
  这是用户提出的一个英语问题,具体问题为:英语翻译要通顺的,准确的,表达完全的.不要用什么网上翻译器翻译的那种.急用,跪谢.It’s poised to become a battle worthy of a novel.Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina has invited Canadian literary icon Margaret Atwood to tour his city’s newly renovated central library — a tongue-in-cheek jab at the Rob Ford administration’s refusal to take closing libraries off Toronto’s list of potential cost-cutters.Atwood,a vocal critic of Coun.Doug Ford’s contention that libraries,festival funding and arts grants are fair game for the budget axe,suggested that “contempt for creative people” could drive activity to cities like Hamilton.“No one in Canada could possibly have missed your recent encounter in Toronto,” Bratina writes in his letter to Atwood.“It inspired us here in Hamilton to express to you our support for Canadian literature and culture,and our concern that someone of your stature as a Canadian cultural icon would be confronted with even the vaguest notion of obscurity or anonymity.”Bratina’s comments are a not-so-subtle dig at Doug Ford’s now-infamous claim that if Atwood walked by,“I wouldn’t have a clue who she is” — a comment he later retracted.Bratina said he was “taken aback” by the notion that one of Canada’s biggest literary stars “didn’t seem to matter that much” in Canada’s biggest city.我们通过互联网以及本网用户共同努力为此问题提供了相关答案,以便碰到此类问题的同学参考学习,请注意,我们不能保证答案的准确性,仅供参考,具体如下:用户都认为优质的答案:那是值得一战的.汉米尔顿市长布拉迪那邀请了加拿大文学偶像玛格丽特阿特伍德旅游城市的新装修的中央图书馆-这一戳在福特政府拒绝采取关闭图书馆多伦多列出可能削减成本.阿特伍德,一个批评国家.道格·福特的论点,图书馆,节资艺术赠款是公平游戏的预算削减,建议“蔑视创意人”可以驱动活动城市如哈密顿.“加拿大没有可能错过了最近一次在多伦多,”布拉迪那写在给阿特伍德的信.“它启发我们这里哈密顿向你表示支持加拿大文学和文化,和我们的关注,你的身材为加拿大文化图标将面临甚至是模糊的概念模糊或匿名.”布拉蒂纳的评论是一个不言而喻的挖苦道格福特的臭名昭著的宣称,如果阿特伍德走了,“我根本不知道她是谁”- -评他后来收回.布拉迪那说他很“吃惊”的概念,一个是加拿大最大的文学之星”似乎不那么重要”在加拿大最大的城市.








  这是用户提出的一个英语问题,具体问题为:英语翻译要通顺的,准确的,表达完全的.不要用什么网上翻译器翻译的那种.急用,跪谢.It’s poised to become a battle worthy of a novel.Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina has invited Canadian literary icon Margaret Atwood to tour his city’s newly renovated ce