新闻英语@SCIO 国新办新闻提要:News outline for April

  新闻英语@SCIO 国新办新闻提要:News outline for April 15,,2023


  1、China to ramp up efforts for green, low-carbon energy transition, 中国加速绿色、低碳能源转型

  China will advance green, low-carbon energy transition by raising non-fossil fuel energy supply, reducing the carbon footprint of the energy industry, promoting clean and low-carbon end-use energy, and increasing institutional support for tech innovation.

  low-carbon, 低碳

  non-fossil energy, 非化石能源

  2、NHC: China's quality medical resources now more evenly distributed, 国家健康委:中国优质医疗资源更加均衡分配

  China has made continuous efforts to ensure that quality medical resources are channeled to the community level and that they are more evenly distributed among regions, according to the National Health Commission (NHC).

  NHC:National Health Commission, 国家健康委

  quality medical resources, 优质医疗资源

  3、China establishes 13 specialized national medical centers, 中国建立13个国家专业医疗中心

  China has established 13 national medical centers specializing in different fields, according to an official of the National Health Commission (NHC).

  4、China's top market regulator highlights high-quality development,中国市场监管局强调高质量发展

  China's top market watchdog vowed to take concrete measures, including deepening reform, to spur market vitality and push forward high-quality development.

  market watchdog, 市场监督

  deepending reform, 深化改革

  to spur market vitality, 激发市场活力

  to push forward high-quality develop, 推动高质量发展

  5、China's foreign trade gets off to good start in Q1, 中国外贸今年一季度开局良好

  China's foreign trade got off to a good start in the first quarter of this year, with its value totaling 9.89 trillion yuan (US$1.44 trillion) and registering a year-on-year increase of 4.8%.

  foreign trade, 外贸

  a year-on-year increase, 年比增长

  6、Renewable energy sees steady growth in China, 中国再生能源发展稳健

  China has added over 100 million kilowatts of wind and photovaltaic power capacity per year since 2020, the National Energy Administration announced at a press conference Wednesday.

  wind and photovaltaic power capacity, 风能和光伏电能

  NEA=National Energy Administration, 国家能源局

  7、Taiwan singers, bands to hold nearly 100 concerts on mainland in 2023, 2023年台湾歌手乐队计划在大陆举办近100场音乐会

  Singers and bands from Taiwan are expected to hold nearly 100 large-scale concerts and participate in dozens of music festivals on the mainland this year, a Chinese mainland spokesperson told a press conference on Wednesday.

  large-scale concerts, 大规模音乐会

  8、Spokesperson: Restrictions long imposed by Taiwan authorities hurt mainland industries, enterprises, 发言人:台湾当局长期限制措施损坏大陆产业和企业

  The Taiwan authorities have long adopted unilateral restrictions on over 2,400 product items from the mainland, damaging the interests of related industries and businesses on the mainland, a mainland spokesperson said Wednesday.

  unilateral restrictions, 单边限制

  9、China's foreign trade returns to growth,中国外贸行业回升

  China's total goods imports and exports expanded 4.8 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, official data showed Thursday.

  total goods imports and exports,货物进出口总额

  10、New energy to help meet green pledge,新能源助力绿色发展承若

  China will step up efforts to boost new energy development while ensuring energy security this year, as part of concerted efforts to meet its green commitment, said the National Energy Administration on Wednesday.

  step up efforts, 加速努力

  energy security, 能源安全

  11、China's Tibet sees robust growth in Tibetan medicine output value,中国西藏药业发展势头强劲

  The total output value of Tibetan medicine production enterprises in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region reached 2.52 billion yuan (about 365.9 million U.S. dollars) in 2022, about twice that of 2012, according to a conference on Tibetan medicine development held on Wednesday.

  12、China's energy regulator lists priority tasks for high-quality development,中国能源监管的首要任务是高质量发展

  China's National Energy Administration (NEA) has decided to make multi-pronged efforts to advance the high-quality development of the domestic energy sector.

  NEA=National Energy Administration, 国家能源局

  I am Andy Wei, an English enthusiast for many year, please subscribe to for learning from each other and making greater progress together!
