01:48红网时刻新闻记者 郑江晖 郭婳 视频 廖轩仪 翻译 杨柳 永州报道文字,也分性别?Do words know gender?江永女书,起源于湖南省永州市江永县,是全世界唯一一种只属于女性的文字。Jiangyong’s Nüshu, originating in Jiangyong County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, is the only writing in the world used exclusively for women.你可能在李冰冰、全智贤主演的电影《雪花秘扇》里见过她。You might have seen her in the movie Snow Flower and the Secret Fan starring Li Bingbing and Jun Ji-hyun.你也可能在提名第95届奥斯卡最佳纪录片的《密语者》中了解过她。Or you might have known her through Hidden Letters nominated for Best Documentary at the 95th Academy Awards.江永女书作品。女书整体呈长菱形,婉若柳叶、刚似刀刃。2005年,以“全世界最具性别特征文字”被收入《世界吉尼斯纪录大全》。次年,被列入中国非物质文化遗产名录。Nüshu as a whole is featured with marquise-shaped and delicate strokes. In 2005, it was included in the Guinness Book of World Records as “the world’s most gender-specific handwriting.” The following year, it was inscribed in China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List.谭盾在江永县调研期间与女书传人胡欣合影。2011年起,国际著名作曲家、指挥家谭盾在江永县进行田野调查和记录,把女书传人的吟唱原声与交响乐编织在一起,汇聚成了《13部微电影的交响诗:女书》。Since 2011, Tan Dun, an internationally renowned composer and conductor, through field research in Jiangyong County, wove the singing of Nüshu transmitters together with symphony into a musical piece, the Symphonic Poem of 13 microfilms: Nüshu.2013年10月,女书传人何静华、胡欣等人参加谭盾《13部微电影的交响诗:女书》上海首演。这是一次女书歌与西方交响乐的完美融合,自2013年首演至今,已在34个国家和地区上演,观众数量逾100万人次。This piece is a perfect fit for Nüge and the Western symphony. Since its premiere in 2013, it has been performed in 34 countries and regions with over 1 million audiences.勾蓝瑶寨美景。2023年,在这部音乐作品问世的第10个年头,在江永女书国际音乐旅游周举行之际,谭盾带着这部音乐作品回到江永,在勾蓝瑶寨进行实景演出,再一次向世界展示江永女书的魅力。The year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of this musical work. During the Jiangyong’s Nüshu International Music Tourism Week, this work will be brought back and played live in Goulan Yao Village in Jiangyong, once again showing the charm of Jiangyong’s Nüshu.(视频素材来源:江永县委宣传部 湖南省非物质文化遗产保护中心 新华社)举报/反馈