



  Carnivore capital: Thehuntfor the perfect shot wherepolarbearsroam食肉动物之都:在北极熊出没的地方寻找完美的镜头【1】Perched on the southern edge of the Arctic on the shores of Hudson bay, residents of the Canadian town of Churchill share their streets with the world’s largest land carnivore. Their regularencounterswithpolarbears haveearnedChurchill thenickname“polarbear capital of the world”. The bearsinhabitthe sea ice, but in summer, when the icemelts, they comeashoretoawaitthe next freeze in November. By October, several hundred arewanderingtowards the bay. Their path takes them past, or through, Churchill. The900or so residents are used to lookingcautiouslyaround corners and not walking after dark. But it’s the bears that could claim agrievance: the town was built on their annualmigratoryroute.加拿大丘吉尔小镇坐落于北极南端哈德逊湾岸边,那里的居民与世界上最大的陆地食肉动物共享街道。因他们经常与北极熊相遇,丘吉尔小镇因此有了“世界北极熊之都”的绰号。北极熊栖息在海冰上,但在夏天,冰融化时,它们会上岸等待11月的下一次冰冻。到了10月,有几百只北极熊游荡到海湾。他们的路线经过或穿过丘吉尔小镇。大概900个居民习惯了小心翼翼地环顾角落,天黑后不外出闲逛。但北极熊们可能会抱怨:这个小镇就建在它们每年的迁徙路线上。【2】Churchill grew up around an18th-century fur-trading post, awhalingstationand a second world war USmilitarybase. During the cold war, the human population peaked at about5,000as themilitaryfacilitiesgrew. Therubbishdump thatsprangfrom thesefacilitiesattracted hungrypolarbears, and by the1960s they had become a public safety concern. On17November1968, apolarbearmauledand killed a19-year-old man.丘吉尔小镇是从18世纪的毛皮贸易站、捕鲸站和二战时期的美国军事基地发展起来的。冷战期间,随着军事设施的增加,人口达到了5000人左右的峰值。这些设施产生的垃圾堆吸引了饥饿的北极熊,到20世纪60年代,北极熊已经成为一个公共安全问题。1968年11月17日,一只北极熊抓伤并杀死了一名19岁的男子。【3】When the USmilitarypulled out in1970, much of the town’s populationebbedaway. The bears became the only regular visitors, and those thatwanderedinto town were shot and killed on sight, sometimes as many as30a year. But in the late1970s, the relationship with the bears began to change. A Canadianbiologistand wildlifephotographer, Dan Guravich, arrived to produce afeaturefor the Smithsonian journal. Hecapturedthe usuallysolitarycreaturesrollingin thesnow, play fighting and roaming thetundra. When the story was published in February1978,journalists, photographers and TVcrewsbegan showing up. Tourists followed.1970年美军撤出后,该镇的大部分人口都消失了。这些北极熊成了唯一的常客,人们一看见那些游荡到镇上的北极熊就射杀它们,有时一年多达30只。但在20世纪70年代末,人们与熊的关系开始发生变化。加拿大生物学家兼野生动物摄影师丹·古拉维奇(Dan Guravich)来到这里,为史密森尼杂志做了一期专题报道。他拍到这些通常孤独的动物在雪地里打滚、打架和在冻原上游荡。这篇报道在1978年2月发表后,记者、摄影师和电视工作人员开始出现。游客也来了。【4】Locals describe those early,unregulateddays ofpolarbearphotographytrips as a northern “wild west”. Jacked-uptrucksdrove across thetundraandcoastline,harassingbears in search of the perfect shot. photographers and theirguidesused “blubber guns” that fired big pellets of fat to attract bears tospecificspots, and baited areas with seal meat.当地人将早期不受管制的北极熊摄影之旅描述为北方的“狂野西部”。加高的卡车驶过冻原和海岸线,为了寻求完美的镜头,不断骚扰北极熊。摄影师和他们的导游使用“鲸脂枪”发射大粒脂肪来吸引熊到特定地点,并用海豹肉作为诱饵。