
  Module 1

  1.study plan学习计划

  2.a number of +可数名词复数+V(复数):许多、大量

  the number of+可数名词复数+V(单数):。。的数量


  a piece of advice一条建议

  give sb. someadvice给某人一些建议

  advise sb. to dosth.建议某人去做某事

  4.write it/themdown把它写下来

  5. what else?还有什么其他的?

  6. It is adj. forsb. to do sth.

  7. It is a goodidea to do sth.

  8.meet sb.接某人

  9.this term这学期

  last term上学期

  next term下学期

  10. help sb. dosth.

  help sb. with sth.

  11.ask for advice征求意见

  12.basic questions基本问题

  13.spend… on sth.

  spend …(in) doingsth.花费时间做某事

  sth cost sb some money

  It takes sb. sometime to do sth.

  pay for

  14.the meaning of….的意思

  15.speak to sb.与某人谈话

  16.take a deepbreath深呼吸

  17.start aconversation开始一段谈话

  18.talk about sth.with sb.跟某人谈论某事


  ①What about doing=How about doing…?

  ②Why not do=Why don’t you do..?

  ③Try (not) to do sth.

  ④should do

  ⑤It’s a good idea to do sth.

  ⑥Would you like to do sth.

  ⑦Let sb do sth.

  ⑧Remember to do sth.=Don’t forget to do sth.

  ⑨you’d better do sth.


  1.give up放弃

  2. ask sb. to dosth.让某人去做某事

  3.improve oneself提高某人


  5.leave sth.落下什么东西


  7.like 喜欢、像

  8.at the age of在。。岁时







  11.finish doingsth.完成做某事

  12.go off灯熄灭

  13.so far 迄今为止(现在完成时)

  14.lose one’sway=lose oneself迷路

  15.be away from远离

  16. be sorry to dosth.

  17.listen to theradio听收音机

  18.write to sb.写给某人

  19.would like todo sth.愿意去做某事

  20. want to dosth.

  21. adj enough todo sth.

  22.try one’s bestto do sth.尽某人最大能力去做某事

  23. everyday (adj.)every day(adv.)

  24.teacher withglasses戴眼镜的老师

  Module 2

  travel around theworld环球旅行

  invite sb. to dosth.邀请某人去做某事

  stay with sb.跟某人呆在一起

  one day总有一天

  1.put on take off穿上,脱下

  land in 着陆 take off起飞

  2. the price of…… ……的价钱

  3.dream of/aboutsth.梦到某物

  4. What do youreckon?

  What do you thinkof…?

  How do you like…?

  5.have been to 去了回来了

  have gone to 去了没回来

  6.fly to sw.飞到某地


  because of +nhttp://baijiahao.baidu.com/名词短语

  7.western food西方食物

  8.more than=over 超过

  9.sell out卖光

  10.come true实现

  Module 3

  1. What are you upto? =what are you doing?你正在做什么?

  up to忙于做某事

  2.just now刚刚(一般过去时)

  the latest news最新消息

  3. Don’t panic!不要惊慌

  4.on the news在新闻上

  5.in space在太空

  6.on business出差

  7. show sth. tosb.=show sb. sth.

  8. borrow sth.from sb.

  lend sth. to sb.

  9.millions of 数以百万计的


  10.none of+可数名词复数+V单数

  11.be called…被叫做。。


  too 用于句末,但有逗号

  as well用于句末,但没有逗号

  13.grow up长大

  14.alone无感情色彩be alone

  lonely有感情色彩feel lonely

  15.prefer A to B

  prefer doing A todoing B

  prefer to do Arather than do B

  16.so far迄今为止(现在完成时)

  17.feel like doingsth.喜欢做某事

  18.as adj.(原级) as 像。。一样

  19.so that如此。。以至于





  ① for+一段时间(for five years)

  ② since+一个时间点(since 8 o’clock yesterday)

  ③ since+具体的年份(since 1990)

  ④ since+一段时间+ago(since five years ago)


  ① die → be dead

  ② begin/start → be on

  ③ buy → have

  ④ borrow → keep

  ⑤ come/go → be

  Module 4

  1.how long多久

  2.get on well withsb.与某人相处融洽

  3. learn a foreignlanguage

  4. the Hope School

  5.Project Hope希望工程

  6.poor children贫困儿童

  7.in fact事实上

  8.tell me more说的更多点

  9.how long用for+一段时间/since+时间点回答

  how often用频度副词来回答

  how soon用in+一段时间提问(一般是一般将来时)

  how far多远,提问路程多远

  10.take part 参加

  11.aneight-year-old boy

  12.drop out ofschool辍学

  13.on the farm在农场上

  14.be ill生病

  15.have to do sth.不得不去做某事

  16.get aneducation得到教育

  17.with the help of在。。的帮助下

  18.people in Chinaand abroad国内外的人们

  19.because of由于

  luck (n.)→lucky (adj.)→luckily (adv.)

  care (n.)→careful(adj.) →carefully (adv.)





