Peaceful Hydrangea

  Traditional Chinese painting




  垂荷颈下双栖侣 中国画? 2013

  Lovers under thelotus leaf

  Traditional Chinese painting


  Because literati painting are filled withbeautiful rhymes, Fang Ning draws pictures in her mood. Since the pen is exquisite and the ink is brilliant, the environment is self-produced. Why not worry about the viewer's mind? Painted on paper, feelings can be produced from the heart. Fang Ning's temperament is quiet and light, and her paintings are also rarely vulgar, poetic and ethereal, peaceful and diluted without concealing elegance.


  涟漪 中国画?2015


  Traditional Chinese painting


  画者积学养气,胸中有几卷书,笔下有一点尘,所以古人云:诗者,画之余;画者,文之余;文者,道之余。芳凝的作品在细腻幽雅的外在品格与诗意心境的内在情感双重绽放下, 凝结成了时代特色的工笔画新风尚。以自己独特的语境,历经多年的积淀与纯化,呈现给我们今天看到的都市花语,体现出画家绝佳的修养与画品。文/张建哲


  向阳 中国画??2021

  Facing the sun

  Traditional Chinese painting


  The painter accumulated knowledge to nourish his Qi. With volumes of?books in mind and a little dust under his pen, so the ancients said, poetry is more than painting; The painter is beyond the text; The writer is more than the Tao. Fang Ning's works have condensed into a new trend of fine brushwork with the characteristics of the times under the dual blooming of delicate and elegant external character as well as poetic mood. With its own unique context, the urban flower language today presented to us the painter's excellent cultivation and painting after years of accumulation and purification.?By Zhang Jianzhe