
  2021考研真题答案及解析>>免费领直播课 公共课 政治 英语一 英语二 数学一 数学二 数学三   2021考研初试12月26~27日进行,2021考研初试情况(点击查看》》2021考研初试真题及答案解析专题),第一时间为考生提供考研真题答案及答案解析内容,同时新东方考研教师将为考生提供视频直播解析。直播入口|考研真题答案专区

  1. Direction:

  Supposing you are organizing an online meeting, write an email to Jack, an international student, 1) invite him to participate 2) tell him about the details


  Dear Jack,

  As a host who is going to organize an online conference about the environmental protection, I am writing this email to invite you to participate in the meeting.

  Concerning the details about the conference, the following will list some of them as follows. To begin with, it will start on the Dingding from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, Dec, 27th . In addition, the conference is scheduled to deliver speeches on how to protect the environment and figure out the available methods to reduce the environmental pollution. Besides, I heard that you are interested in this theme, and then you will join us and I will send you the entering code by sending an email to you.

  I would be appreciated for your attendance. If you need further details, please contact me promptly. I am looking forward to your participation.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  本次小作文要求考生对一名国际留学生写一封邀请信,希望他能参加你组织的一次线上会议(online meeting),并详细介绍以下本次会议的相关细节。这次小作文难度中等,完全可以按照平时所积累的写作句式来完成表达。有部分同学对于题干中的participate一次的熟悉度不够,因此会有拿不准的题目,但是通过猜测,可以基本确定这个词是参与的意思。文中已经给出收信人的姓名,我们开头写完称呼,第一段进行简单的自我介绍之后,直接表明写作目的,邀请人参加会议。第二段总分结构之后,逐个列举这次会议的细节,比如会议的时间平台,具体内容,会议主题,邀请对方的理由等。最后,在第三段结束语和署名。

  2. directions:

  Write an essay based on chart below. In your writing, you should

  (1) interpret the chart, and

  (2) give your comments

  you should write about 150 words on the answer sheet (15 points.)



  As is obviously depicted in the chart, the data gives us an overall description on the methods of doing exercise of residents in a certain city. Residents who do exercise independently occupy 54.3%, ranking first in the whole chart. Next to it are doing sports with friends, families, and teams, which takes up 47.7%, 23.9%, and 15.8% respectively. What a simple but meaningful chart it is.

  What are the possible reasons responsible for the above phenomenon? To begin with, as people’s attitude towards doing sports has changed, more and more people pay a close attention to taking exercise, especially independently taking exercise, which is beneficial to the release of one’s pressure. In addition, taking exercise with others will not only contribute to individual health but also benefit people’s interpersonal relationship. When strengthening one’s body during the exercise, people can communicate with others and then enlarge their friend circle.

  In a word, there is no surprise to see that an increasing number of people prefer to do sports. Hence, we can predict that taking exercise will continue to enjoy a popularity in the future.


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