  ① there be→be there?

  ② You’d better→hadn’t you?

  ③ Let’s→shall we?

  ④ Let us→will you?

  ⑤ 祈使句→will you?

  ⑥ 一般现在时→do/does 主语?

  ⑦ 现在进行时→am/is/are 主语?

  ⑧ 一般过去时→did 主语?

  ⑨ 过去进行时→was/were 主语?

  ⑩ 现在完成时→have/has 主语?



  Module 5


  2.Who is it by?由。。作曲

  3.be sure of/aboutsth.对某事有把握、确信

  4.be sure to dosth.确信去做某事

  5.hear of sth.听说

  6.the capital of。。的首都

  7.what’s yourfavourite…你最喜欢的。。。是什么?

  8.a fan of。。的粉丝

  9.give us a break休息一会

  10.I don’t believeit!我不相信它!

  11.not only..butalso..不但。。而且。。(就近原则)

  12.describe Chinato the rest of the world把中国介绍给世界的其他部分

  13.bring westernand Chinese music together把中西方音乐结合

  14.in additionto=besides除了

  Module 6

  1. How is it going?过的怎么样?

  2. send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb.

  3. go on继续

  4. by the river在河边

  5. be late晚的、迟的

  6. in a tree人在树上

  on a tree 水果在树上

  on the grass在草地上

  7. smile at sb.朝某人微笑

  8. fall behind落后

  fall down=go down摔落

  9. every/each(每个)+V单数

  10. tired累的(人)


  11. have nothing to do无事可做

  12. what for=why

  13. think of认为

  think about考虑

  14. take sth. out of 拿出

  take away拿走带走

  take off飞机起飞、脱衣服

  15. get up起床

  16. on one’s way to …在某人去。。的路上

  17. 表示过去进行时的短语:

  At that time/atthat moment/at this time yesterday/at…o’clock yesterday/from…to…last night


  Module 7


  2.What’s the matter with you?

  What’s wrong withyou?

  3. be afraid+句子

  be afraid to dosth.害怕做某事

  be afraid of doingsth.

  4.try to do sth.

  try one’s best todo sth.尽某人最大能力去做某事

  5. What is she like?(性格、内在特征)

  What does she looklike?(外貌)

  6. introduce A to B把A介绍给B

  introduce oneself自我介绍

  7.hear from=get a letter from=receive aletter from收到某人来信

  8. thanks for sth.

  9. wait to do sth.等不及去做某事

  10. when 引导的时间状语从句:主将从现

  11. wear glasses戴眼镜

  12. arrive at+小地点 arrivein +大地点

  reach sw.

  get to sw.

  13. sound like听起来像

  14. as well也

  15. the captain of。。的队长

  16.be proud of…因。。而骄傲

  17. work hard努力工作

  18. get/be angry with sb.

  be angry at/aboutsth.

  19. bad marks坏分数

  20. at first首先

  21. a bit=kind of稍微、有点儿

  Module 8

  1. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.

  2.the map of…。。的地图

  3.over there在那儿

  4. do some shopping=go shopping

  5. 表示静止的方位:

  on the right/left

  in the middle of

  on the corner of



  next to

  in front of



  go along=go down

  =walk along=walkdown

  go across

  go straight ahead

  turn left/rightinto…

  6. 表示问路的话

  Where is the …?

  How can I get tothe…?

  Which is the wayto the…?

  Can you tell methe way to the…?

  7. welcome to…

  8. a clear day晴朗的一天

  9. get off下车αget on上车

  Module 9

  1. danger(n.) in danger处于危险中


  2. beexcited to do sth.兴奋去做某事

  3. makesb. do sth.

  make sb. adj.

  make sb. n.

  4. haveno place to live in没有地方可住

  5. takeaway带走

  6. inpeace和平的

  7. onearth究竟

  8. lookfor寻找(过程)


  find out查清(通过研究找出结果)

  9.besurprised to do sth.惊奇的去做某事

  10. look after=take care of

  11. there be sbhttp://baijiahao.baidu.com/sth. doing sth.某地有sbhttp://baijiahao.baidu.com/sth.正在做某事

  12. live on 以。。为生

  13. less and less越来越少

  more and more越来越多

  14. make a plan定一个计划

  15. adj. enough to do sth.足够。。去做某事

  16.go back=return返回

  17. the symbol of。。的象征

  18.such as没有逗号,后面一般加n.或者短语

  for example一般有逗号,后面一般加句子

  Module 10

  1. How is it?事情进展的怎么样?

  2. places of interest名胜

  be/becomeinterested in sthhttp://baijiahao.baidu.com/doing sth.



