


  英语 试题

  试卷满分150分 考试用时120分仲





  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  例:How much is the shirt?

  A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


  1.How will the guests go to the airport?

  A.By car. B.By bus. C.By taxi.

  2.How long will the man stay if his wife comes?

  A.4 nights. B.6 nights. C.8 nights.

  3.Who is in charge of the project?

  A.Dan. B.Gary. C.Mary.

  4.What does the man say about the restaurant?

  A.The waiters were noisy.

  B.The food was not his thing.

  C.The atmosphere was friendly.

  5.What language does Mr.Black speak best?

  A.Chinese. B.French. C.Spanish.




  6.What will the speakers have to do?

  A.Send figures to Mr.Jones.

  B.Draw up the budget for next year.

  C.Organize an advertising campaign on Thursday.

  7.What docs the woman ask the man to do?

  A.Wait for her in his office.

  B.Go to Mr.Jones' workplace.

  C.Make a phone call to Mr.Jones.


  8.What is John doing?

  A.Doing a fun project.

  B.Emptying the cupboard.

  C.Donating unwanted things.

  9.What is “freecycling”?

  A.A way of recycling. B.A kind of old junk. C.A travel website.

  10.What does John want now?

  A.A gorilla arm. B.A microphone. C.A bicycle.


  11.What are the speakers discussing?

  A.The man's house.

  B.The effects of global warming.

  C.The man's job.

  12.What is always nice according to the man?

  A.He lives by the sea.

  B.Animals can get more food.

  C.Green can be seen all year round.

  13.What could farmers grow before?

  A.Grass. B.Vegetables. C.Trees.


  14.Where does the man most probably work?

  A.At an airport. B.At a hotel. C.At a travel agency.

  15.Which airport is the best choice for the woman?

  A.Reagan National. B.Dulles. C.Baltimore-Washington.

  16.Why is the woman going to Washington DC?

  A.To visit a friend. B.To meet the man. C.To go sightseeing.


  17.When docs the speaker usually go to a movie with friends?

  A.On weekends. B.On weekdays. C.On vacation.

  18.How docs the speaker learn about a movie?

  A.By seeing it himself.

  B.By cheeking the film reviews.

  C.By talking to his friends.

  19.What might the speaker do if the tickets are sold out?

  A.Steal in without a ticket.

  B.Go back home and watch TV.

  C.Buy a ticket for the next show.

  20.What does the speaker like to do while watching a movie?

  A.Eat popcorn. B.Talk to others. C.Put his feet up.

  第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)



  Gold Fame Citrus

  by Claire Vaye Watkins($ 5.99)

  With the flight of its characters through a landscape destroyed by climate crisis,this novel does not indicate much hopefulness for the future.Within it is a series of situations and consequences made more severe in a future California short of water.Across the desert.we follow Watkins' characters through a place so transformed that it needs its own field guide of animals newly adapted for strange survival.

  The Ministry for the Future

  by Kim Stanley Robinson($ 18.1)

  The Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the imagination,using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell the story of how climate will affect us all.Its setting is not a deserted world,but a future that is almost upon us.This extraordinary novel from the visionary science fiction writer will change the way you think about the climate crisis.

  Breathing Fire

  by Jaim Lowe($ 27)

  The front lines of the fight against climate change are peopled with those society has forgotten.Up to 30 percent of the firefighters battling wildfires in California each year are prisoners performing backbreaking labor while earning a 40th of what a civilian makes.This book follows six female prisoner firefighters and their worried families,looking into the human cost of environmental crisis.

  Something Under the Sun

  by Alexandra Kleeman($ 28)

  In Alexandra Kleeman's new novel,a novelist new to Los Angeles teams up with a former child actor to investigate a conspiracy(阴谋).But this is L.A.,where wildfires burn all year long and the rich store water while the poor suffer from the consequence of climate crisis.Human weakness is pushing the city toward a disaster.

  21.Which category does Breathing Fire fall into?

  A.Science fiction. B.Play.

  C.Non-fiction. D.Biography.

  22.What is Alexandra Kleeman?

  A.A novelist. B.An actor.

  C.A firefighter. D.A minister.

  23.What do the listed books have in common?

