2018年12月英语六级真题答案 六级听力阅读翻译真题及答案解析



  中国越来越重视公共图书馆,并鼓励人们充分加以利用。新近公布的统计数字表 明,中国的公共图书馆数量在逐年增长。许多图书馆通过翻新和扩建,为读者创 造了更为安静、舒适的环境。大型公共图书馆不仅提供种类繁多的参考资料,而 且定期举办讲座、展览等活动。近年来,也出现了许多数字图书馆,从而节省了 存放图书所需的空间。一些图书馆还推出了自助服务系统,使读者借书还书更加 方便,进一步满足了读者的需求。

  参考译文:China is paying more and more attention to public libraries and people are encouraged to make full use of them. The newly issued statistics show that the number of public libraries in China is increasing year by year. Many libraries have created a quieter and more comfortable environment for readers by renovation and expansion. Large public libraries not only provide a variety of reference materials, but also regularly hold activities such as lectures, exhibitions and so on. In recent years,many digital libraries have emerged which can save the space for book storing. Some libraries have also introduced self-service systems, making it more convenient for readers to borrow and return books, which further satisfies the demands of readers.


  近年来,中国越来越多的博物馆免费向公众开放。博物馆展览次数和参观人数都明显增长。在一些广受 欢迎的博物馆门前,排长队已很常见。这些博物馆必须采取措施限制参观人数。如今,展览形式越来越 多样。一些大型博物馆利用多媒体和虚拟现实等先进技术,使展览更具吸引力。不少博物馆还举办在线 展览,人们可在网上观赏珍稀展品。然而,现场观看展品的体验对大多数参观者还是更具吸引力。

  参考译文 :In recent years, more and more museums in China have been opened to the public for free. The number of museum exhibitions and visitors have increased dramatically. Queuing up in front of some popular museums is very common, and these museums must take measures to restrict the number of visitors. Today, the form of exhibitions is more diverse. Some large museums use advanced technologies such as multimedia and virtual reality to make exhibitions more appealing. Many museums also hold online exhibitions where people can admire rare exhibits on the internet . However, the experience of viewing live exhibits is still more attractive to most visitors.


  近年来,中国政府进一步加大体育馆建设投资,以更好地满足人们快速增长的健身 需求。除了新建体育馆外,许多城市还采取了改造旧工厂和商业建筑等措施,来增 加当地体育馆的数量;在政府资金的支持下,越来越多的体育馆向公众免费开放, 或者只收取少量费用。许多体育馆通过应用现代信息技术大大提高了服务质量。人 们可以方便地在线预定场馆和付费。可以预见,随着运动设施地不断改善,愈来愈 多的人将会去体育馆健身。

  In recent years,the Chinese government have invested more into the construction of gymnasiums to meet the people's rapidly-growing demands for fitness. Apart from buildingg new gyms, many cities have taken measures to increase the number of local gyms by converting old factories and commercial buildings. Under the support of the government's fund, more and more gyms are open to the public for free or for a low fee. Many have improved their service through modern information technology. People can book and pay for gym online in advance. It can be predicted that wih the continuous improvement of sports facilities, more and more people will do exercise in gymnasiums.