【5】Guravich suggested using a version of theswampbuggyhe had seen traversing the marshes of Louisiana. Len Smith, a localbusinessman, custom-built a vehicle he named thetundrabuggy. In1979, Smith took a National Geographic film crew andphotographerout in hisbuggy, and theresultingTV show and magazine storysealedthe deal onpolarbear tourism in Churchill. Smith built14more customised vehicles and a mobile “tundralodge” for guests. In2000, he sold the business to Frontiers North Adventures, founded by a family who had collaborated with him in the early days. Today, thetoursareregulated. Vehicles must stay on rough tracks left by themilitary, and three tour companies areallocatedpermits to serve wealthy tourists who arrive during the six-week “bear season”.古拉维奇建议使用他曾在路易斯安那州见过的穿越沼泽时用的沼泽车。当地商人莱恩·史密斯(Len Smith)定制了一辆他命名为“冻原车”(tundrabuggy))的交通工具。1979年,史密斯带着国家地理的一个摄制组和摄影师开着他的冻原车出去,所出品的电视节目和杂志故事敲定了丘吉尔小镇的北极熊旅游生意。史密斯又为客人造了14辆定制车辆和一个移动的“冻原小屋”。2000年,他将生意卖给了北境探险(Frontier North Adventures)公司,这家公司是由一个早期与他合作过的家族创立的。如今,旅游受到了监管。车辆必须行驶在军队留下的凹凸不平的道路上,三家旅游公司获得许可,为冲着“北极熊季”到来的富有游客提供为期六周的服务。【6】The question of whether the bears would be better left alonepromptsmuchdebate. With the icemeltingearlier in summer andforminglater in winter, many are spending more time on land, which increases the chances ofconflictwith humans. Some Churchill residents believe the bears have become bolder, perhaps because they arehungrier.关于让北极熊独处是否会更好的问题引发了很多争论。由于冰在初夏融化,在晚冬形成,许多北极熊在陆地上呆的时间更长,这增加了与人类发生冲突的机会。丘吉尔小镇的一些居民认为,熊变得更大胆了,也许是因为它们更饿了。【7】Arrivals at Churchill airport aregreetedby a large sign warning them not to feed or approach thepolarbears and never to walk at night. Localsroutinelyleave their carsunlockedto give people an escape from bearencounters. Those bears that are notscaredaway from the town’s few streets with “crackershells” (blanksfired by shotgun) are taken to “polarbearjail”, where they are held for up to30days before being tranquillised and taken byhelicopter90miles away from the town.抵达丘吉尔机场的旅客会看到一个很大的标志,警告他们不要喂食或接近北极熊,也不要在夜间外出。当地人通常不锁车,这样遇到北极熊时,人们就可以有个躲避的地方。那些没有被“爆竹壳”(crackershells)(用猎枪发射的空弹)吓跑的北极熊会被带到“北极熊监狱”,在那里它们会被关押30天,然后打上镇静剂,用直升机带到离小镇90英里远的地方。【8】Living withapexpredatorsposes challenges for residents, but it is thespectreof climate change thatloomsover Churchill. The number ofpolarbears in western Hudson bay has fallen by27% in five years, according to a recent government count from the air.polarbears need lots of body fat tosustainthemselves on land in summer, losing about1kg (2.2lb) a day. Female bears andcubshave an especially hard time. Alysa McCall, abiologistwithpolarBears International, a research andadvocacygroup in Churchill, says: “polarbears have become the poster-child of the environmental movement for good reason – the land theyinhabitisliterallymeltingbeneath their feet.”对于这里的居民来说,与顶级捕食者共存,给他们带来了挑战,但笼罩在丘吉尔小镇上空的却是气候变化带来的的恐慌。根据政府最近的空中统计,哈德逊湾西部的北极熊数量在五年内下降了27%。北极熊需要大量的体脂肪来维持夏天在陆地上的生存,每天减重大约1公斤(2.2磅)。母熊和幼熊的日子尤其艰难。阿丽莎·麦考尔(Alysa McCall)是丘吉尔研究和倡导组织“北极熊国际”的生物学家,她说:“北极熊成为环保运动的代表物是有充分理由的——它们栖息的土地正在它们脚下融化。”


  1.原文:Perched on the southern edge of the Arctic on the shores of Hudson Bay, residents of the Canadian town of Churchill share their streets with the world’s largest land carnivore.