  A.They are on sale.

  B.They show concern over climate.

  C.They are intended for teenagers.

  D.They are set in California.


  What could driving a race car and pointing a camera at the Milky Way have in common?More than you might imagine.Race car driver Bubba Wallace and photographer Batak Tefreshi journeyed together to remote Gooseberry Mesa for an adventure aimed at capturing the night sky.

  Gooseberry Mesa,far from population centers,is protected from the nighttime light pollution making it perfect for star photographers.Nature night environments such as this are rare.

  Camping,hiking,and shooting stars in mountainous Mesa highlight the similarity between photography and racing.Bubba notes,“Once you fire up the engine there's no turning back-I know I'll be in that scat for more than three hours.” Batak agrees,“I have the same feeling as soon as I touch the wheel of my camera-I'm ready to continue through the entire night.” For Bubba,developing patience allowed him to mature as a driver and is equally essential to his photography.

  Seizing the moment is crucial too.“Every minute things are changing-the Earth's shadow.the moonlight.the rise of stars,” Batak explains.“If you lose the moment,it's gone forever.” Bubba finds the physical and mental demands of racing as crucial when travelling in Utah's rugged landscapes under freezing temperatures.

  Think incoming clouds,wind,or mist will ruin your chance at a perfect shot?According to Batak.“With wide-angle nightscapes every unexpected weather condition can be an opportunity.Our photos show oranges and blues around the moon you wouldn't see under a clear sky.”

  The team discovered shared interests that go beyond photography.“We're both passionate about bringing cultures together and using our work to break down boundaries,”says Batak.“The night sky has a unifying power.The sky connects the whole world under one umbrella.”

  24.Why did Bubba and Batak choose Gooseberry Mesa?

  A.It has a small population. B.It has ideal weather conditions.

  C.It is free from light pollution. D.It has a magnificent landscape.

  25.Which is required in both car racing and photography?

  A.Willpower. B.Teamwork. C.Bravery. D.Creativity.

  26.What does Batak think of unexpected weather as a photographer?

  A.Annoying. B.Disastrous. C.Favorable. D.Challenging.

  27.Which may be a message behind the team's photography work?

  A.Appreciating the night sky. B.Connecting various cultures.

  C.Removing racial boundaries. D.Protecting the environment.


  In gardens across Britain the grass has stopped growing,which is not drought-stricken.In fact.it is greener and cleaner than ever before.That is because the lawns(草坪)are actually artificial substitutes.

  Britons are fascinated by lawns.Country estates(庄园)have long competed to have the most perfectly cut and polished grassland.“What you're saying in big loud capital letters,is ‘I'm so terribly wealthy’、” says Fiona Davison of the RHS(皇家园林协会).With the coming of grass-cutting machines in 1830,the middle classes joined the fun.

  But now Britons have fallen in love with artificial grass.Evergreens UK,which sells the stuff.says it has seen a 120% rise in sales since 2015.Artificial grass is popular with families who have children or dogs and don't want mud dragged through their houses.It has another charm factor,too—people now see gardens as “outside rooms”—pairing carpets of artificial grass with delicately decorated seating and hot containers.

  Not everyone is a fan.Artificial grass contains microplastics that ruin soil and risk flooding.A study finds carthworms gain 14% less body weight when operating under rubber.a form of artificial grass.which might not be a problem for its fans,as wormholes are regular disgusting things.but it disappoints green types.Ms Davison says a group of wildlife-loving gardeners is blooming,many having caught the bug during COVID-19 lockdowns.For example,a landscape designer says they like things less neat and try “to capture that wild clement”.These cco-gardeners are influenced by rewilding projects and are more likely to be environmentalists.

  While three written documents signed by many people have tried to stop artificial grass spreading.the government says regulating what people do in their backyards is wrong.The RHS is concerned about artificial grass,but prefers persuasion to laws.“We say ‘Let a hundred flowers bloom',” says Ms Davison.

  28.What can be inferred from Davison's remark in paragraph 2?

  A.She is very rich.

  B.The gardening competition is fierce.

  C.Operating a cutting machine is fun.

  D.High-quality grassland is greatly valued.

  29.What possibly contributes to the popularity of artificial grass?

