




  · 准备两段来自当代戏剧的简短、对比鲜明的独白(不早于 1800 年代后期)。· 准备两首至少 32 小节的音乐剧歌曲,每首带有 2-4 小节的钢琴介绍。· 展示一个 30-60 秒的自己移动/跳舞的片段。· Optional, for applicants with dance training: execute a set of plies, tendues, grand battements, and pirouettes. Straightforward, simple exercises are preferred (side view is best). Dance music may be live or recorded.


  · 上传一个 60-90 秒的正面对着相机的视频,您可以在其中回答以下一 (1) 个问题:你目前在听什么音乐,你喜欢它的什么?除了音乐剧,你最热爱的是什么?你为什么要上大学学习音乐剧?可选附加视频(非必需)

  · A video from a performance (singing, dancing, and/or acting) that took place within the previous 18 months.· A “Wild Card” video (a special skill, unique dance style, an instrument that you play, etc.).






  歌曲:申请人应准备两首对比曲。One song should be written before 1970. This song can be either the “uptempo” or the “ballad” (applicant’s choice).One song should be written after 1970 and contrast the style of the first.独白· One (1) contemporary monologue (written after 1900), 60-90 seconds in length· The contemporary monologue should be filmed in a “close-up” shot which means the top of the head to the chest should be visible in the frame.


  舞蹈· 30-60 seconds of dance in whatever dance discipline you feel most confident. This may include, but is not limited to jazz, ballet, tap, modern, cultural dance styles, hip hop, lyrical, or contemporary.

  · Please do not submit “barre work”.

  · Please use steps, movement, and physical vocabulary that you are familiar with and can execute well.

  · Dance media can be self-choreographed, but must be a solo video of you. This can include a show, competition, or other performance so long as you are clearly featured on your own.

  · All choreography must be performed to music; please no “a cappella” dance media.







  作品集要求Acting· contemporary monologue· piece of heightened text (spoken word, poetry, Shakespeare, Greek, etc.) This piece may be in a language other than English.Dance/MovementVia the video below, you will be led through a set of tasks that comprise your dance audition, which includes elements of jazz, ballet and contemporary styles. We ask that, to the best of your ability, you learn and replicate the warm-up sequences and combination. We would recommend you use a safe space to work through this process and look to film the combination as clearly as possible. The short video can be viewed here –


  MusicIf you play an instrument, please prepare a short piece or section of music (no more than 2 mins) demonstrating your musicality. If you do not play an instrument, please tell us about any experiences you have had with music and how this influences your work as an actor, singer and dancer.


  2.伦敦圣三一音乐学院圣三一音乐学院主要开设以演奏为主的高质量、高专业水平的培训课程。圣三一音乐学院的演奏经常作为英国重要的艺术节的一部分出现在伦敦主要的会场。学生还有机会参加各种合奏,例如交响乐团,交响曲,室内管弦乐队,室内圣乐团,圣乐团,歌剧团与音乐剧。作品集要求· Two contrasting songs of your own choice, lasting no longer than 2 minutes per song.· One short monologue of no longer than 1 minute 30 seconds.· A dance piece lasting no longer than 1 minute 30 seconds.