  例句:Whitlock wasperched onthe sill of the room's only window.


  2.原文:The rubbish dump that sprang from these facilities attracted hungry polar bears, and by the 1960s they had become a public safety concern.

  词典:rubbish dump垃圾堆;碎石堆

  例句:Her room is like arubbish dump.


  词典:spring from起源于,发源(于)……;来自……

  例句:Where on earth did youspring from?


  3.原文:When the US military pulled out in 1970, much of the town’s population ebbed away.

  词典:pull out离开,撤离;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康

  例句:France was going topull outof NATO.



  例句:His little girl's lifeebbed away.


  4.原文:In 1979, Smith took a National Geographic film crew and photographer out in his buggy, and the resulting TV show and magazine story sealed the deal on polar bear tourism in Churchill.

  词典:sealthe deal搞定,签署协议,达成协议

  例句:Kinship ties foster trust, so they canseal the dealand get the umbrellas to Jakarta before the rainy season ends.


  5.原文:Those bears that are not scared away from the town’s few streets with “cracker shells” (blanks fired by shotgun) are taken to “polar bear jail”, where they are held for up to 30 days before being tranquillised and taken by helicopter 90 miles away from the town.


  例句:Foreign resource extractors are queuing up. But high wage costs havescared awayother investors.



  1. 原文:Withthe ice melting earlier in summer and forming later in winter, manyare spending more time on land, whichincreases the chances of conflict withhumans.

  分析:本句非限定性定语从句。开头“With”后接复合结构“with + 名词(或代词)+ 现在分词”,表示原因、伴随状态表示伴随条件,“was produced by”是被动语态;“many”是主语,后面省略了“polar bears”,“are spending”是谓语,为“be+doing”现在进行时;“which”引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中做主语,指代前面提到的情况;“with”是介词,表示“和、与”。


  2.原文:Those bearsthat are not scared away from the town’s few streets with“cracker shells” (blanks fired by shotgun)are takento “polar bear jail”, wherethey are held for up to 30 days before being tranquillised and taken by helicopter 90 miles away from the town.

  分析:本句包含两个定语从句,“Those bears”是主语,也是先行词;“with”是介词,表示伴随状态;“that”引导定语从句,对先行词进行解释说明修饰;“are taken”是主句的谓语,“be+done”是被动语态结构;“polar bear jail”是主句的宾语,也是“where”引导的定语从句的先行词,关系副词where在非限制性定语从句中作地点状语,指代前面表示地点的词语,定语从句对先行词进行解释说明。

  译文:那些没有被“爆竹壳”(cracker shells)(用猎枪发射的空弹)吓跑的北极熊会被带到“北极熊监狱”,在那里它们会被关押30天,然后打上镇静剂,用直升机带到离小镇90英里远的地方。


  加拿大丘吉尔小镇号称“北极熊之都”,这里没有公路,只能坐火车或者飞机。作为加拿大最北的小镇,丘吉尔城靠近北极圈,是看极光的天堂,一年大约有300天可以看到极光。正为如此,人们都对这个神秘小镇充满着好奇和探险欲望。 由于强烈的好奇心与力量优势,很多北极熊会对当地居民的生活带来各种麻烦。在经历了多起北极熊伤人事件后,小镇决定将一座空军基地改建为“熊监狱”,来关押那些调皮捣蛋的“熊孩子”。