  A.Advertising campaigns. B.Gardens' new function.

  C.Messy grasslands. D.Ill-mannered children and dogs.

  30.What does the underlined word “bug” mean in the fourth paragraph?

  A.Interest. B.Earthworm. C.Flower. D.Virus.

  31.Which of the following is a suitable title of the text?

  A.The barrier of British grassland

  B.The appeal of grassland for Britons

  C.The fight to define the great British garden

  D.The competition to become the best grassland


  When asked what his father did for a living,Mike explained to his kindergarten teacher that “he steals things,but it's OK,because he gets paid to do it.”

  He isn't wrong.His father is a hacker(黑客),who is proud of his job,just like doctors are proud of the work they do.Thanks to security researchers' hacking practices.leaks in a new version of the most common Wi-Fi code standard(WPA3)were found before criminals could use them to break into home and business networks.In another case,criminals found an unknown weakness in Google's Android operating systems before security researchers did.giving the bad guys full control of more than a dozen phone models.

  However.finding Mike's father's personalized plates for his car with the word ‘HACKING’.an employee of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles quickly took them away.claiming that a license plate displaying “HACKING” publicized criminal activity.While this reaction really isn't the fault of the well-intentioned employee.it's a sign of how a deeply rooted misrepresentation of his profession has created a fixed wrong image.It seems that the way that hackers are described in Hollywood has contributed to the word ‘hacker’ paralleling ‘criminal’,where hackers arc often referred to as figures in dark rooms engaged in illegal activity while tapping at keyboards.

  But actually,hacking is just an activity.What separates any activity from a crime is.very often.permission.People are free to drive,but they do not have permission to drive 150 miles per hour,which is a criminal offense.Since a driver is just a driver.why must a hacker be a criminal?Someone who engages in the illegal use of hacking should not be called a ‘bad hacker’ but a ‘cybercriminal’.Contrary to popular belief,most hackers like Mike's father undoubtedly play an important role in keeping companies and people safe.

  32.What did Mike's son think of Mike's job?

  A.Admirable. B.Amazing. C.Acceptable. D.Annoying.

  33.What docs the second paragraph mainly talk about concerning the hackers' job?

  A.Its weakness. B.Its importance.

  C.Its variety D.Its security.

  34.Why does the writer mention ‘Hollywood’ in paragraph 3?

  A.To entertain the renders. B.To question the employee's claim.

  C.To clarify the concept of hacking. D.To trace the wrong image of hackers.

  35.What message does the author really want to convey in the text?

  A.Hacking mostly counts. B.Hacking is actually a crime.

  C.Hacking is popular with people. D.Hacking needs licenses.



  Walking in the city is very different from walking in the park.A small psychology study suggests urban environments can slow your step and possibly increase your mental load.__36__ It can case your mind and quicken your pace.The findings show that natural settings may potentially reduce cognitive(认知的)tiredness and improve reaction times straight away.__37__

  The first of the two experiments in the new study focused on people's way of walking and cognitive load.During this trial.participants were fitted with sensors and a dozen motion control cameras were set up to watch them repeatedly walk down a l5-metre room at their natural speed.The wall opposite them showed an image of either a nature scene or a city scene.__38__ On the whole,when walking in city settings.people reported that they felt more uncomfortable and they walked at a slower pace.indicating a higher cognitive load.

  __39__ In the trial.participants were asked to distinguish between basic visual shapes on the computer while also in the presence of a natural or urban image(the same ones from the first experiment).

  Measuring reaction times in both natural and urban settings.the team found results to support their idea.In urban environments,participants were slower in distinguishing between simple shapes.__40__ Our brains take longer to process.However.more research is needed to prove that idea.


  第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



  Some folks spend decades looking for their best friends.I was __41__ enough to find mine in Grade 7 at my senior school –eight __42__ girls.

  As we progressed to high school.a couple of girls __43__ and a couple of new ones wormed their way in.By the end of Grade 12,the group had more or less __44__ into its final form.one that's remained remarkably __45__ for the past 20 years.

