


  第一个单词是 "dad",这是指"爸爸"。例句:I love spending time with my dad.(我喜欢和我爸爸一起度过时间。)

  接下来是 "bad",意思是"坏"。例句:Eating too much junk food is bad for your health.(吃太多垃圾食品对你的健康有害。)

  然后我们有 "sad",这是指"伤心难过"。例句:She felt sad when her best friend moved away.(当她最好的朋友搬走时,她感到很伤心。)


  接着是 "cat",意思是"猫咪"。例句:The cat is sleeping on the sofa.(那只猫正在沙发上睡觉。)

  然后我们有 "fat",这是指"肥胖"。例句:You should eat more vegetables and exercise regularly to avoid becoming fat.(你应该多吃蔬菜并定期锻炼,以避免变得肥胖。)

  接下来是 "rat",这是指"老鼠"。例句:The cat chased a rat in the garden.(猫在花园里追逐一只老鼠。)

  我们再来看看 "plate",这是指"盘子"。例句:Please pass me that plate of fruits.(请把那盘水果递给我。)

  接着是 "gate",意思是"门口"。例句:Close the gate behind you when you enter the house.(进屋时请关上门。)

  然后我们有 "late",指的是"晚了"。例句:She missed the bus and was late for school.(她错过了公交车,上学迟到了。)


  接下来是 "wake",这是指"醒"。例句:I usually wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning.(我通常早上7点醒来。)

  然后是 "lake",指的是"湖边"。例句:We had a picnic by the lake last weekend.(上周末我们在湖边野餐。)

  接着是 "snake",这是指"蛇"。例句:Be careful not to step on the snake.(小心别踩到蛇。)