  3. offer to do sth.主动提出去做某事

  4. agree to do sth.同意去做某事

  agree with sb.同意某人

  agree on sth.同意某事



  6. though/although虽然but但是(不可以同时出现)

  7.have a good time=enjoy oneself

  8.take place=happen发生

  9. be famous for因。。而著名

  be famous as作为。。而著名

  10. the story of。。的故事

  11. the centre of。。的中心

  12. be born in swhttp://baijiahao.baidu.com/on+日子

  13. one of 最高级+可数名词复数+V单数

  14. fall in love with sb.爱上某人

  15. be full of=be filled with

  16. fill A with B把B装到A里

  17. find it adj. to do sth.

  18. plan/decide/hope/want/agree/offer/try/want/wish/begin/need/forget/learn/+ to do sth.

  help/make sb. dosth.

  be glad to do sth.

  give sb. sth.=givesth. to sb.(bring/lend/hand/send/show/leave/teach)

  buy sb. sth.=buysth. for sb.(cook/read)

  Module 11

  1. it is adj. to do sth.

  it is n. to do sth.

  it takes sb. some time to do sth.


  To see is not to believe.

  2. it is possible(impossible) to do sth.

  it is possible that…

  主语+will probably/possibly+ V

  eg:It will probably/possibly be sunnytomorrow.

  3. so… that 如此。。以至于

  4. depend on 依赖、依靠

  5. 雨雪的大用heavy


  6. be + adj.

  adj. +n.

  V. +adv.

  7. spring,summer,


  8. 不客气的几种说法:

  You are welcome.

  That’s all right.=That’s ok.

  With pleasure.

  My pleasure.

  It’s a pleasure.

  9. be pleasant to do sth.很高兴去做某事

  10. take photos of sth.

  11. bring sb. around sw.

  take sb. around sw.带某人到处参观

  12. the best place to do sth.去做某事的最好地方

  the best time to do sth.去做某事的最好时间

  13. It is a good idea/way to do sth.

  14. What’s the weather like?=

  How is the weather?

  What will the weather be like?=

  How will the weather be?

  15. at the moment=now

  16. be off to sw.动身去某地

  17. you’d better do sth.你最好做某事

  18. 不定代词(something/anything/nothing/

  somebody/adybody/nobody)+adj.to do sth.

  19. joke with sb.跟某人开玩笑

  joke about sth.就某事而开玩笑

  tell jokes讲笑话

  20. between…and…在。。和。。之间

  21. from…to…从。。到。。

  22. You must be joking!

  Sounds great!听起来不错

  Come on 赶快

  23. too much+不可数名词 太多。。。

  much too+adj.太。。。

  24. 季节/年份/月份/前+in


  25. in the end可单独使用

  at the end of在。。的最后

  26. n. adj.

  sun sunny

  cloud cloudy

  rain rainy

  wind windy

  snow snowy

  storm stormy

  shower showery

  27. the temperature will be…

  the temperature of Dalian is…

  Module 12

  1. stop to do sth.停下来去做某事

  stop doing sht. 停下来正在做的事情

  2. hang on 等等/别挂断

  3. immediately=atonce=right now

  4. accept 接受


  5. in red paper

  6. use both hands

  7. cut one’s hair

  8. you can’t beserious!

  9. just wait andsee.

  10. both两者都+V复



  11. make noise

  12. enjoy one’sstay

  13. not…but…不是。。。而是。。。

  14. be differentfrom

  15. the same as与。。。相同

  16. hear sb. doingsth.听到某人正在做某事

  hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做某事的全过程

  17. on time按时

  18. catch a cold感冒

  catch a bus赶公共汽车

  catch up withsbhttp://baijiahao.baidu.com/sth.追赶某人/某物

  19. let sb. dosth.让某人做某事

  20. stay out呆在外面

  21. can提问:肯定:can






  22. 物主代词后+名词

  a +可数名词单数



  有not sure一般用may/might


  23. There isnothing in the room, but(除了)a bed.

  We won’t have themeeting this afternoon but(而是) tomorrow afternoon.

  24. milk coffeetea water juice 都是不可数名次

  25. a few+可数名词复数:许多。。。

  a little +不可数名词:许多。。。



