



  A cymbidium, unexpectedly growing in this weed, gravel full of streams, yellow-green petals, the tongue covered with emerald green velvet moss, is good-looking.


  Braved the sparse rain to return home. At the beginning of summer, the wind is fine and the rain is oblique. Walking along the cliff, looking down, the thick water fog floated and sank in the fields.There is a world in a flower,Leaf veins are an autumn trajectory.


  I have always thought that leaves are the language of trees: pine is good at criticism, mutual kindness is a tree's dream sentence, love to talk to itself. The thin leaves of ancient trees are simple and deep.



  Bamboo building accompanied by water, spring sound Ding Dong, added a kind of leisurely, a kind of elegant, a kind of calmness, not to mention the water here, as well as bamboo building accompanied.The cicada noise forest is quiet, and the bird singing mountain is even more secluded.


  A river autumn water, is still clear blue clear bottom. The autumn mountains on both sides of the strait are still curling up to welcome people. A few songs on the Cangjiang River, there are nine clusters of Reed bushes, a few

  curved villages, embellished there.


  The sound of rubbing the leaves came from the woods, which was the fingers of autumn. The sun warmed the wall and cooled it at night.Along both sides of the river, even the mountains are dark and green.The mountains often wear some snow, the river is as clear as jade.
