
  Mr. Joe Doggett毕业于美国常春藤盟校达特茅斯学院,曾任美国波士顿Tabor寄宿学校学术校长,献身教育事业38年。

















  o 让学生知道“为什么”比只是知道事实本身更重要

  o 批判性思维而不是死记硬背

  o 合作学习

  o 沟通和辩论观点

  o 提出问题和挑战假设

  o 讨论多种方法

  o 创造性地解决问题

  o 跨学科思考(比如把数学和科学课程结合起来)

  o 把科技作为一种教育工具











  Notes for International Education in China

  Talk will start with a brief introduction of my background in education, my long-standing interest in international education, and 30+ years of experience with recruiting Chinese students for enrollment in American high schools. I will also mention my extensive background as a college counselor in the US. I understand that secondary school education for families like yours is all about establishing a strong foundation for placement at top colleges and universities around the world.

  I will offer a brief description of how I came to know EduChina and why I believe in international education, especially here in China.

  There are six points I want to share with you here as you consider what makes for the “best” International High School program for your son or daughter:


  First, some numbers: In 2004-2005 there were just over 50,000 Chinese students studying in the US. In 2017-2018, the number is approaching >500,000, 10 fold increase only one decade! Financially, Chinese students contribute an estimated $28 billion to the US economy; it is a BIG business. With the stakes, so high, the field of “International Education Experts” has mushroomed in China and, candidly, there are now many bad actors out there when it comes to promising what they cannot deliver, or guiding families along an educational pathway that they don’t know much about. Too many International High Schools are more businesses than they are schools; they are companies in it for the fee rather than for the educational benefit to the student. They offer no true preparation, no true guidance and have little (or no!) actual understanding of how international education works. As a result, the failure rate of Chinese students at universities in the U.S. is shamefully high (18–25% in the latest studies); even though these students are often bright and capable. They problem: they have been badly advised by a disreputable placement agent, or poorly prepared by their International High School experience. The phrase that I advise you to keep in mind when “shopping” for the “best” school for your child is Caveat Emptor (Latin for “let the buyer beware”).


  Pay attention to curriculum: It is the most critical factor. Here in Daxing, the curriculum we offer is widely regarded as the “gold standard” when it comes to the courses and kind of teaching that western-bound Chinese students need to experience. Because we effectively blend the best aspects of the British A-level and the American AP curricula, admissions offices at colleges and universities around the globe recognize our program as one that offers a rigorous, broad and deep preparation. Graduates from our school have a strong track record of being well prepared for success at top universities throughout the western world. When you explore the curriculum, by the way, certainly you should pay attention to the elite courses offered (like AP Economics, AP Statistics and AP Calculus here at Daxing). But I also suggest that you pay attention to the “non-core” offerings within the school’s overall program. Does it do things like sponsor off campus field trips or social service opportunities? Does it offer a variety of art or music options to give students an outlet for exploring their creative side? Is there a club program that taps into student interests and expertise in areas outside of academics? Here in Daxing, for example, we schedule monthly all-school field trips into our calendar to places like the Beijing 798 Art Zone, the National Library, or an exhibition of Western Art masterpieces at Tsinghua University. We also sponsor activities like our recent cut-throat March Madness Ping-Pong Tournament, an ultimate Frisbee club, hip-hop dance training and even all-school ski trips. We believe these non-academic offerings are every bit as important to student development as studying World History or Physics.


  Note the teaching philosophy and methodology. Certainly, a good high school program will help students prepare for important college admissions tests such as TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, etc. At the same time, however, it will focus on things arguably even more important: preparing students to think and learn in a way that is “not Chinese.” We introduce students to teaching approaches that they rarely encounter here in China, but will find commonplace in the west:

  teaching students that “why” is more important than just knowing the facts

  critical thinking rather than memorization

  collaborative learning

  conversation and debate about ideas

  asking questions and challenging assumptions

  discussing alternative approaches

  creative problem solving

  interdisciplinary thinking (combining math and science lessons together, for example)

  use of technology as an educational tool


  Note the foreign teachers. Because our experienced, well-qualified expatriate teachers are themselves from colleges and universities in the U.S. and other western countries, we can offer first-hand guidance and advice to students and parents about how the college admission process works. We can also share knowledgeable suggestions about which of the more than 2000 excellent U.S., Canadian, Australian and British colleges and universities offer programs best matched to a student’s abilities and goals.


  Look for a focus on helping students understand life in a “foreign” country. A critical piece of a Chinese student’s experience overseas is adapting to a totally new way of life. In that regard, a good international high school program helps student learn about what “life” will be like overseas, thus minimizing the culture shock they will encounter abroad. We teach them about U.S. food, about climate and weather in different parts of the country, about social life on an American campus, about transportation, visa requirements, managing money, safety and difference in laws and rules, and all of the other day-to-day living challenges and opportunities they are sure to encounter.


  Finally, and most importantly, look for love. A good international high school program understands that your child and his/her future is the most precious thing that you as a parent have in the world. Entrusting us with that invaluable commodity is an honor, and we treat it that way. Because our classes are relatively small, we get to know our students as unique individuals, and we treat them as such. We get to know their strengths and weaknesses, areas in which they are confident and areas that intimidate them, when they need to be pushed and when we need to back off, what they are good at and where they struggle. In short, we get to know them as people – something that is a key to help them make choices and decisions about their educational future. There are many appropriate routes that students can follow toward their goals, and no two students are exactly alike. In this regard, the personalized nature that we offer in the EduChina program here in Beijing allows us to direct them toward their own proper pathway that will lead them to success.

  I hope that this is the first step in what promises to be a life-changing journey for your son or daughter!
