


  大学生毕业选择方向   参考范文:

  What is illustrated in the pie chart demonstrates that obvious differences have occurred in respect of college students‘ options upon graduation。 Based upon the data offered, what we cannot fail to see is that finding jobs accounts for the largest proportion, which is 83%。 Meanwhile, the percentages of going for further education ,going abroad and doing pioneering work are 8.8%, 3.2% and 5% respectively。 What is reflected in the chart is most thought-provoking and worth discussing among the general public for the time being。

  The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows。 To begin with, the spirit of challenge is missing among most university students。 As is indicated in the chart above, the majority of students regard finding jobs as their top ideal career option。 The very fact shows that now most university students lack the confidence and courage to face hardships and difficulties in terms of doing pioneering work。 In the second 其他动漫 place, we may notice that competition also plays an important role in leading to this phenomenon。 The present society is filled with fierce competition and most college students are under great pressure。 Therefore diploma is viewed as the most important factor in terms of their standards, which makes the increasing number of students would like to pursuit further study。 There may be other factors contributing to this phenomenon, but I think what has been mentioned above is generally reasonable。

  Taking into account what has been argued ,we can come to the conclusion that some necessary measures should be taken to make the correct choice among university students。 For one thing, a widespread education campaign must be launched to popularize correct options。 For another, a healthy social environment should be created so as to guide the development of students’ mind。 Only in these ways can university students encounter obstacles of all sorts and reach the summit of success in our harmonious society。


  上述饼状图清楚展现了大学生毕业时选择方向上的鲜明不同。根据所提供的数据,我们可以看到,求职占了最大比例,为83%,而考研、出国、创业分别占了8.8%, 3.2% 和5%。图表中所反映的数据在当今社会中引起人们的反思并值得讨论。


  综上所述,得出结论, 应当帮助大学生在大学毕业时作出正确选择。一方面,应该在大学生中开展教育普及大学生就业时的正确选择。另一方面,应该创造良好的社会环境引导大学生树立正确的思想观。只有这样,大学生才能在我们这个和谐社会里克服各种困难达到成功的巅峰。


  1 Based upon the data offered, we can see that-> Based upon the data offered, what we cannot fail to see is that。。。

  注释:what we cannot fail to see is that 是we can see that 的高级表达。“依据所提供的数据,我们可以看到。。。”

  2 Meanwhile, the percentages of going for further education -> Meanwhile, it is pronounced that the percentages of going for further education

  注释:It is pronounced that。。。是万能句首扩充,表示:“显而易见的是,。。。”

  3 we may notice that。。。also plays an important role in leading to this phenomenon。 “我们也许会注意到。。。。。。在导致这个现象中起着重要的作用。”


  首段描图:What is illustrated in the pie chart demonstrates that obvious differences have occurred in respect of 主题(名词短语)。 Based upon the data offered, what we cannot fail to see is that XXX accounts for the largest proportion, which is/are 数值 。 Meanwhile, it is pronounced that the percentages of 对比对象 1,2,3 are 数值1,2,3 respectively。

  “上述饼状图清楚展现了。。。。。。上的鲜明不同。根据所提供的数据,我们可以看到,。。。。。。占了最大比例,为。。。。。。,而对比对象1、对比对象2、对比对象3分别占了数据1, 数据2 和数据3。图表中所反映的数据在当今社会中引起人们的反思并值得讨论。”


  The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows。/It is no difficulty for us to come up with several possible reasons to account for this phenomenon。 “原因如下:。。。”

  There may be other factors contributing to this phenomenon, but I think what has been mentioned above is generally reasonable。