  Among our many __46__ is an annual Christmas exchange.This event first __47__ when we were 12.We set it up on the long,sticky cafeteria tables at our school to swap __48__gifts bought with our babysitting money.In following years,we'd __49__ a night of it,watching movies and ordering pizza in parents' living rooms,__50__ moving into our own shabby student apartments.into slightly less shabby adult apartments and then into our first __51__.

  At the beginning.we gave each other butterfly hair clips and so on.Those __52__bright mall jewellery and cheerful housewares as we began nesting in our 20s and baby clothes once we started having __53__ in our 30s.

  Holidays with family can be __54__.but our exchange offered something else:a chance for my friends and me to __55__our own traditions and play at being grown-ups.

  41.A.cautious B.astonished C.lucky D.clever

  42.A.mature B.teenage C.fashionable D.strange

  43.A.dropped out B.dropped in C.showed up D.showed off

  44.A.broken B.forced C.separated D.united

  45.A.secret B.long C.natural D.complete

  46.A.hobbies B.traditions C.ceremonies D.rules

  47.A.caught on B.took place C.broke out D.fell down

  48.A.fancy B.expensive C.modest D.generous

  49.A.repeat B.add C.search D.make

  50.A.instantly B.literally C.eventually D.consequently

  51.A.homes B.schools C.shelters D.offices

  52.A.held on to B.gave way to C.catered to D.adapted to

  53.A.salaries B.jobs C.kids D.families

  54.A.rare B.practical C.inspiring D.cosy

  55.A.create B.reform C.apply D.recognize



  I've had my fair share of travelling around China,and a recent week-long trip to Guizhou was my first time to the province.I tried looking up the meaning and significance of the name Guizhou before the trip,__56__(basic)to have a reasonable idea of what was in store for me.But that was__57__ hard task so I inquired from a Chinese colleague on the trip.From what she said,initially the province __58__(name)after a famous mountain called “Gui”,sort of noble in literal translation and “zhou”,which simply means province in Chinese.__59__(keep)that in mind I set out on a journey of discovery and __60__ I found was mind-blowing,a photographer's paradise.Generally __61__(describe)as a mountainous province in southwestern China,with Guiyang as __62__(it)capital.the province is truly one of nature's best kept secrets.Compared to other leading __63__(province)in China.with regard __64__ development,Guizhou has some catching-up to do.However,the province remains unique not only for its amazing landscape,__65__ for the role it played in the political history of modern China and the role it is to play in the world.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


  你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以“My dream job”为题写一篇发言稿参赛.内容包括: 1.你的理想工作;





  My dream job

  Good morning,everyone.



  A Run to Remember

  Thirteen can be a challenging age.Not only did I have to adapt to my changing body.I also had to deal with my parents' bitter divorce,a new family and the upsetting move from my country home to a crowded suburb.

  When we moved.my beloved companion,a small brown pony(小马),had to be sold.

  Feeling helpless and alone.I couldn't cat or sleep,and I cried all of the time.I missed my family.my home and my pony.Finally.my father,realizing how much I missed my pony,purchased an old red horse for me at a local market.

  My horse.Cowboy,was without a doubt the ugliest horse in the world.He was pigeon-toed and knock-kneed.But I didn't care about his faults.I loved him beyond all reasons.

  I joined a riding club and faced rude comments and mean snickers about Cowboy's looks.I never let on how I felt,but deep down inside,my heart was breaking.The other members rode beautiful registered horses.

  When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance,we were quickly out of the game.I finally realized that my only chance to compete would be in the timed-speed events.I chose barrel racing(绕桶赛),an event in which a horse and its rider attempt to complete a triangular pattern around three barrels in the fastest time.

  One girl named Becky rode a big brown horse in the race events.She always won the blue ribbons.Needless to say,she didn't feel threatened when I competed against her at the next show.She didn't need to.I came in next to last.

  The bitter memory of Becky's smirks(得意的笑)made me determined to beat her.For the whole next month,I woke up early every day and rode Cowboy five miles to the arena(运动场地).We practiced for hours in the hot sun and then I would walk Cowboy home.On the way home I would be so tired; those five miles seemed twice as long.

  All of our hard work didn't make me feel confident by the time the show came.I sat at the gate and sweated it out while I watched Becky and her horse charge through the pattern of barrels,finishing the course with case.



